
“He certainly does not represent the City of Seattle. .."
Has Seattle seceeded from Washington State?

Holmes is full of shit.
Holmes' statement is the cynical, transparently partisan action.
I like the ring of Attorney General Pete Holmes.
Please note that the AG received far (FAR!) more votes than our beloved Governor in the last election. In that regard, he represents more of us than the Hag-In-Chief and her pandering fools in Seattle municipal government.

And, to be clear, the AG isn't anti-healthcare, as the headline bleats. He's simply for the protection of rights, a cause for which more thoughtful publications than the Stranger will be more considerate.


"be more considerate"

@4 See, it's statements like "Hag-in-Chief" that make me and whoever else yr intended audience is start ignoring you but fast. If y'ain't trolling, why not just not be a dick?
The proper application would have been for a writ of quo warranto rather than a writ of mandamus.
Not unless Holmes wanted to question the AG's right to hold his current office.
@6: The greatest thing that ever happened to Slog was the little button on top that allows you to turn off unregistered comments.
I like "Mayor Holmes".
And ....



Take that muthafucka!
@6 how do you define "Trolling" dear?
Thanks @9, I somehow missed that.

Hooray for Pete Holmes!
Well its no surprise that regressives would wipe their asses with the State Constitution given how they repeatedly rape the Federal Constitution, but its still not pretty.

Allow me to educate you Fascists. The WA Attorney General's authority is not derived from the Governor nor the legislature, nor by statute. His powers are established by the State Constitution, and given to him directly by the people of Washington State who voted him into office with much greater percentage than the woman who stole the Governors mansion with "found" ACORN ballots.

Fuck every one of you nazi jackboots. He not only has the authority to sue, he has the duty to if he believes the Federal government is violating the rights of WA state or its citizens, AND he also has popular support since over 58% of Americans want your Fascist health care bill REPEALED.
There's so much irony here- holmes thinks he has the authority to do this, but the AG doesn't? Ridiculous and clearly all about politics, as is everything Holmes does (and I'm a left-leaning dem).

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