
Christians just can't understand that their bible is no longer the final authority. If they would just stop trying to force their book down our throats we might be able to get along better.
You can be an ex-lesbian without having to have your hair done by the same woman who frosts the cakes down at the IGA.

Now was that really necessary?

Totally a cheap shot at hard-working, tax-paying, IGA cake frosters.
Exactly, Why is the only value Christians have the hate of Homosexuals?
Man, I get so tired of hearing about "The Homosexual Agenda" like it is some agreed upon manifesto. Nobody can even decide how many gay people there are.

And anyone who has tried to head-up some gay-oriented event or sub-committee could talk about the broad disagreement in that tiny group.

What a bunch of whiners those Christians are.........
And yet if Christians act on their beliefs and try to support Prop 8 they can expect to be hounded from their job.
Freedom to do as I want as long as the Homosexuals approve doesn't feel all that free.
I took the survey Dan. What was your answer to the question:

Do you believe that churches and religious organizations should be forced to hire homosexuals?

I said no, as these organizations can discriminate legally based on religious grounds. But I would have said the opposite if "homosexuals" was replaced by "racial minorities they don't like".

This sort of double standard makes me cringe, but I think I'm guilty of it in this case...
Yawn. This is the old dinosaur sect of so-called Christians and while their voice may be loud, their impact is weaker.
Gay acceptance is now permanent and growing.
I just love it on ABC's 'Brothers & Sisters' how Kevin and Scotty have romantic scenes and now the older uncle Sol who just came out has a boyfriend.
Given how our world is smaller and wired, and despite some problems we have as the economy fails and bigots lash out, gay acceptance is on an ever increasing 30% grade trajectory upwards!
Tyler, you are a joke. It wasn't gay people who took away "Christians" right to marry. All that bullshit about "do unto others..." and "love your neighbor..." are conveniently ignored bible quotes. And in my lifetime I have heard "Christians" "bearing false witness" against gay people thousands of times. Not to mention the fact that "Christians" have been using their bible as an excuse to persecute and murder and enslave millions of innocent people for the last two thousand years. What is happening is that people are waking up to your lies and hypocrisy, mean spiritedness and just plain stupidity. Keep it up and soon you and your kind will be even more isolated as fringe freaks who deserve not a wit of anyone's time.
Ya know, if we really *were* silencing the Christians, that'd be pretty damn impressive. Because, at least as of 2001 (according to…) about 76.5% of Americans identify as Christian. Granted, some of those Christians are probably gay, and some of them are bound to support gay rights, as much as the family values, anti-gay Christians would like to believe.
Telling that they don't try to hide their racism either. Notice that in the survey they refer to African-Americans getting special rights.

The pink-jacketed narrator lady is a tad bit, um, aggressive. Didn't I see her playing pool down at The Comfortable Shoe? Yes, I'm sure I did.
Anyone else find it hilarious that Pink Jacketed Aggressive Narrator Lady started her talk standing next to a stopped clock under a bell? I think her name must be Amber, as in "stuck in it".
@#7. The impact of the Christian bigots is shrinking and because of that they are becoming more desperate. I think their rhetoric will become more violent and I fear it may cause an increase in gay bashings.
So much of their fear is based on a projection of their own feelings. They assume that since they would deny us our rights that we would deny them their rights. I am sure there is some anger toward people who donated to prop 8 and they should not face discrimination even if they are themselves advocating discrimination. The fact that in the long run they are losing the culture war should be punishment enough.
My favorite question:
Should children in public schools be taught homosexuality is normal, acceptable, and equal to the traditional marriage of a man and a woman?

Lessee, is sexual orientation the same as a civil contract. Err... I'm sorry, but can someone lend me their Apples to Oranges Converter?

Here is my question:
Should children in public schools be taught that paranoia is normal, acceptable, and equal to a dog license?
My theory on ex-lesbians and why lesbianism seems more plastic than gayishness. Most men really don't want kids or can at least easily do without. Most women really do want kids or at least have a harder time doing without. So lesbians are more likely than gays to put family ahead of sexuality. So I'm perfectly willing to tolerate her story, but I wish she would reflect a bit on what is really motivating her. She might find that instead of the bad faith of religious assent she'd find a perfectly responsible and legitimate preference for a family of a certain sort over her homosexuality. If she were saying that instead of god babble I'd respect her without qualification.
Gee, I dunno Dan, haven't heard a peep out of those gay-friendly Christians...
That interview is unanswerable. It is about "Forcing" employers and granting "special" rights. Their center-line is so far skewed that it has no meaningful connection to reality.
@6 - yeah, me too. I had the same struggle over that question.
@6, I answered that question "no" too. Churches, even the horribly bigoted ones, are granted consistent special privileges as non-profits. In some cases, they use these as ways to discriminate. It's not just not-hiring-"homosexuals"; much more frequently it plays out as discrimination against women. There are still many mainline churches that won't let women take leadership roles, let alone all the evangelical non-denominational churches.

But my reasoning has something to do with this thought: churches generally have a mission, whether it be to serve their communities (y'know, like Jesus did) or to convert the world, they hire people who can support that mission. That goal includes not hiring non-believers to public positions like pastor or sunday school teacher, and I think that's valid.
No way in hell I'm giving out my name, email and zip code for some lousy christian survey. I'd rather be eaten by Lions in the Colosseum.
What's an IGA?
5, If fundie right wing Christians are against gay marriage, they shouldn't marry someone of the same sex. Fundie right wing Christians have the right to live by their faith.

Prop 8 was a measure to force everyone else to live by fundie right wing Christian beliefs too. Apparently, only fundie right wing Christians have the right to live by their faith.
@14 You forget the fact that men who don't find women a sexual turn-on don't get erections with them. Erections don't happen by shear will, they happen as a response to sexual exitement. Women don't need an erection to have sex. They can "pretend".
Since we deride Xtian condescension toward us - so backwards! so ineffective! so outdated! - how do we figure our condescension toward them is somehow going to work better? Because we're cleverer?

Condescension is a political fail on serious matters. it remains effective in antismoking and antimullet activities, but not with the real stuff. At this point it's just each team huddling up for a satisfying circle jerk.

Doesn't mean we have to stop, but let's not pretend it's more than dawdling.
@19 I used an old email that no longer works, but once existed. And I used my middle name because I have no imagination to just make one up.

@6,18: I said no. I believe that churches shouldn't have to hire people that actively disagree with their teachings. Also, they shouldn't have to perform my gay marriage. And I'll happily not buy any of their products, so it's fair.
Sometimes their obsession with gays baffles me. So they think homosexuality is a sin. Okay. Would they have made an hour long video about how a group of prideful people are waging a secret campaign to get Americans to be more accepting of pride? Or envy? Or gluttony? Where are the videos condemning the fat acceptance people?
For centuries Homosexual marriage has not been recognized and that was the law everyone lived under regardless of their religion or if they had any religion at all.
Homosexuals want to force society to change marriage laws to reflect their religious view of what marriage should be.
Separation of church and state keeps one group from forcing their religious views onto society.
So stop.
@1 said:

"If they would just stop trying to force their book down our throats we might be able to get along better."

Clearly, Christians are the religious equivalent of foie gras eaters, and consider the rest of us their "geese".

Somebody call NARN, stat.
It doesn't really matter if I am a "good" Christian or fit your definition of what a Christian should be or follow the Bible or if I am a mean hypocrit.
In a democracy I can put my position out in the marketplace of ideas and have it accepted or rejected.
Homosexuals try to force the position that opposition to Gay marriage is not an legitimate opinion and those who hold it are fair game to any abuse, harrassment or retaliation.
Those activities (seen after Prop 8 but not unique to it) are no different than KKK nightriders intimidating Blacks into not pressing for their rights.
I took the survey, and I even used my real name etc. Perhaps, I made a bad choice, I'll have to wait and see. Maybe, I'll find myself smashing against a brick wall, or a good discussion can come from it. Last, week I had a great one with a pastor.
28, For centuries slavery was recognized. Does that make it right?

Next, marriage is a legal status, and contract regulated by the government. Atheists are allowed to get married. Should we ban that?

Gay people are not trying to force Christians to enter into same sex marriages, but Christians want to force their religion on gay people. Really you've got to come up with a valid argument.
@30. The KKK was a pretty strange analogy to use... Especially since "homosexuals try to force the position that opposition to gay marriage is not a legitimate opinion" makes me think of "blacks try to force the position that opposition to civil rights is not a legitimate opinion". Wanting to denying people civil rights is not a legitimate opinion. Got it?
29, No, Christians have more in common with NARN. NARN wants to ban meat. They think everyone should live as they do.

The foie gras eaters are more like gay people. They just want the right to eat what they like. They are not forcing anyone else to eat it.

@32. They don't have a valid argument. Specious reasoning is all they've got...

That's the stupidest anti-gay marriage argument EVER.

For centuries polygamous marriage was considered acceptable, but it was eventually outlawed. For centuries miscegenational and interfaith marriages were not recognized and THAT was the law everyone lived under regardless of their religion or if they had any religion at all.

Marriage is not now, nor has it ever been some immutably fixed institution, and in fact, for most of the time it's been around it hasn't even been a religious institution, but rather an economic one more akin to a transfer of property rights between a father and a son-in-law than anything else.

The notion that marriage has always been some sort of religious sacrament, and is therefore under the exclusive jurisdiction of religious authority is complete and utter bunk. Organized religion has developed a very lucrative racket over the millenia by co-opting the trappings of the marriage ceremony, and they're afraid of losing a good chunk of that income when people - straight people that is - start to realize that civil marriage can be equally as satisfying, equally as profound, and equally as bonding as any religious one.

It's not JUST the fear of Teh Gays, it's also the fear that many organized religions will lose their near exclusive monopoly on administering and consecrating the marriage bond that scares the bejeebuz out of them.

That's exactly the analogy I've been searching for all morning. Thanks!
30, Civil rights should not be up to the public to decide.

Should a town that is 90% Christian be allowed to vote Jews to be lesser citizens?

Interracial marriage bans were overturned by the courts. Should interracial couples have been forced to convince the population of the deep south before they could get the right to marry?
Marriage IS a legal status, and contract regulated by the government. Atheists are allowed to get married because it has nothing to do with religion.
Homosexuals want to change the law based on their religious view of marriage.
Leave your religious beliefs out of everyones laws.
If you want your preacher to do something for you go for it.
Leave my state constitution out of it.
39 I can't follow your logic. Sorry.
It is obscene to compare Homosexual marriage to the Black struggle for freedom and Civil Rights.
Blacks saw that when they voted three to one against homosexual marriage in Californis.
Try again.
39, No they don't. They want the LEGAL right to marry. I've not seen even one protest or a single gay person asking for the religious right to marry. It has nothing to do with religion. That argument is a very weak diversionary tactic.

You also failed to address the fact that atheists can get married. Gee, I wonder why?

Do you really not have any better arguments? Really?
Uh, and it's not obscene to compare gays to the KKK? Try again.
41, why do you feel is it obscene to compare interracial marriage rights to gay marriage rights? Can you explain?
Tyler, Same sex marriage will soon be as accepted as interracial marriage. The opponets of both will end up looking like the fools that they are. If you are against gay marriage then don't marry a gay person. Marrriage and America belong just as much to homosexuals as it does to you. It is accurate to tie gay rights to the civil rights movement because the civil rights era was the springboard for Stonewall and the modern gay rights movement.
@28 / 39 / et al.

Please understand that religious marriage has nothing to do with it. Gays can already get a minister or rabbi in many denominations to perform a religious marriage ceremony, but it doesn't do diddly squat for tax purposes. After 21 years in a committed relationship, most of it as main breadwinner, I still have to file as "single / no dependents" even though neither one of those is true.
Tyler, you know you're not supposed to be on Slog during library research hour. Get to work or you'll have to go back to class.
The anti-religious thuggish terrorist tactics disappointed gays engaged in post Prop 8 were exactly like what the be the KKK (and Nazi Brownshirts) did in their day.
P.S. If equal rights for black people had been left up to popular vote, we would still be living in a society where segregation was legal.
Bummer about all those beaten-up & murdered Christians.
Blacks were enslaved and denied human rights based on their race.
Homosexuals want to force society to endorse and accept behavior choices that are biologically perverse and carry a high social cost.
Perhaps a black California voter could explain it to you better.
Would it help if I borrow my son's crayons and drew a picture?
Darcy, you're just cranky because your diaper is full.
I'm sure an attendant will be along soon.
@53: Aw, hit a nerve? Sorry, it's just that the reasoning you're attempting here is so specious and devoid of logic that I assumed you're a student at a particularly shitty junior high school.
Have faith in Democracy and the people.
Blacks did win their Civil Rights thru legislation and now we have a Black President and a strong national consensus on racial equality.
Trying to go around the people by finding sympathetic judges to throw out voter passed amendments is undemocratic and a short sighted shortcut.
@30 - Those activities (seen after Prop 8 but not unique to it) are no different than KKK nightriders intimidating Blacks into not pressing for their rights.

Try again. In this analogy, the gays are the Blacks pressing for their rights, and the Christians are the KKK nightriders trying to take those rights away. Except that the KKK was outspoken and honest about their actions and intent, and the Christians are all whining, "You're trying to make me feel bad about oppressing you! How can the world tolerate such violent injustice as name-calling and guilt? Name-calling violates my right to oppress! I'm the REAL victim here! Wah!"
Don't wiggle.
You'll leak on the sheets.
51: In other words, you are saying that denying human rights based on race is bad, but denying human rights based on sexual orientation is good?

Is your position that denying human rights can be a good thing, as long as it's against someone you don't like?

Nobody is telling you that you have to accept anything. Is a Jew who eats kosher forcing their religion on you? Does that mean you you must eat kosher? Do you even care what a Jew eats? Since the majority of people don't eat kosher, should we ban the practice?

You don't have to eat kosher.
You don't have to go to a kosher luncheon.

You don't have marry someone of the same sex.
You don't have to go to a gay wedding.

Problem solved.
Gays were the thugs.
Look it up on Utube.
48, really? In Nazi Germany gay people were locked in concentration camps up and killed. (Would you compare Jews in a similar way?)

Where are the Christian concentration camps, gas chambers, and ovens?
In Nazi Germany the top Nazis were homosexuals.
It's in Wiki.
@59 - You don't get to assign someone else homework. Show us the money or shut it.
@55: Really? Black Americans won their civil rights through legislation? I seem to recall a group of "sympathetic judges" throwing out discriminatory legislation, thereby ending segregation. I must have been misinformed.
God help us-
It must be lunchtime-
Rob has marched out his "kosher is gay" story.
@61: And in Medieval Europe, the top Burning People At The Stake guys were all Christians. What's your point?
I took the survey and was fascinated that they referred to "special rights for African-Americans." So, civil rights for African-Americans are "special rights" to these people. So revealing.
Wow Davie, everyone saw the Utube video of Gays assaulting the old lady in California.
64, yeah, it works every time. Nobody has been able to counter it.
Yeah, David, don't they have internet in your town where you're commenting on Slog yet?
they're all in a boredom induced coma
Darcy @63, those "activist" Supreme Court judges had some nerve overturning Plessy v. Ferguson, no?

You are more optimistic than I if you think the anti-gay marriage crowd should have a basic understanding of history...
@71: I know, but some days I wake up all bright-eyed and full of hope... Sigh.
Actually, homosexuals were hunted down and killed and/or put in concentration camps by the Nazis (including the ONE top official who was gay) Its called Paragraph 175. Look it up on Wiki.…
Thirty Million slaughtered babies are so grateful for activist judges like Butcher Blackmun.
That's a side effect of the Aricept
The problem is that there is no such tolerance from the Homosexual side when Christians try to express their beliefs. It's either being called a bigot or having your name on a list to be persecuted by Homosexuals with an axe to grind. Otherwise why would Homosezuals be putting out such a list of donors. Sounds Nazi like to me.
Why do you HATE me the way you do? All I want you to do is live the way I want you to live. Is that so wrong? I want you to be pure, to be righteous, to stop living your sinful life-style. I want you to do thinks God's way, not your way. It's all about you, even though I talk about it in terms of what "I want". Really it's all about you and finding the LOVE of Gheezuz.
76, No, you can be religious, and believe that homosexuality is wrong. You can even believe that God hates fags if you want. What you don't have the right to do is say that I have to live by those beliefs. Nobody is going to make you have gay sex, or get married to someone of the same sex, but prop 8 forces gay people to live by Christian rules.
Marriage between man and woman is not a Christian invention. Mother Nature invented it. She plumbed men and women to make it work. She is sooo smart.
70, Thanks, once again you inadvertently prove my point.
Do you really believe in a "Mother Nature"? Really?

It is natural for a certain percentage of the population to be homosexual, but for the sake of argument let's say that it is not:

Driving a car isn't natural.
Commenting on a blog isn't natural.
Marriage isn't natural.

Are all these things wrong too?
you're so welcome!

must stay awakeeee.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yep, "gay violence" and "gay bigotry" is all around us. Just look at all the cases of violent gay gangs tying straight people to fences and leaving them to die, or hanging them from tree branches. See, Teh Gayz are JUST like the KKK! They're setting straight people afire and dragging them to death behind pickup trucks! They're forcing straight people out of town at sundown at gunpoint! Bad Gayz, bad, bad!

@76 "having your name on a list to be persecuted by Homosexuals with an axe to grind".

Me choosing not to patronize a business that is owned by someone who donated to Prop 8 is not persecution. It's capitalism. Please make a note.
Don't forget the part about their leaky Depends making a mess on bus seats and at the computer terminals at the public library where they oogle high school wrestling photos.
One annoying aspect of trolls is how predictable they are. Not funny. Not logical. Same objections and taunts in almost every post discussion.

This makes them b-o-r-i-n-g.

Please don't feed the trolls any more.
As a heterosexual in a secular marriage, I fail to see what religion has to do with marriage.
If it's a religious institution, why was a judge able to marry us?
I do not believe in God, and no deity has any place in my marriage. We married for the socioeconomic benefits.

Marriage may be a sacrament in some churches, but its importance to the community at large is as a legal contract and a civil right.
@20, a grocery store. I frost cakes there. I'm not joking.
78, Great, let me get this straight. Since yo don't like the outcome of a democratically held election you thinks it's Okay for people who donated for Proposition 8 to be put on lists. You think it's Okay for them to have their jobs taken away, to be threatened by crazies, You think its your right to disturb religious services. How about the verbal and physical threats targeted at black people by Homosexuals, I'm guessing you also think that's your right. What you consider your right amounts to nothing more than silencing those with opposing views and to try to legitimize your plans by comparing it with legit causes like the real discrimination Blacks faced based on their skin color not the sexual behavior they chose to engage in. If you really believe in respect for rights you should start by respecting the law enacted with the approval of the people. Disagree with it all you want but don't make threats, harm others and then run to cry your rights are being denied by people whose only crime is to want to protect their society from the promotion of a high health risk behavior.
@79, you ignorant slut:

"Mother Nature" didn't "invent" marriage; if anything, monogamy is inherently UNnatural, as it artificially restricts the ability of males to follow their biological imperative, which is to impregnate as many females as possible in order to ensure the propagation of their genetic line.

Although many species naturally exhibit monogamous behavior, it's not exclusive, nor even the norm, as polygamous behavior is far more prevalent. And, as recent observations have born out, a number of species have been shown to engage in homosexual behaviors, so ever there nature seems to allow for tremendous leeway when it comes to bonding relationships.

In short, "mother nature" is unambiguously against you on this issue.

@ 52

No, you don't need to borrow your son's crayons and draw me a picture. First, your argument would make more sense if you could explain why you define homosexuality as a religion. I've never heard of homosexuality being a religion. Does your having a son indicate you are a member of heterosexual religion? Never heard of heterosexuality as a religion either. Second, you could try and answer a respectfully asked question with respect. Your posts suggest either your knickers are in a big twist or your incredibly impolite. I'm going to cut you some slack, a little grace here, and conclude your just extremly frustrated.

Hope your day improves.

Why is it okay for them to be "put on lists" by the backers of Prop 8, but NOT okay for opponents to see the lists someone else ALREADY PUT THEM ON?

And, of course, it's perfectly acceptable in the minds of many Prop 8 supporters to fire people for THEIR beliefs, to discriminate against THEM for the way they live, to deny THEM the legal rights afforded other citizens because of who they choose to love - but when tit comes for tat, they scream blood murder when the tables get turned.

See, that's what we call "hypocrisy": when you think it's okay for you to do something, but it's not okay for someone else to do it back at you.

And in case you hadn't heard, religion is something you CHOOSE; you are not born believing in a god, you LEARN to believe in one. So, your entire argument can be turned 180 degrees against you for the very same justifications you posit.

"High risk health behavior" THAT's your rationalization? ROTFLMFAO! That's RICH! In that case, let's ban het sex, since far more straights contract STD's in this country than do gays. Let's outlaw drinking, and overeating, and not exercising, and smoking (well, we're getting close on that one) - because, by YOUR way of thinking apparently, ALL of these are high risk behaviors!

See, it's this kind of assinine, half-baked, wing-nuttery that makes you people look like complete and utter idiots.
@91 has it right.

Civilization is defined as a social consensus overriding our natural animal inclinations in favor of living together civilly. An appeal to nature is fallacious:…
you illiterate moron.
the post you respond to cites marriage but you rant on (and on and on) about monogamy.
they both start with 'M' and deal with relationships but they mean different things.
go sit in the corner.
How does 91 have it right? He thinks it is OK to lick his own ass because he saw his dog do it.
@ 96 Don't post using my name please.
@96 That doesn't matter.

The only ones who have prompted government officials to put on disclosure lists Proposition 8 backers so that they can target those that supported the law are Homosexuals.

How come homosexual groups never admit that homosexuals already enjoy civil partnerships in places like California? So much for the "deny THEM the legal rights afforded other citizens" part.

Don't know what world you live in but in the real world the only ones whose means of support for them and their families has been threatened are those who voted in a different way than Homosexuals.

How about the use of technology to hunt Proposition 8 donors.…

See your hypocrisy?
@99, there's a big difference between voting by secret ballot and giving money expressly to quash people's rights. The laws are there to provide transparency of who gives financial support to political causes in order to protect the people from dishonesty and misinformation.

The disclosure lists already exist. It is the public's right to see them. Always. You want to see the list from the pro-monorail campaign? You have the right, just as everyone else has a right to see the lists from Prop 8.

Oh, and I'm not gay, but I sure would like to know who gave money to support Prop 8. It's none of your business whether I want to see the list to send them a thank-you note and cookies or to boycott them.

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