Blogs Sep 10, 2009 at 12:15 pm


Ok, at the 1:10 mark the kid damn well looked like he was gonna loose it all...I expected him to be shrieking for his damn mother and her fun bags to calm is over-stimulated heart/nerves. But, despite the terror obviously felt, by the time the ride was over, this kid was wanting to do it again! Bet you'd be just like that!
Lindy, you'll love this one:…

Kelly O posted this.
Would Ms. O'Neill like it as well?
wasnt kelly o suppose to be a tough type that fixes cars, drinks hard, goes to balls festivals, beats up dudes, and competes in a very funny manly contest with constant?

do the bungee jump kelly o and be rid of all your carnival ride fears!
I love the rides, but nothing is worth actually going near the Puyallup Fair for me. If I want to go on rides, I'll take a trip to Sandusky and go to Cedar Point, which is the best place in the world.
Kelly O also talks about going to juggalo festivals, then stays in Seattle holding purses.

Kid on roller coaster, nice recovery.
If you looped 1:00-1:20 for about 90 minutes, you'd have a David Lynch movie.
I know for a fact that Kelly O has been to Cedar Point more than once and rode every damn coaster - twice!!! And she'd rather die than to be seen with any purses - she's spoofin' all of ya!!!
The accompanying description on YouTube: "Not his first coaster ride ever, but the first for the Mamba at Worlds of Fun in KC. It was a roller coaster ride of emotions...Looks bad at first but ends up good and he rides again many more times."

Yep! It was his first time "riding the Mamba."
Somewhere I saw a gallery of pictures of people puking on rollercoasters, spraying it all into the wind, backwards into the faces (and frequently the open mouths) of the people behind them. No, thanks.
Video in #2 reminds me of the time I rode the Blue Streak at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio with my Aunt Roach. She thought it'd be fun if we secretly didn't wear the seat beats and just held on to the bar. My 12-year old ass was at least a couple inches off the seat the entire time. Tho I loved in then, I think it's why I can no longer get on roller coasters.

That said, I can still (sorta) fix a car, drink hard, and beat up dudes.

And if any of those purses I'm always holding ever had any money in them, I woulda been at the Gathering of the Juggalos. Maybe next year!
seat belts, seat BELTS...
@3 Oops, sorry Kelly.
Seandr - being mistaken for one Ms Lindy West is the best thing ever. SHE'S MY HERO

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