
You white men have much to answer for! Now native Americans are neglecting dogs due to your centuries of murder and oppression.
rez dogs. skin and bones.
Yikes. Met a guy at the dog park who had adopted a dog imported from the streets of Da Nang. If there's a program rescuing street dogs from Vietnam - why not one (or more) from the Res in the U.S.?
The dogs from Da Nang are probably in better condition.
Shh, don't tell Dan about this. If the Navajo rez is like the Yakima rez, then I'm sure a-lot of those dogs are pits and pit mixes. Please, don't tell Savage, he might santorum himself!
Overpopulation, it's a bitch.
My ex is didadaht. The first time I visited the rez, I inquired why there were fences as high as 15ft around the houses. Were the rottweilers and pits really aggressive? I was then informed that the fences were to keep cougars from running off with the dogs.
Not all all reservations are the same.
I once had a Lakota roommate who was adamant that my third roommate not spay his cat because it would interfere with her reproductive rights. (Kitty was spayed while he was out of town and couldn't protest). Same roommate's family on Pine Ridge was dirt poor but still had 12+ dogs running rampant about their home and land. The article's author is right--it will take a lot of time, energy, (a big one) money, and trust to convince many people that it's better in the long term for res dogs to be fixed and vaccinated.
That was picked up from the AP story.…
Bottom line....on the res, they don't give a SH!T about the dogs. Most of them. A good portion of them. 445,000 dogs roaming around translates to not caring enough to spay and neuter these animals. I am tired of hearing about what 'rights' they had taken away. GET OVER IT!! Many people & cultures have had many rights taken away. So? What's that got to do with having your pet spayed or neutered? YOU brought the dog onto the res as a puppy, then kicked it out when it got bigger. What's the dog supposed to do? They are trying to survive. All they wanted was love and a meal once a day, but could you provide even that much? Indians.....have no trouble embracing other white man toys, like pickup trucks, guns, ATV's, TV's, etc, not embracing spay and neuter is not valid and makes no sense. What do they care about the spiritual rights of a dog? Is it better, spiritually, to let the dog die on the street, hit by a car, starving, abused? THAT"S spiritual???? Give me a break. I llived on a res and I saw what went on. The noble savage BS is just that, BS. They generally spend their days drinking, drugs, avoiding school, hell, they don't even know where their kids are most of the time. Why would they care about dogs? Hey, until they grow up and quit their whining, no animals should be allowed on the res, including horses. Have you seen what they do to their horses? Make it easy for them: NO DOGS ALLOWED ON NAVAJO NATION BY ORDER OF THE....WHO? SPCA?? GOVERNMENT? Until indians learn how to control themselves they cannot be responsible for helpless animals. The dogs are a threat to kids. The taxpayers have to pay to have the dogs removed/rehomed/vetted/rescued, so we have a say in what happens. Until they treat dogs with respect, I am boycotting visiting Navajo Nation.

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