This week it came out that MTV’s "The Real World," one of the original reality shows, is coming back to Seattle this summer. So at 1:40 longtime Seattle-based television critic Melanie McFaraland reminds us about the drama that occurred last time MTV showed up in this city. She also talks about what it means for "The Real World" to be setting up shop on a changing Capitol Hill, and she describes MTV's plan this way: "A show that is losing its relevance being set in a neighborhood that has lost its edge."

Then, at 7:57, famous Seattle rich guy and progressive advocate Nick Hanauer is on to talk about a new federal rule, promoted by President Obama himself, that is going to improve the lives of a lot of hard-working people in this country by requiring that they actually be paid overtime. If you’re a salaried worker, you need to know about this change. (Sample Hanauer: "Just because your boss says they can't afford it doesn't mean they can't afford it.")

After that, at 21:46, Seattle City Council Member Mike O’Brien talks about the new, revised, and re-vised plan for responding to the under-Interstate 5 homeless encampment known as “The Jungle.” I also ask O’Brien about the current debate in his council district over whether light rail should come to Ballard via an expensive tunnel or a less expensive draw bridge. (And attention city hall intrigue nerds: When I ask O'Brien if Mayor Ed Murray is showing good leadership on The Jungle, O'Brien answers: "I'm gonna let the listeners judge us on what's been good and lacking leadership.")

Finally, at 32:56, the critics of The Stranger tell you about the events you can’t miss this weekend!

Have the Blabberphone number handy so you can talk back at any and all of these folks as we go—it’s 206-302-2063—and as always, thanks to Ahamefule J. Oluo for making the show's music.