
Satay and Le Reve look good.

Nothing about Tost changing hands in Fremont to become One Billion Bicycle Monkeys Will Kill Your Tunnel?
Shawn Kemp. Shawn. Please leave us Sean's out of it.
"SEAN Kemp"?! Please take five seconds to google/wiki that shit before you post next time.
@2 and 3: Fixed—I had spelled it correctly in one instance above, but then my weak, unsportsmanlike ladybrain reverted to the other spelling. It is not misspelled in this week's print edition. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sorry for my bitchy comment, Bethany. My latent, homoerotic crush on Shawn Kemp sometimes blinds me to reason. I will now return to staring at my Xavier McDaniel figurine.
No prob Bethany. Found the other post. Thanks for keeping up on stuff.
Mr. Merrill: I bet if I knew who Shawn Kemp was, I would have a crush on him too. And this Xavier character sounds marvelous—now THAT'S a name.
Unfortunately located in Kirkland... and you people think the Eastside is full of snobs? Jesus Christ...
@7 Watch the movie Singles. "Oh and Steve? Don't cum too soon." or something to that effect.
I've been to Satay twice already and can vouch for its deliciousness.
@10: Yay! I'm going to go there tonight!

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