
Yay! Gay people now get to murder brown people for oil just like straight people can! It's kind of shitty that the only jobs creation program Obama can offer is starting more wars.

I'm all for equal protections from discrimination in the country's largest employer, but let's be honest, folks. Obama didn't do this (reluctantly all the way to the end) because he gave two shits about queers. The fact is that the military is falling apart. More than 20,000 soldiers have gone AWOL since 9/11. It's so bad they're sending soldiers with brain trauma back to Iraq (you know that war Obama ended but for some reason we still have tens of thousands of troops there) and Afghanistan for second and third tours. Perhaps gay people should be honored that we now have the opportunity to be tried for war crimes just like our straight counterparts:…

And while corporate whores, er, politicians from BOTH parties are blaming the deficit on "overspending", let's be clear that the four illegal wars that Obama is now overseeing (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Libya) are what's driving up the deficit, NOT too much spending here at home.

Gay and Straight Soldiers, defend your country by refusing to serve! If you want to fight terrorists, your enemy is right here at home in Washington, DC. To paraphrase Muhammad Ali, no Afghani civilian ever called me a faggot.

In 2012, the only rational choice for queers to vote is NONE OF THE ABOVE.
no here cares about queers, as long as they finance his lifestyle.
Oh my gosh, a pig just flew by my window and I think hell just froze over!!!
Not difficult?!? We can't imagine how much paperwork (and people-hours) this consumed.
OTOH it kept the military incrementally busy, thus incrementally reducing deaths (ie.g., fewer professional journalists, unarmed and working in broad daylight in a semi-urban area, killed by US helicopter gun crews, of which we know thanks to Bradley Manning. God Bless Bradley Manning!
@1 - Taking time away from writing the Mayor, I see?
Best president we've ever had on LGBT issues by a very very wide margin.

@7 - Low bar.
Holler @ 2. I <3 you.
Sadly Obama could single handedly repeal DOMA while curing aids and cancer all while in drag at a pflag meeting and the haters would still hate. Sigh
Christian press having a cow.

Making popcorn now! This should be fun.
PRAISE JESUS!!! Gays can kill for corporate America OPENLY!!! Just like their hetro counterparts!!!

Left-wing trolls are getting as dumb as right-wing trolls. Never thought I'd see the day.
if a IED blows your pecker off are you still gay?
@10 - Sadly Obama could single handedly approve of killing American citizens while starting more wars all while selling out the middle class and the Obots would still bot. Sigh
#15: You're so smart you fucking kid.
Even the staunchest Obot has to admit Reagan did more for gays than President TelePrompTer.
The only thing Reagan did for gays - for anyone with a developed brainstem actually - was finally die. Although the last years of crazy was a nice touch.

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