

My own wild guess on the issue is that the people who supported him are the ones who know the truth, and they use that truth as a kind of "ripcord" should he ever stray from the reasons he was put into office.

Complete speculation and political sci-fi of course. But...
A new low for Trump, and a new low for Slog comments.
Trump is an attention whore troll.
I agree with Cracker Jack there.
A friend asked me this weekend what I thought about Trumps birther cred and I highly doubt he believes in anything besides making money.
Trump is using this issue to scam the birthers out of money. He knows he's not gonna make it even halfway through the primaries, but he knows who to sell to to make a quick buck.
Donald Trump has been a Jackass for a very long time. Confirmation was not at all necessary, and completely redundant at this point.
Honestly, what would possibly convince these people of his us citizenship? Holding the birth certificate in their hands..? Because that's practically the only thing left to do- Copies are freely supplied to anyone who wants one, and a notice of his birth that ran in the local paper can be found in microfiche records that have been available for decades.

So what do you want birthers...? What would make you happy??
I'm pretty sure Michelle Bachmann will settle for running as his VP.
I'm digging how "Mr. President" became "MR PRESENT" in that headline. If I were a Freudian, I'd say this slip indicates the metaphorical gift Obama's otherness has provided the far right. Dark skin + funny name + liberal = manna from heaven for conservatives.
#8 - that would be true if Obama was, in fact, a liberal.
I would not be able to personally come up with better documentation than Obama but nobody has ever grilled me on it. I am pretty certain that I was born at Virginia Mason on 1st hill but then again I wonder. I went to the ER there one time and they asked if I had ever been there before. I said I was born there and they said I was not in their system. QUEUE THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME. I am a birther to my own birth I guess.
Don't forget he has a teevee show (that sucks) and he needs all the attention he can get (and it's free).
You know what I'd like to see a hell of a lot more than I'd like to see Obama's birth certificate? Trump's tax return, and bank record. Billionaire my ass.
@8: Pretty sure that's a reference to Obama's (and others') practice of voting "Present" in the Illinois legislature.
Well, according to the Daily Show, Obama's parents met and married in Hawaii. And, his mother was pregnant with him at the time (he was born 6 months after they married). So if the birthers believe (as many conservatives do) that life starts at conception, then Obama's conception, his life as person, as a fetus was in Hawaii.

All done, no birth certificate needed (unless life doesn't begin at conception).
birthers, tenthers, truthers.... critical thinking faculties fail. the lot of 'em.
but whatever, that they latch onto that type of shit just shows pretty plainly what sort of bonehead your dealing w/.
So, where is that damn birth certificate anyway? Or does Obama want this controversy to continue? Either a piece of paper exists or it doesn't. So why doesn't Trump have a point then?
@16 Ya know, you're the first person to ask that question.

Just IN CASE you were serious. Otherwise, I apologize; it's hard to see sarcasm when it's in written form.
home team sports fans and birthers have a lot in common.
@18: No, no, he meant the REAL birth certificate.

That one's a fake. You can tell it's a fake because it says he was born in the US.

@21, Well, Chris Matthews also wants to know.

We'll just keep nagging until Barack holds it himself in front of a camera.
@23, people wouldn't stop this ridiculous conspiracy theory even if they jumped into a time machine and jetted off to Hawaii to watch lil' Barack come into the world for themselves.

Facts are irrelevant to the insane.
I just seriously can't believe #1 says that Obama was put in place, and is kept in place by the knowledge that he is Kenyan...

I thought 9/11 Conspiracy theorists were dumb, but the level of conspiracy needed to believe that Obama is from Kenya or born outside of the United States, would have to essentially be, an almost 50 year old conspiracy to have a Kenyan, born outside of the United States, groomed for political office without anyone noticing... then put in the US Senate, then the US election for President... to win the Primaries and the election itself... mind boggling.
You know, considering that the US overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Hawaiians would love to have their country back, maybe Obama really wasn't born in the US - he was born in the country of Hawaii.

Of course, a similar argument is what I have used when talking with birthers. They really don't know what to do with me when I provide them with information about the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.
Ah, hilarity, thy name is birther politics:…
26 dear, Slog has always had several special commenters: Supreme Leader, Raindrop, Lord Basil, Seattleblues, etc, and they all bring their own special neurotic gifts to Our Little Corner Of The Web (actually, they may all be the same person)

We give them carfare, a ham at Easter, but we don't hang around with them.
What the birthers can't seem to get is that THEY are the ones making the outlandish statements, so the burden of proof is on THEM. They have no right to say "well, why can't he just show the birth certificate." No no no. I want to see THEM provide US with any evidence at all that Ann Dunham was ever anywhere other than American soil while she was carrying Barack Obama.
And good luck with that, birthtards.
@31 FTW! I lol'd at "birthtards"
@29 I know there's a few in every bunch, but I mean the birther movement as a whole. They don't tend to settle for some minor "oh he just happens to have been born outside the US and moved back" argument. They come up with this grandiose Communist/Muslim conspiracy in which Obama has been bred like a Atheist Communist Dominated by Muslims (To paraphrase Newt) educated under the strictest of care and placed as our head of government, in order to a) turn us into a Muslim state b) Turn all out god fearing Children into atheists or muslims c) turn us into a communist state.

I mean just the implications themselves are overwhelming.
34, they have to do SOMETHING to hide their racism...

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