
i say let them eat more Foie Gras. alzheimer's is a b*tch, and it may be the slickest karma ever induced on rich a**clowns.
If you think foie gras can be produced humanely, I’ve got some Weapons of Mass Destruction to show you in Iraq.
The last two to three weeks of the animals life are obviously not humane, unless forcing the animal to suffer acute hepatic lipidosis is humane. I agree that there are much more important targets out there, but the fact that the duck's or gooses's suffering only lasts a week or two while the feedlot cows lasts a lot longer hardly makes it more humane.
By analogy the bucolic months a steer spends in the fields prior to being shipped off to the feedlot would justify what happens there as humane. After all you've given the steer months of a happy life grazing in the fields, and the feedlot experience is compartively short. So what's the big deal.
If I were ranking inhumanely produced meats I'd probably put foie gras toward the bottom of the list (after cage raised fowl and laying hens, veal, and grain finished cattle). In the scheme of things it's not such a big deal, but that doesn't make it humane.
Sounds like a clever plot by Chef Sundstrom to increase sales of Foie Gras at his establishment: get a bunch of wacko animal rights activists to protest out front, thus ensuring a commensurate counter-protest by goose liver loving patrons, who in turn buy even more than they would have had there been no protest in the first place.

Well played, sir! Well played indeed!
This is a bizarre use of resources. Howsabout feeding and sheltering the homeless?
Hey, if I saw someone kicking their dog at the park, I’d look the other way. After all, it probably feels really good to the guy doing the kicking, and people might think I was a wacko if I said something. Besides, animals and humans are not the same, so I can’t speak for how the dog must feel. God put them on this earth as resources for people, right?

why again do you want an animal rights group to focus on environmental issues?
Against child abuse? Don’t do it. Against raping women? Just don’t do it yourself, but this is a free country and you have to let other people make their own choices. Too bad for the women, though, I guess…
I haven't been following this too closely but why are the protesters only targeting Lark? Quinn's also serves foie gras.
I'll be there chef! Do you serve a veal dish too and have some nice Rhone wines.

A big part of the hysterics also seems to be class envy by angry little white kids.
the slog writers are decidedly mixed. half produce interesting, engaging commentary on seattle news, culture and events. the other half produce decidedly ridiculous articles with shoddy journalistic standards. beth, sweetheart, ending your posts with false blanket statements with reasoning similar to a charged up 15 year old in civics class makes you look childish and ensures your placement in the latter slog writer camp.
So, let me get this straight: between the human cruelty we're inflicting in the wars we're currently in, and foie gras being served in restaurants, these people pick foie gras as a bigger hurt on the national conscience, huh? What. The. Fuck. Ever.

I hope Mr. Sundstrom keeps serving foie gras at his restaurant until hell freezes over.
The legal action surrounding foie gras production indicates that it is not humane. Most recently, the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau recommended that a purportedly ethical artisan foie gras producer discontinue making claims that its foie gras is produced humanely because that claim defied a reasonable consumer's expectations. In California, Sonoma Farms was prosecuted for animal cruelty and the charges were dropped as part of a compromise that included a statewide ban of foie gras production that will go into effect in 2012. The Israeli Supreme Court, using a cost-benefit analysis, determined that the cruelty inherent in foie gras was unjustifiable.

As to why NARN is protesting the sale of foie gras, it is because cruelty is inherent in the design of the product. Foie gras can't be produced without forcing a metal pipe down a bird's throat and pumping the gullet full of feed, causing the liver to expand to several times its normal size. Unlike other cruel practices in factory farming, like battery cages and sow gestation crates, the cruelty is not just a byproduct of the economics of large-scale industrial farming. If a movement is predicated upon ending needless suffering, inherently cruel products are a logical starting point.
How long til one of these infantile spoiled white kids tries to blame fois gras on the Neocons?
People who insist on anything are willing to believe whatever is convenient. What's the line?....It's hard to get someone to believe something when his livelihood depends on him not believing it.

Foie gras is pricey and that's part of its appeal. I'm reminded of the movie, "The Freshman," where wealthy people pay fortunes to eat an entree made from an endangered species. (The joke is...they're actually getting chicken, but the patrons don't know that.)

I'm with #6 and hooray for cruelty-free foods.
I don't doubt that some people have ordered foie gras to spite us, but I've also seen diners give us a thumbs up from their tables. One man even handed a wad of cash to a NARN representative on his way out. And of course, some folks have made the decision not to go inside at all. This has hardly been a wasted effort.

And again, let me reiterate that there is no such thing as humane foie gras. This video is a heavily glossed up version of the truth. Read here about both the Hudson Valley Farm that Bourdain visited and the Sonoma-Artisan Foie Gras Farm, which supplies Lark.
There it is, more class envy. And another comparing fois gras to rape. Have u been to a rape crisis center to share that opinion with some rape victims?
So Foul, when are you going to protest late term abortion or is it only goose suffering that offends you?
Bethany, you've now provided as "proof" that foie gras is humanely produced a travel show, and Anthony Bourdain, who is very vocal in his hatred of vegetarianism. You use these two clips to assert that geese for foie gras are raised humanely. Yet you completely disregard the evidence of large-scale factory farms producing foie gras that raise geese in horrid conditions, the fact that many countries ban foie gras production because they have determined it is cruel, and that the EU is working on an EU-wide ban of foie gras production.

Go ahead and stick to your guns. But you know what you are? A Stupid Fucking Credulous Hack. If Dan or Dominic have any guts, they'll nominate you as SFCH of the Week, just as they do many other local reporters that use specious claims and slanted evidence to prove their points in the media.
So Ballard Guy, when are you going to protest comment trolling or is it only your own suffering that offends you?
I have been at 3 of the protests at Lark. The protests have been respectful and so has Lark. But, a hostess WAS at the window one Friday phone in hand watching us and the police arrived shortly afterwards. Coincidence? Maybe.

Also, I have personally emailed Lark's chef to ask for information and received no reply. Curious that he would reply to a sympathetic writer, but not a polite question via their website. I had asked where their supply of foie gras came from, again no response.

Sonoma's foie gras farm has had undercover investigations showing abuses as well as Sonoma Saveurs (Sonoma Foie Gras' restaurant) put out of business by boycott. The Hudson Valley video with Bourdain has also been investigated for animal abuses as well, with videos etc. Do you really think Bourdain and Hudson Valley are going to present anything other than a positive happy video of what goes on there?

So again, Bethany, nice try on your biased investigative work.

P.S. ~ When will you be speaking with NARN regarding this issue?
The one time I tried foie gras I did not like it. A lot of my friends do like foi gras so the next time I treat them to dinner we will go to the Lark and order it. It is my way to give direct material support to the chef/owner and express soildarity for his right to keep it on the menu.
I am also linking this story to some other networks and bloggs in the hope that I can help send more business his way. It sounds like the owner is very reasonable and is keeping a cool head. Notice, NARN that he respects your CHOICE and right to protest.
Bethany! Don’t let this happen to you! Staying out of “Stupid Fucking Credulous Hack of the Day” is easy! Just make sure your next piece about foie gras includes a quote from someone other than a rabid carnivore, a restaurant owner, or travel show. Bury at least one brief quote from a critic of foie gras, someone who can comment on the horror of its production — rarely is the question asked, is foie gras really humane?—and you won’t be named “Stupid Fucking Credulous Hack of the Day” on Slog! It’s that easy!…
At Sonoma Foie Gras, investigators encountered many birds with festering gaping wounds on their rears. Investigators documented two birds literally being eaten alive by a rat. In the isolation cages of Hudson Valley, many birds had painful open wounds and stained the birds in adjacent cages with their blood.

"I have personally emailed Lark's chef to ask for information and received no reply"

Why should he answer you? We still live in a free fucking country you know, free to ignore pro-life assholes like you.

But, if, as Sundstrom claims, he is selling MORE foie gras aprez protest than he was BEFORE you started protesting - it doesn't matter how many people give you a "thumbs up" or (anecdotally) don't walk in - your protest is still having 180 degrees the OPPOSITE EFFECT of its intention.

In short, your group is now directly responsible for increasing foie gras consumption at Lark, not reducing or eliminating it - so, yeah, heckuvajobthere!

And, um, maybe the person who handed you the "wad of cash" either thought you were homeless, or that it would make you go away, or he was tipping you on the excellent recommendation of the foie gras, which he enjoyed immensely!
@ 16 - "I don't doubt that some people have ordered foie gras to spite us."

Have you thought that maybe they're doing it to spite the goose?

I think you folks might be overestimating your impact a wee bit...
Lark's menu shows that they serve "Sonoma Foie Gras". I wonder if this is the same "Sonoma Foie Gras" as...

The activists found barrels of ducks that died before their livers could be harvested, others still barely alive. They also watched ducks too weak or overweight to defend themselves against the rats at Sonoma Foie Gras. Rats were eating these two ducks alive and you can see evidence of similar battles on several other ducks.


The I-Team met with the owner of Sonoma Foie Gras, Guillermo Gonzalez, and he agreed to give an interview and tour of the ranch. The next day, he backed out. During our meeting, Gonzalez told us the pictures you saw are typical of any farming operation. But, he admits he does have work to do to make the process more humane.…

Sounds real humane, Bethany.
Seriously, I'm going this week, and the next, and the next. I had never heard of Lark or that it served fois gras til this protest. Thanks. I hope to blow at least $200 everytme I go with some friends. Then the pro-lifers outside can hate me for being rich AND eating fois gras.

What better way to get these angry, spoiled, suburban white fuckups angry?
I will say this for NARN. At least this protest is different than some others I have seen you at. I used to see them sometimes outside the opera yelling at little old ladies who had fur coats. What guts! I always wonder why they did not go to biker bars and confront people who have leather clothes. I think it has something to do with a lack of courage. I choose not to have fur products, but I will enable others to do so at will.
Doesn't Sundstrom have every motive to lie and claim foi gras sales increased in response to the protests? It's an obvious ploy to trick the protesters into leaving.
HEATHER! Are you the one who invented that biker/old lady fur/leather cliche? You're the one? You're like a legend for that one.
These folks really didn't think through this very well - the only consequence of all this publicity has been to remind me it's time to visit Lark again. I bet business is booming.
When did animals get the same rights (except in California where they have more rights than gays) as humans.

Everytime I hear of a story it makes me want to whip some some tender veal and foie gras with some Chilean Sea Bass for dinner. Oh yeah, and Sea Kittens; let's not forget some fresh Sea Kitten.
34: You're a real smart guy, defining yourself in opposition to someone else.


Enough about ANIMALS. What about PEOPLE?
Ugh... it's totally ridiculous to just issue a blanket statement that "geese raise for foie gras, humanely treated, are not". I'm actually a little embarrassed of Slog right now...

I am not vehemently on one side of the issue or the other, but to ignore the fact that there are farms that do, without a shadow of a doubt, treat their geese/ducks inhumanely in the production of foie gras, well, it's just pretty ludicrous.

Look, if you really like foie gras, fine. But, foie gras is like any other meat. The responsible thing to do is to find out where it comes from and ensure that their farming practices are humane (and environmentally sound).
Don't you have every motive to lie and claim foi gras sales decreased in response to the protests?

Seriously, is this the power of the debate skills you learned at Evergreen State shinning here? Even my 3 year old could debate you into the ground.
So if I'm understanding NARN correctly as soon as Lark takes foie gras off the menu NO ONE anywhere will ever eat foie gras again. Or are they going to move on to the next restaurant that serves it? And on and on until foie gras consumption all over the world ceases to exist?

Or do they just have a beef with Lark?
Wish I could take credit, #32. It is actually just wide spread common sense rearing it's head. I used to accompany my aunt to the opera and sometimes put myself between her and the zealots to protect her and her fur coat. Nobody has to answer to NARN for wearing fur when where they choose to do so. Despite NARN this is still a free country.
"The responsible thing to do is to find out where it comes from"

I agree. But these clowns will STILL want to ban it, so why bother? Fuck 'em I say, and wash it down with a bottle of Guigal.
That was the best video you could find? It is kind of ridiculous as a source of evidence. It might actually be a good story to find out the source of the foie gras at that restaurant, visit the farm, or find other reports.

Otherwise, your posts are just misinformation.
"Do you really think Bourdain and Hudson Valley are going to present anything other than a positive happy video of what goes on there?"
have you actually watched the show before? theres CONSTANT footage of less than tasteful renderings of animal food product. thats the deal with the show. in other words, they would've LOVED to have filmed footage of shocking animal abuse. it wouldve been great for ratings. they filmed the truth.
I would think there would be a rather simple way to determine whether more or less foie gras is being consumed, @31. The NARN folks are there every Friday, so why don't they just poll patrons as they come out?

"Excuse me, did you order foie gras tonight?"

If yes, then follow up with:

"And was your decision to order foie gras in direct response to the anti-foie gras protest?"

If yes again, then you've pretty much gauge'd the effectiveness of the protest.

If NARN doesn't feel comfortable being that confrontational (although I can't imagine why), a second method would be to find out who distributes the foie gras to Lark, and see whether they're making more deliveries, or delivering in larger quantities. Of course, the distributor, rightfully fearful of reprisals from NARN, might be reluctant to divulge this information, but you guys are nothing if not persistent, right?
Besides Prop 2 in California which passed with 63.5%, prohibiting calf and pig confinement crates, Arizona Proposition 204 passed in 2006, having the same effect as Prop 2. In 1988 California prohibited trapping of fur-bearing animals, with 57.5% in favor. The same year that Missouri banned cockfighting, with 62.6% in favor.

Those are just some recent ballot initiatives. Animal rights has had many other successes, such as the foi gras ban in California, and devastating the fur industry.

So according to internet trolls, animal rights activism is counterproductive and makes them consume more animal products. Yet there don't seem to be enough internet trolls to win at the ballot box. One angry loser at his keyboard spewing old slogans doesn't seem to do much to change the world.

And HEATHER? You retarded slut. How many cows would be saved if everyone quit buying leather? None! Zero. Why? Hamburgers! How many fur animals would be saved? All of them! Why? No such thing as a mink burger! See how stupid you look when you go around repeating things without thinking? Yeah. Pretty fucking stupid.

Didn't make it through all the comments, so sorry if this has been posted already:…

super interesting TED talk by Dan Barber regarding natural foie gras. It's long, but worth watching if this is something that interests you.
#29 - You are going to spend at least $20.00 - honey - they will ask you to leave, or, at leat project that, if you get in.

And the food is over rated, the place is small, and full of straight people.
Let's see - Michael Phelps has let you down by smoking pot; that incredibly fertile unmarried woman has ruined your life by mothering 14 children; Obama has failed thus far to live up to your expectations.

It's clear that while you can't say it to the geese, the fowl, the kine and the fishies, someone should say it to you: "Get a life..."

Need more cheap taverns with good sandwitches on the Hill. Less Larks.
Um, by definition, foie gras isn't a humane practise. They're force feeding them, there's nothing humane about that.

Usually I agree with you slog posters, and like the stuff you post, but seriously Bethany? How could you possibly support foie gras? Yeah, there are other big issues out there. But, this is a problem too. I'm kind of disappointed with you right now slog...
This is so stupid. The US is crippled by this tendency to reduce all complex issues into a zero-sum, winner takes all shouting match. We're not going to survive if we can't figure out how to solve problems without ripping each other to shreds.

Here's a tip. If one side wins and the other loses, that's not a solution. Solutions involve working together to reach a shared goal. Surely NARN could do better than trying to force Lark to submit to their demands?
This post reminded me that I've been meaning to check out Lark for a long time now, and I appreciate that the owner isn't caving in to these nutcases. I'll be taking my wife this week, but I'm not sure if foie gras really appeals to me. Does anyone have an entree recommendation?
oh no! #45 called me a "retarted slut" I must go hang my head in shame....

Not much interested in saving cows myself. I have bigger fish to fry. (ha ha ha) Even though going to Lark will now be even more delicious it is still a rare treat. In the mean time (get it MEAN time) I will continue to be a regular at Dicks's Drive In. Their burgers are to die for. (bring on the usual drivel about burgers and heart disease)
NARN people should try to find some kind of non animal tested chill pill. There are alot more things to do in this world than trying to tell us all how to live our lives and what to eat. Life can be a banquet, but you cannot attend if you keep yelling at the rest of us.

Or maybe a way to get away from people like you who ooze class envy like puss.
You lukewarm moralists can fuck off. "Oh noes! The majestic goose is hurted!" Yeah, well, until it develops the capacity to learn not to shit where its neighbors are walking, it can expect more of the same.

Cruel by design? Fucking guns are cruel by design. Bombs and tanks, designed for maximum kill zone. But no, you can only protest where it's safe and trendy - too scared to go to the military base or the proving grounds?
@ 50 -- foie gras is in no way defined by being inhumane. gavage, maybe, but check out my link @ 46.

I dunno you guys. Doesn't seem like anything to make a fuss over if these guys do it to themselves naturally.
If you achieve your goal and customers don't order foie gras, and instead order the steak tartare, or even if the people go down the street to Dick's for a couple of burgers, what have you really accomplished for the animal rights cause?
"You lukewarm moralists can fuck off."

Now, I'm totally pro-choice, right up to birth, and in the case of animal rights activists, maybe beyond birth.

Now, what I can't understand is how these animal-buggerers, sorry 'lovers', think it's bad to eat fois gras, but dilating a woman, pulling out a viable baby, sucking it's brains out and then throwing the whole thing in the trash is ok. This they find morally acceptable and won't protest, but provide some food for people and they get hysterical.
I have little sympathy for the protestors, but Bethany, this is about the lamest, most credulous, excuse-making post I've seen on Slog.

Except for anything by ECB, of course.
34 Publius-
Last time I checked, you have room to stand up and turn around. As well as the many, many things you have the right to do. Like stay off of Lark's dinner table.

Animals in California and everywhere else do not have such rights. You aren't making any sense with the hyperbole "When did animals get the same rights (except in California where they have more rights than gays) as humans."
Excellent video sure it is slanted towards eating Foie Gras, just like narn's are complete manipulated and skewed against it.
(1) Yes, the protesters are a bit silly. There is some real cruelty going on in some of the videos linked in yesterday's comments. But do you really think the chickens raised for KFC are treated any better? Farming in general is kinda gross and marginally humane at best. Get real.

but... (2) come on, Bethany. That clip of Bourdain has got to be one of the most egregious puff pieces I've ever seen passed off as journalism. If that's your best shot at convincing people that foie gras is humane, then you have a pretty weak argument.
Damn if these angry vegans had half a brain they'd be dangerous. Fortunately, studies show that healthy brain development depends on the consumption of meat. Without it the brain become atrophied and fails t develop. I think that we have seen plenty of evidence of it here.
heather will serve you a nice mink burger
Wow, this post is crazy. All I have to say is, if you are trying to convince anyone to your side or way of thinking, you are not going to do it with insults and name calling. I hope that your protests at Lark are at least above all of this. Otherwise, yikes, good luck to ya.
Hey Modern Lovers and Lonely Hearts,

Just thought I'd mention that not only will the protest of foie gras be happening next Friday 7-8 pm at you-know-where...but also the following day, Valentine's Day as well.

So, grab your sweetheart and come one down.

And Bethany, despite your lazy biased "reporting" least you've given us another forum to discuss this and put information out...which I know isn't what you intended, but it surely is a nice by-product.
Tales for Narnia....unfortunately for you, you are wrong. Our brains run on carbs....not meat. Nice try though.
Yeah, I'm with Reverse Polarity's #2... trotting out a Bourdain video as "proof" that foie gras in general is humane is not a solid argument. Bourdain is a RABID supporter of foie gras (seriously, did you see the recent Chicago episode, he would not shut up about the foie gras ban).

The video shows only that some foie gras is humanely produced. Although, that's still debatable, since there are people who think that gravage itself is inhumane.
I was just eating a patty melt I made myself.

Do y'all think I should put somma that foil grass on my sandmich?

Someone says it tastes like liverwurst or something...
You mean the former ban in Chicago, it's back on the menu. Had some last summer on Wicker Park. If these nuts think they're winning, Chicago is proof that people can be brought back to their senses.
I am told I do some things like a mink, but cooking ain't one of them.
I find the "I'm gonna eat EXTRA just to show those losers!" responses extremely depressing. Back to bed to hide from the world.

Luckily you can't picket the Internet:

Enjoy Foie Gras is the premier site dedicated to cooking with and enjoying foie gras, French charcuterie, and black truffle mushrooms—the world’s culinary delights.
I cannot understand why more people don't get that the concept of killing a sentient creature, let alone torturing it, for the benefit of your personal tastebuds is absolutely fucking messed up. It's unsustainable, bad for the environment, bad for your health, bad for the animals, and often bad for the human workers involved - what is the point? The argument for meat is dead.
@70, yes, up until a month ago, I lived in Chicago, and it wasn't exactly a group of nuts that was responsible for the ban. It was a pet issue of an alderman and the city council voted to enact it. I can tell you that only a tiny fraction of Chicagoans even remotely cared one way or the other. I was not among them. The council only voted to overturn the ban because Chicago was getting negative press.
Sentient beings? No doubt you have an exception for late term aborted babies.
Notes to self:

1. Add this to list of "why I'm happy I don't live in Seattle." No whackadoodle nut-job kooks carrying on about a little paté.

2. The more I hear from Heather, the more I like her. You're alright, darlin'.
Minger and Heather, go eat your precious liver. As for me, I've never wanted to be a vegetarian more, after all your hysteria. Bethany, stick to your guns if you must, but perhaps you could muster some humility and consider other perspectives before digging in.
Using an Anthony Bourdain video as "proof" that foie gras geese are raised in a humane manner is about the sloppiest form of journalism I've seen on Slog. I'm curious as to what really went on that night, Bethany. Was Lark comping your meal? Is John Sundstrom your boyfriend? Did your dinner companion disagree with you over the foie gras protesters and ruin your meal?

Your first post makes you sound like you have a giant chip on your shoulder; in your second post you sound really sound like you're making a desperate reach for credibility, while completely ignoring valid concerns about the production of foie gras, and Sonoma Foie Gras in particular.

Now I know your colleagues there at the Stranger have a term for people in the media who do reporting like this... obvious bias, spurious evidence, claims from one side of the issue and not the other, slanted reporting, and a clear abandonment of basic good journalistic practices. Your colleagues freely lob this term at their fellow journalists in the local media.

What is that term again....? Say it with me, Bethany: "Stupid Fucking Credulous Hack".
Sentient beings? No doubt you have an exception for Ballard Guy.
Could you please stop anthropomorphizing ducks and geese. They are not people, they have no gag reflex. I would be unhappy to have a metal tube shoved down my throat and grain dumped in, but I am not a duck. I would also not like floating around in Lake Washington right now, but ducks seem to love it. Migratory birds evolved the capability to store fat in their liver so that they could convert it to fuel during their migrations. It's not diseased, nature intended for their livers to get filled with fat.

The ducks at the two foie gras farms in the US are treated far better throughout their lives than 99% of the animals eaten in this country. The only reason that NARN and PETA and everyone else picks on foie gras is because hardly anyone eats it. For some reason they think if they can get success there, they'll move on to making everyone vegetarian. They are seriously deluded.

I myself was a vegetarian for quite some time, but people like NARN drove me away. I also realized I could do more for animal welfare by supporting people who practice good animal husbandry. I like the fact that I'm helping keep heritage breeds of cows and pigs from going extinct by eating them.
I have been at 3 of the protests at Lark. The protests have been respectful and so has Lark. But, a hostess WAS at the window one Friday phone in hand watching us and the police arrived shortly afterwards. Coincidence? Maybe.

That's comedy. The hostess was on a phone? They never use phones. Unless…
Btw Apathetic, lamb chops at my place at 7.. The meat is dead, the argument non existant.
[Confidential to Bethany: I think it might be time for another story on slaughtering pigs, too.]
Ballard Guy, you so pretty.
Foie Gras is great. It lets you know who the elitist assholes are in your circle of friends. Bone marrow, foie gras, and cooking/rendering w/ pig fat does not make you sophisticates, it makes you annoying, arrogant assholes. I'll be laughing when Lark and Quinns and the other places for rich yuppies to eat go out of business. YOU ARE NOT FRENCH! GET OVER IT!
Damn, i wish Paseo was open today. If it was I'd go get me one of their Pork sandwiches. I don't know how the pig was treated on the farm but what ever they did made them absolutely delicious!
I'm so glad apathetic@74 dared to speak to the real issue here, and what is driving much of the bile directed in this thread back at NARN and "animal rights" groups: they are really dedicated to eradicating all omnivorism, and won't rest until we are all vegans. No thanks.
Details about their practices can be found on the Sonoma-Artisan Foie Gras website, which says, “Sonoma-Artisan Foie Gras is committed to the highest standards of animal welfare, and utilizes humane techniques in the raising and feeding of ducks."

Bethany, the best you can do is quote the foie gras producer? Why don't you go start eating any product with peanut butter in it that you can get your hands on? After all, the peanut factory says it's product is safe. Oh, and I'm sure WaMu would have been glad to give you an ARM with no money down for a house you couldn't possibly afford. I mean, they *said* it was okay, so why should you think any differently?
Bethany, "John Sundstrom Responds"?? Responds to WHAT? I still haven't seen you cover other opinions.
" I'll be laughing when Lark and Quinns and the other places for rich yuppies to eat go out of business"

Yuppie? Wow, I thought that word died in the 80s. Why so envious of other's wealth? And btw, it won't be the rich yuppies who suffer, they'll always be places for us to spend our money. It'll the restaurant staff who will suffer including the dish washers, waiters and lowly paid sous chefs.

Me? I'll always be able to fly to France every year to enjoy fois gras at Le Grand Véfour. I know you f*kers won't b e there because can't even afford the bus fare to Seatac since your mommies and daddies cut off your allowances.
Huh. People who eat at Lark are total self-absorbed assholes.

Who would've guessed?
But perhaps I am being a little too hard here. I can be a bit of a pretensious hack myself. It is just that I get these terrible ass bleeds whenever I smell meat.

And it can be quite embarrassing. I can't even go out to a restaurant without worrying whether the back of my pants will be a blood soupy mess. Last time people were just pointing and laughing at my ass as I fled the place. So, I have vowed that one day I will be the one laughing. I will have my revenge on you meat eating pointers! and perhaps my ass will stop bleeding long enough for me to laugh the good laugh!
" I'll be laughing when Minger and the other trolls drop off of Slog"

Troll? Wow, I thought that word died in the 90s. Why so envious of other's comments? And btw, it won't be the commenters who suffer, they'll always be places for us to spend our money. It'll the trolls who will suffer including Minger, lowly little Minger.

Me? I'll always be able to fly to France every year to enjoy eating trolls at Le Grand Véfour. I know you won't b e there because can't even afford the bus fare to Seatac since your mommy and daddy cut off your allowance.
"People who eat at Lark are total self-absorbed assholes. "

It's that what you think when you come up and press your faces in the window like street urchins? Ignoring you angry little clowns doesn't mean we're self absorbed, it means we simply don't give a sh*t about your opinion, like about 99% of the planet.
Dan and Dominic, ECB, you're the ringleaders on lobbing this term at other reporters in the city... Are you reading? Do you have the guts to call out one of your very own colleagues as Stupid Fucking Credulous Hack? Or is Slog above the rules to which you hold the rest of the local media?
can't we take these resources and time and dedicate them to Tent City projects?
"Tent City projects"

You mean help humans? These people hate humans. They'd rather get an abortion than let animal fat touch their lips.

And remember vegan girls, any girl who will put fois gras in her mouth, will put anything in her mouth. I learned that after 5 years living in Paris.
Bethany, I never had a particularly high opinion of you begin with, but this settles're just willfully stupid...
Yesterday I had a sexy dream about Anthony Bourdain.

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