
Damn straight.
oh come on- he couldn't find ANY porn virgins? Here's a clue: anyone born after 1980 with access to a computer has seen porn... So, find a group that doesn't fit this category- off the top of my head, the Amish come to mind.
He studied 20 guys? Not that I disagree with his conclusions, but his study wasn't exactly conducted on rigorous grounds.

No porn virgins at all? Did he try talking to some religious guys? Not to say that all religiosos are porn-free, but it's more likely.

Also, was that REALLY the best photo the Gazette could come up with? Lame.
Oh, and yeah, yet another example of a study that decides to base conclusions on university students. Jeebus. He couldn't find any other men? None at all?
If this study had looked at 20 men and found the opposite, I bet you wouldn't be "blah blahing" it's methodological flaws.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if a study of 2000 men resulted in the same outcome, but, I'm sorry, a sample of 20 makes this a study not worth mentioning in passing, let alone blogging about.
Um, "its" methodological flaws. NATURALLY.
A study limited to 20 University students is going to fall under the catagory of 'anecdotal evidence' rather than research. How old were they? How long have they been exposed to pornography? How much pornography?

Yeah, this PROVES it!

Porn is Harmless!
i've never been to a strip club - doesn't that make me sort of virginal?
@8 *takes a drink*
This particular article isn't very clear, but he ended up studying those 20 men because he was unable to locate any men in their 20s who hadn't viewed porn, which is what he attempted to do initially. As for resorting to Amish men, I seriously doubt that examining the behaviours of a bunch of repressed, backwards, uneducated, inbreeding religious freaks whose daily concerns include the number of pleats permissible in a bonnet would reveal anything about the sex habits of normal people.
In fact, the men distinguished between fantasy and reality; they did not want their partners to look like porn stars, he said. โ€œWell, maybe in their bed one or twice, but not in their life,โ€

Not necessarily disputing this, but how can the study conclude this without verifying the type of women these men choose as life partners? Everyone wants to claim to be less shallow than they actually are.
To all of yous who sooooo quickly disregard this study: why? Do you want porn to be shown as having some harmful psychological impact on males? Would that make you happy? And why would that be?

Jus' curious...
#12 - I am totally willing to soooooo quickly disregard this study because it only had 20 men in it. 20 respondants in ANY study is simply not enough to draw statistically accurate conclusions.
@12 No, it's actually the opposite. The idea that porn is harmful is stupid -- I'd like to see a VALID study prove it so we can put the issue to bed. Pun intended.
I'm living proof that this isn't true. Total BS, just like every liberal study of ever.

God I hate libs. Fuck all of you. I can't wait for civil war.
"Has seen porn" is not the same subset of Male Americans as "Seeks out porn".

Spam has meant the first group is much larger than the second group.
It's one thing some women just want to believe. Silly, really, when you think about it.
@2 Have you ever read the Song of Solomon? Every Bible reading Amish is exposed thereby.

@3 All evidence suggests the the religious guys are the biggest consumers of porn.
@16: I see what you're saying, but I'm not all that sure that the first group really is much larger.
@12, I disregard this study not because of the results (which I anecdotally agree with), but rather because 20 individuals is not enough to make any kind of conclusion whatsoever.

Furthermore, without a control group (which is the whole joke...there isn't one!), there's just no way to validate the results.
How do you define porn? Is the threshold crossed when the nipple is uncovered like on network broadcast television or is it anything that can inspire a wank?

How much did this joker get paid to ask 20 dudes if they have ever looked at porn? I could do a better survey asking people on Facebook.

@2, even before 1980, people found faded old magazines in their uncle's garages.
@3: Even the most religious and deeply conservative men I know watch porn.

Which, yes, is anecdotal, but considering a good dozen of those guys are the kind of people who would be deeply horrified a hundred times in the course of the average Savage LoveCast(tm), I think it's pretty representative.
As for the persistent perception that pornography breeds crime against women, Lajeunesse said aggressive men donโ€™t need porn as an incentive to be violent.

Uh, what?
@18: What evidence? Like a study of 20 men?

@22: I didn't say being religious *necessarily* meant you didn't consume porn. I said it was probably more likely, since these would be people who have bought into a system that condemns it.

Get this: Christians are more likely to go to church than atheists. Same thing.

"a good dozen"

Yeah, that's only eight fewer than twenty. How do you admit it's anecdotal and then call it representative? People! Consult a dictionary.
@12: It's called rigor. It doesn't matter whether a conclusion is right or wrong, valid or invalid, if the methodology used to reach it was flawed or compromised.

Anyway, if this conclusion is true (which, as I stated for the record, I believe it is), then there should be no problem doing the same study again but with the proper procedures and controls.
20 bill is right without a control group there is no study or research.
@3 I was under the impression that it was religious guys who suffered from "porn addiction"

Sometimes you hear about them - almost always conservative Christians - talking about how they would watch porn all night, going until 6am.

Now I dunno about you, but that's NOT normal. When I watch porn, I only watch it for 10-30 minutes for a reason - because I jerk off. And when you're not horny, pornography is boring, so I stop watching. Who in the hell watches porn for hours without jerking off?

That is, I think at least a fair amount of people for whom porn is "harmful" have other problems in the first place. Like being sexually repressed conservative Christians.
@27: I never got that impression. So what's your argument? Does your impression get precedent over mine?

Well, I don't know about *you*, but I don't really talk to anyone who chats to me about their porn addictions. When I read advice columns that publish questions about porn addictions (from Dan or my local paper), none of the letter writers I can recall make a point of mentioning their religious affiliation. I'd be interested in some kind of (well-grounded) study though, if you can offer it.

Jeebus. I don't even really care about this whole porn/religion thing in the first place; it was an offhand remark and not at all intended as some kind of endorsement of Christians as morally superior or virtuous or whatever.

But now I'm kind of terrified how many people confuse science with personal experience. "I know some people." "I have friends." "I was under the impression." You know who you sound like? Porn-addicted Christians.
You can easily google a number of studies (as I just did) showing that how people see other races and genders portrayed on television does affect the way they view those races/genders in real life. I'd assume porn counts.
@26- Nope. It just means it's a different kind of study. It was a small group of interviews. It's findings have to be understood within their limitations, and this is a very limited finding. But it's legitimate, though very small research.

The only reason it's in the news is because it has a very forwardable headline attached.

Something being anecdotal doesn't mean it's not representative of a wider truth; it just means it's not *necessarily* representative.

That doesn't make my anecdotal commentary scientific, nor am I claiming it to be. Science is about the testing of hypothesis, and while personal experience doesn't substitute for that, personal experience *does* provide a good starting point of questions to ask or hypothesis to try.

I'd like to see a more scientific study on this as well, but I'm not sure how you'd do one that's *much* better. (For example, how do you differentiate between theoretical men who don't watch porn and men who do watch porn but lie about it? It's scientifically doable, but probably not within the bounds of any study you can get past an ethics committee.) The social sciences are squishy that way.
This was a Canadian study. 20 subjects are a substantial portion of the male demographic there.
@20: Then you need to read again. The conclusion was not drawn from the 20 men studied. The conclusion was drawn from his utter inability to find one man who had not seen porn to place in his study.

You can reject the conclusions, but it seems you've rejected reading comprehension as well.
I'm just going to point this out. The Amish kids go through a period of time called Rumspringa...

they've probably watched a whole lot of porn during that time. Just saying.

Don't be so hard on the Amish. They have their problems, but their communities offer a lot more elbow room and choice to their adolescents than do a lot of evangelical groups in, say, the bible belt.
Even if there are men who've never seen porn, they've still undoubtedly fantasized about sex (unless they're truly asexual). So I don't even see the point of trying to find men who've never watched porn before.

I'd say it's about even. Yes, the Amish give 16 year olds the ability to sow their wild oats, but if the kids don't go back to the community, they're on their own... at 16. That would be enough to keep most kids from striking out on their own. Besides, the Amish heap just as much hellfire and damnation on their kids as evangelicals do.
35 I think they're trying to find a way to prove that the porn-watching habits of men who choose to consume porn don't have the negative implications that those who are afraid of porn try to imply they do. But if you can't get a control group, then how can you have a scientific study?

I wonder if they could do a study with infrequent users vs. frequent users? That might be a more realistic way to approach this.
My personal experience: Guys who've seen way, way more naked ladies in porn than in person tend to be bad in bed. And they are terrified of pubic hair.
@38--I've had the exact OPPOSITE reaction--most of the guys I've been with tolerate the lack of pubic hair in porn, but they prefer women with full bush or only lightly trimmed. I've only had one partner who wanted slick-as-a-whistle trimming.
I read an article a few years ago about Amish girls being raped by their male relatives. The article claimed sexual abuse was widespread in Amish communities. I don't know if that's true or not.

Re: trimmed bush, I've never known a straight guy who insisted on it, but I've known women who won't go down on a guy unless he trims. An aversion to flossing with pubic hair, I guess.
@33, I'm not your enemy, so I won't bother with the quid pro quo on the insults.

So you claim that the conclusion is drawn from the fact that all men watch porn. OK, then, suppose that by some infinitesimal (but non-zero) chance, the 20 men that the researcher selects happen to all be bestialists and/or pedophiles. What would the conclusions be from these 20 people? I would wager something like "people who watch porn live societally unacceptable and in fact illegal lives, and should be locked up at the first possible opportunity".

Now, you would (rightfully) dismiss this study based upon insufficient sample size and a poor methodology for the selection of targets. Unfortunately, we have to do the same based upon only 20 individuals modeled above. There is no mention of any scientific selection of these 20 (ie, the pool should be a sampling of the population at whole), and even if they were carefully selected 20 is not enough to be able to make the kind of conclusive conclusions that the researcher does! The control group also goes a long way towards establishing whether any trends that are discovered are a result of being in that specific group or just something prevalent in a population as a whole.

Personally, I agree with the conclusions drawn, and in fact I would take it one step further and say that there are benefits to porn in a male population (men at home jerking off are not likely to be out committing sexually aggressive acts against women). However, my agreement and your agreement and everyone else's agreement does not make this a scientifically validated needs to be more rigorously tested.
41, you're missing the key point that the researcher studied these 20 men after a search for men in their twenties who hadn't watched porn failed to yield any such men.
#38/beccoid: "My personal experience: Guys who've seen way, way more naked ladies in porn than in person tend to be bad in bed. And they are terrified of pubic hair.

#39/JunieGirl: "I've had the exact OPPOSITE reaction--most of the guys I've been with tolerate the lack of pubic hair in porn, but they prefer women with full bush or only lightly trimmed. I've only had one partner who wanted slick-as-a-whistle trimming."

Women who don't like porn tend to feel that porn creates specific desires in men. That may be true in some cases but I think it's much more common for men to be attracted to porn that reflects their existing desires.

And you could say the same thing about porn itself. Women who don't like porn tend to feel that porn creates "sex-crazed" men. Again, that may be true in some cases but I think most men are "sex-crazed" (relative to women) to begin with and it's for that reason that they turn to porn. In contrast, women are "romance-crazed" which is why they flock to romance novels and chick flicks instead of porn.
Whooo, #43, generalize much?

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