Blogs Jun 26, 2009 at 9:10 am


Cross-posted at Pam's House Blend:
Write your Senators and Congressperson every day-that's a start. And then if you can't make it to DC to stand in protest, stand in front of your city hall or state Capitol. Be visible. Talk to people and let them know what's going on.
Someone talked about being leaderless- what a cop-out.
I'm standing in front of the White House July l-4 then in front of my city hall after work, and state Capitol on weekends. No one organized me, though I've been trying like hell he organize others who say they want to do something, but don't want to put themselves out there.
Read the comments here:
Not one person has responded because Dan isn't involved in the effort. If you want change, you need to lead yourself because you can't depend on anyone else stepping up.
So who else went? Im ready to start calling!
When your complaining that your affinity group is being marginalized, does it really make sense to boycott the party that you claim is marginalizing you?

"You're not giving us enough attention, so we're going away!"

-- "OK, if that's the way you feel about it, fine."
Only 25 protesters?

And Biden's speech is more talk.

Talk talk talk, promises promises promises...

Enough fucking talk and promises already. Action speaks a hell of a lot louder than talk and promises, Mr. VP.
Last year after the dinner, the DNC claimed they raised OVER a million. Making their "nearly" and "about" seem like even more ass-covering BS.
and still more. last year, Michelle Obama herself spoke. It's likely that many of the donations that were made last year, DURING THE CAMPAIGN, went directly to the Obama campaign, rather than the DNC. if you consider how much the DNC and Obama must have gotten together last year, to this year, they took a hit, a big one.
Well, let's see what else is happening in the Gay Times today:

-Olson/Boies got support from all but one major GLBT legal group who have found its specific and pointed consitutional focus to be a winning battle.

-Aravosis again reiterated his transphobia

Interesting. That first one almost makes me forget this astroturf DNC protest.
Wow mr. cold water.

This protest at DNC is great. Rome was not built in a day.
It could have been better and bigger, but it's a START.

If you have better ideas about how to bring about social change, let's hear 'em.
Right, right...the fundraiser, the protests, DOMA, DADT -- yeah, yeah...

Anyway that still doesn't mean that Michael Jackson is alive. Because he's not. Why? Because Michael Fucking Jackson is now DEAD. The guy who gave us Thriller, Off the Wall, the moonwalk, the glittery white glove, etc. Yup, him. NOT ALIVE now. Everyone on the planet knew that guy and loved his music! I mean, heads of State are making statements right now ...over a POP singer for chrissakes! He was so goddamn cool in the 80s.

You guys, you've gotta be feeling it too. The gay can't go on hold for just a second?
Seriously, only 25?
@8: You're honestly saying this almost 40 years to the day after Stonewall? And 20 years after the HIV/AIDS crisis hit a fever pitch? Almost 60 years after Harry Hay decided he was not going to be ignored? 50 years after Del Martin decided she wasn't going to be ignored either? Seriously? 39 years after the AMA protests? 37 years after Baker v. Nelson? It's a start?
Thanks BC - that first one is pretty diggity-dang compelling.

Marooned - MJ and the gay go together like peanut butter and jelly, tastier when you don't pick just one.
I don't understand how not-going to meet with leaders at the white house will help advance your agenda? Boycotting opportunities to give and get information or to express your anger seems counterproductive.
@10 I wouldn't worry about it. At this level, the people standing outside are fairly ineffective (that is not a slight), the $ is what matters. There are other times where people being out in force is valuable, but this isn't necessarily one of them. It would have been nice, fuck knows, but it doesn't worry me. . .
good god another quibbler.

it's a "start" as in "a start in engaging in direct action to protest Obama's failure to keep his promises."

Mr. cold water, I put it to you again:

if you have a better idea about how to bring about social change, let's hear it.

@12: GLAD did not sign on since it is almost exclusive to the NE/New England area and the amicus brief filed intends to focus the case specifically on California. The strategy is a winning one, since a loss in CA would stay in CA, but a win in CA would apply very broadly, and probably even so far as hitting states that apply Baker v. Nelson in their rationale for maintaining a state-level DOMA (i.e. Washington State, as in Andersen v. King County), although that would probably require some kind of review by each state to which it is applicable. It would render all parts of DOMA but the federal rights prohibition invalid, I'm assuming. If the brief is to be believed, anyhow.

Of course, getting federal rights may still be difficult, even if we erase state-level prohibitions.
Perhaps you should realize the following:

"You're honestly saying this almost 40 years to the day after Stonewall?"

98% of all Americans have no idea what "Stonewall" is....but becasue Dan and others started bitching recently, Colbert did a segment that taught millions of people what it was.

"And 20 years after the HIV/AIDS crisis hit a fever pitch?"

Um, that probably delayed advancement of gay rights, duh.

"Almost 60 years after Harry Hay decided he was not going to be ignored?"

Not aware who that is.

"50 years after Del Martin decided she wasn't going to be ignored either?"

Don't know her either. Apparently these actions were not publicized.


Yes, mock outrage is a common rhetorical technique. YAwn.

"39 years after the AMA protests?"

I assume, and infer, you mean protests saying hey fuck you AMA gay is not sick?

Yes, to come in 39 years from most people thinking gay is sick to having a president who promised to end DADT is huge progress.

You really need to get one of those big historical timeline posters, you seem to think Rome is built in a day.

"37 years after Baker v. Nelson?"

Like most nongay people, I don't know what that case is. Is it the one saying you can't criminalize gay sex?

"It's a start?"

Yes douchebag it's a start in pressuring THIS president whom 57% of voters just voted for to keep his promise to push gay rights.

What, you think folks should give up?

Have some more hope, amigo.

@15: Lobbying politicians, joining up in legal research and pending cases if that's your field, attending visibility-type events (might be one this weekend, you should check it out), talking to local politicians, donating to local orgs, signing on to decline to sign and other petitions, stop being so naive about political's simple, really.

Grassroots does not mean just blogging about something and hoping people take your suggestion.

In fact, I dare you to e-mail your senators and rep right this second.
@18 Yep, you have to do all that and more. There will be some in our community who will be more active. We are the ones with the passion to drop almost everything and start fighting. There will be some who can only just show up. But show up you must.
Getting a lot of my friends involved in politics is like pulling teeth. But I try. And I keep on it.
I've emailed the President and my Reps every day this past week. I hope you're on that too, Baconcat.

Nothing gets done unless you show up. So show up. Take a day a week and stand outside your local city hall.
9, With all that "heartfelt" anguish you're expressing over Micheal Jackson, I'm surprised you were able to get the energy and ambition to break away from your mourning to get on line, log into Slog, complain about Slog not being all about Michael Jackson today.
@19: In e-mails, make liberal(!) use of recent statements Obama has made or specific reference to his stated agenda and just lay it out: "he has said he will do this, but he needs your help, be a trailblazer".
@20 I'm going use my lunch hour to run through the streets, tearing at my clothes and screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DON"T YOU KNOW MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD????" Can cover the east coast for me?
@9: Michael Jackson has been dead since 1991. That Zombie Michael Jackson they've been allowing to shamble around since then has finally hit the limits of its structural integrity. And I, for one, am glad.
@17 I think you might want to brush up on your gay history. It might help you understand what's worked in the past and what hasn't.

Start with "Making Gay History" by Eric Marcus.
The money itself won't make a difference - there just aren't enough of you willing to do that often enough to make a difference.

It's the ACTION of physically showing up and standing in a blockade line, the VIDEO of such an ACTION - those are the things that change minds.

Dress up as a MJ Zombie with a sign saying "Gay Hating DOMA" or "They gave me DADT and look what happened".

But DO something. Talking won't work. Emails have very little impact. Phone calls are a bit better as are postcards - but PHYSICAL presence changes stuff.
22, I'm on it!

24, Here's a quick School House Rock style Stonewall History lesson from Varla Jean Merman.…
What @10 said.
@ 17,

I'm going to second, "Making Gay History" by Eric Marcus. I'm also going to suggest, "Stonewall" by David Carter. As a straight person, I've found both books helpful and facinating.
On today's Democracy Now, the entire hour is devoted to gay civil rights.
This wasn't a pay at the door event.

Does anyone really believe that Fiercy and the dems would refund money at this stage in the game?
@30 - no. Unless you're a Governor from SC.
20 years after the HIV/AIDS crisis hit a fever pitch gay men, who are 1% of the US population, are 53% of new AIDS cases.

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