
Terrific, as in frightful?
They don't need bail when they're getting raptured as fuck this weekend.
Every child deserves to eat without reprisal.
No fishes and loaves?
Who would jesus starve?
Gawd, I hate that town...
I'll probably catch heat for this, but child abuse is wrong. Unfortunately, these people won't be punished that severely, as child abuse (basically, anything that isn't a violation of a white heterosexual male's rights--then justice is usually swift and decisive in the states) is often not taken seriously by our justice system.

"Good christian" is synonymous with "s/he agrees with my interpretation of the bible"--it has nothing to do with ethics, and never has. Joseph Cotton in shadow of doubt was right about one thing: people are trash.
poor kids will hoard food the rest of their lives. probably home schooled, too.

the state better fucking take all of them away.
Absolutely heartbreaking. What will happen to those kids? Another shitty foster home?
How do you leave out the quote where the neighbor accuses the boy of lying:

“These kids were downtrodden (and) had nothing going for them. They have nothing but love for these children, and because of one kid’s misstatements, they are being tried, convicted, accused and convicted already which is a total miscarriage of justice.”

What kind of fucker explains away a13 year old that weighs 49 pounds as a liar?
Food is the Devil's temptation.

In other news, those people are fucks. I hope they eat shitty bologna and damp white bread sandwiches in jail.

May the kids find a better life...
12 to do more than weep.
Sure they were starved for food but I bet they got their fill of Jesus!

How did they get a fifth child with no one noticing the poor state of the other children?
In Cowlitz county these stories typically come in one of two flavors: meth or fundamentalist Christianity.
@ 10 - I would hope that they'd also investigate that moron now.
Ah, again the ever-present clueless neighbor. *facepalm*

Also, a 13 year old boy weighing 49 lbs?!? Gaaahhh!!! Even a slender 13 year old should weigh 80 lbs+.

So, so fucked up.
Ah, my hometown. According to the article, the father works for the Longview School District.
Longview is also my hometown. That place can suck it.
If the nicest thing you can say about a person is to name their religious affiliation, they're probably not very nice people.
My daughter weights 49 pounds!

Oh wait--she's 8...
There's the nice, sensible Christians, like our very own Kim from Portland, and then there are the "others."

You're preaching to the choir Dan, because we already know that those Christians that screech the loudest, professing what good Christians they are to all, are the least Christian of all.

I feel sad for those poor children.
Horrid. I wish we lived in a country where those kids could expect to be placed somewhere safe and given appropriate health care, physical and mental.

Every time someone uses "atheistic," "godless," or "secular" interchangeably with "immoral" I throw up in my mouth a little.

More sickening, the parents, if convicted, will probably see less jail time than your average street-level pot dealer.

I hate the world sometimes.
Your Rapture Card(TM) has been declined.
@19 can I get that on a tshirt?
'Four of these kids, they rescued from Haiti'

...anyone else thinking of those fundies caught "rescuing" Haitian "orphans" away from their parents?
My heart breaks for these kids. Please, someone take the initiative and look out for their well being. I hope things get better for them very soon.
My four yr old nephew weighs 50 lbs. Granted he's the height of a 6 or 7 yr old but still ... He's 4! And weighs more than that poor 13 yr old. So glad the kids are getting help.
"Christian" has nothing to do with these people. I don't give a crap how they self identify.

"Evil" seems more accurate to me. "Asshole" fits behind it quite nicely.

No pun or offensive intended.
As a former foster kid, I can tell you that although many people are very giving...they are also being paid. So there is a bottom line: in my day it was pretty clear: $200 per month from the state to take care of you. That included food, clothing, everything. And of course, they had to make a profit to pay the mortgage on such a large house to allow them to have so many children....vicious circle that eats children alive.
@#7: re:Shadow of a Doubt. "But they're alive! They're human beings!!?!"
I also wonder what are the racial dynamics going on here. I'm not an expert on Washington state, but I'm assuming that the parents were not the same color/race as their adoptive Haitian children. I think sometimes in addition to the religious piece, a lot of white folks saving little black children (in more than just fostering situations) pat themselves on the back but still don't humanize/normalize these children of the "other". Why was it their biological kids were fed well and these kids weren't? What other sort of fundamentalist games were these people playing?
The neighbors need to be taken off the streets too. What the hell, people?
Another reason for those of you who are considering spending a year's salary on a designer child from Asia or Russia to perhaps considering adopting a child from the state or considering foster-to-adopt programs. It cost my parents $24 to adopt my awesome brother and it was tax deductible to boot.
I hate these posts. But here's another one if you haven't seen it:…
"Four of these kids, they rescued from Haiti!"

How terribly sad for these children, that they were orphaned (I'm guessing after the earthquake?) and then sent to live with these monsters. I really hope these children are adopted by sane, loving parents.
Yeah, what about "The parents are well-nourished and so are three other biological children in the home, according to the sheriff’s office"

This shit breaks my heart. So disturbing and sad. I can't even begin to understand.
Here's another entry for you Dan. Every time I think parents can't get more sadistic and abusive, I find a new low.…

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