
I only last three minutes. Premature exasperation, I guess.
"I do have a pocket constitution here...somewhere."

I'm a level 34 Patriot with a +4 Pocket Constitution of Warding.
@1, the medical-industrial complex can help you with that. But you have to want help.
G-d bless the Reverend Elijah Craig (1743-1808) and his miracle medicine, because that's the only thing that is going to cure the headache this video gave me. Too bad I have hours to go before I can partake of it.
Sweet video. As such vehement supporters of a news source such as Fox News, they appear to have a whole lot of talking points, and absolutely no relevant information. Surprise!

At least the guy in the flag shirt was honest in admitting that he watches FN because he doesn't care to hear the other side.
"Three words: Not good for the country."

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, awesome!
These people don't have jobs, right?
"Uhmmm well I haven't read it"

"Where did you hear about this though?

"Fox News"

Sigh. Do they realize how stupid they sound?
As A Canadian who isn't affected by this at all, I'm just so exhausted after watching those people try to speak...I hope affordable, universal healthcare comes your way soon!
At least the reporter is cute.
This is just depressing. My book group had a discussion about the dumbing down of discourse in the United States last night, and now I just witnessed it.
The circus is in town!
Oh Boy!

our hourly round of
"Find video of Dumb guys and brag about how Smart Libruls R!"

This game Never gets Old!!!

I believe that's what the little blue pill is for.

And to the person early in the video who complained about legislators failing to listen to their concerns: when you can intelligently articulate those concerns AND they have some relevancy to the bill under consideration, THEN maybe your elected official will take those concerns into account.

Otherwise, all I see here (and I could only make it 3:00 in myself), are a bunch of clueless ditto-heads harboring vague, unsubstantiated apprehensions about things they THINK this legislation might do, but who in point of fact have no factual knowledge that such concerns are justified.

I swear, if you called yourself a Democrat, then pointed at the sky and declared "it's blue up there", these people would automatically attempt to refute your statement, and probably call you a dirty Commie/Nazi/Socialist in the process.

Of course, these same people would cheer Glenn Beck or Rush for their "speaking truth to power" if one of them said the sky was green, so there you go.

well of course you aren't affected, darling.

you just sit right there in your playpen of a 'country' shaking your rattle and drooling about your socialized health care while the adults run the world.....
(an attendant will be by to change your poopy knickers shortly)
Conservative folks only seem to want tort reform as opposed to the current health/insurance reform effort. It would be interesting if there was a study that showed who is more likely or less likely to sue doctors. Are conservatives any less likely to sue doctors when they experience malpractice?

No, it doesn't. Especially when there are so many Dumb guys (and gals) willing to open their cake-flaps on-camera and let the stupid just pour out of them like projectile vomit from a drunken frat boy.
Oh yeah, @16, the 4th grade schoolyard taunting trick ALWAYS works on them stupid, lazy, inferior Cannucks!

Next time, tell 'em their mommas wear army boots, that's sure to get them all riled up!

Just hope you're in Canada when they punch you in the nose: you can console yourself with your clearly superior understanding of the world while sitting in a treatment room at the nearest hospital as they fix you up with no questions asked and no bill at the end.
I hope that when their flag t-shirts get old and worn that they follow the flag code for proper disposal. It'd be funny to watch them try, at least.
So the lesson here is that Constitution is all about no government? Trying to figure out the ideal scenario for these people.

They want:
1. No government
2. Lots of Business
3. A Constitution
4. Jesus
5. A news media that reaffirms their beliefs in this stuff.
@ 18: My very conservative brother loves that trick. Say a bunch of demonstrably false shit & then accuse me of name calling when I call bullshit.

Those flag shirts were most likely purchased at Walmart, which means they were equally as likely to have been made in China, which means you don't have to follow proper protocol for disposing of them; everybody knows that, silly!

(Which is just another one of the peculiar idiosyncrasies of these people I always find so amusing - they HATE communism, but don't seem to have any problem whatsoever giving away large chunks of their income to support communist regimes. Or do they think Walmart just constantly rips off the Chinese manufacturers that supply 90% of the cheap-assed goods Walmart sells?)


Well, next time just suggest to him that he legally change his name to "Bullshit", then he could justifiably get upset when you call him names!
To properly dispose of flags they are to be burnt. They do not need to take them off, though.
well, no matter what happens with this bill, it looks like no amount of health care reform is going to be able to cure stupid.

I love the guy who said, "I have a pitchfork, because it represents angry mobs."
I want 9 min of my life back after watching this video. It's nothing but a bunch of scared white people who still can't accept the fact that our president is black and consider Faux news as part of their scripture. The sign for "Kill this bill" with Obama in the coffin is scary. These people will get more scared after the census comes back showing that "pure" white Americans are decreasing in size.
I wonder if democratic politicians ever wish their supporters were as easy to manipulate as the republican party's supporters are?
Wow these folks are the best argument for abortion I have ever seen.
The kid who waved at the camera at 5:37 is, I'm willing to bet, smarter than the all the numbnuts (numbovaries for the ladies?) interviewed in the film.
The way Glenn Beck has become a New Jesus for some of these people is disturbing. So, they bitch about health care reform for not being in the Constitution, but they make up (or usually follow) some other person's rules that also aren't in the Constitution? Really? Hypocritical, much?

I feel bad for the elephants forced to work this shitty gig.
For a second I thought that lady was going to show us her sagging breasts. Instead, it was Beck's principles which was much more scarier.
"You take out God and you got no rights."

Gee, it's good to know that your average teabagger thinks of me as a second-class citizen. Well, sir, fuck you I'm going to go back to my HEALTH INSURANCE and my COLLEGE EDUCATION and let you just steam in your church.

By the way, let's see how your "Land of the Free" turns out if you succeed in achieving your plutocratic theocracy. Jesus, herbal remedies, power from wealth and a weakened central government worked wonders for 12th century England.
Who made this video? They did a great job. I really appreciate that he was asking completely straightforward questions, no mockery, good follow-up.

Of course, the fact that they couldn't answer the straightforward questions with any kind of thoughtful, rational, compassionate, and/or well-informed responses makes me want to run for Canada, but that's another issue entirely.
Doesn't it make you want to pack a bag and go live in a country that values enlightenment? I'm leaving America to the very, very rich and the half-wits - both of whom seem to be running things these days. What the fuck went wrong?
My all time favorite line was that woman that said Government shouldn't run our health care, that they should let a business run it and make a profit.
I lol'd at the I SURVIVED ROE V WADE t-shirt.
@28 I bet they do.
I'd let that journalist interview me any time he wanted...
Oh. My. God. Those people are so LEOTARDED! I am embarrassed to be American.

"I'm not sure what is wrong with it...I don't know what's in it, but I'm against it."
once again, that guy is hot. gay or straight?
At least Loveschild had something to say that didn't involve judging people! (#13). Regular commenters just might want to mark this day in their journals!

I'm so glad that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert get so much free material from buffoons like the ones in this video. I wish Bill Hicks and Sam Kinnison could have seen this era.
Look Americans; I have recently had prostate cancer, I am Canadian; I received excellent care from the very best physicians available in my city. I was diagnosed in late September, had numerous tests performed pronto and was in for surgery on Dec 01. Prostate Cancer is a very slow developing form of cancer. I have friends who have had heart issues. They received immediate care. There are problems in every system, and there are waiting lists for elective surgeries in our system. My GP (family doctor, if the term is not familiar to you) has excellent contacts. When he refers me to specialists, I get the best in their field, despite the fact that I could never pay for that expertise. We spend far less of our GNP on health care than do our brethren south of the border. Our drugs are far cheaper. Our system is not perfect, what system is? But, it is inhumane that medical care is provided on the basis of ability to pay.
By the way, any talk of a little blue pill in Canada refers to Viagra! It's cheaper here too!
mickey mouse wizard hat/monster shirt/tye dye dude: win.
@39 and 41, I'm so glad someone else thought so too!

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