
everybody go to victoria's place o' bizness and tip her extra to make up for this sack o' shit, pleeze.
As shitty as that guy was, lots of people don't use Facebook ... though a MS employee is likely to so good advice. People, tip your waitress, bartender, server, wherever they accept tips. Tip wages are less than "normal" wages, a lot less in most cases. Even if they have a bad day, everyone has a bad day once in a while, tip them so next time you go in they remember and treat you better, even if you don't care about helping them earn a decent living.

Before anyone says anything negative about me, I do tip, usually a LOT more than I should, ask around coffee shops that know me if you don't believe me. I tip a buck (or more) every time I go to Subway even, and I only get the sandwich. The only time I don't tip is when I don't have any ones.

Message to "Drew" -- PONY KEG!…

Is KittenKoder a man???
"Tip wages are less than "normal" wages, a lot less in most cases."

Not in Washington. But it's still nice to tip.
Awesome. What an ass.

But... also scary. So much information, floating around the internet. Anyone can track you down.
I write on the receipt too.

I usually try to brighten the server's day by putting something nice.

I tip what I can, even if it means emptying my change purse.
Times are tough, I've never had a server get upset over my nickels and dimes.
umm Victoria could probably stand to loose a few pounds. after all obesity is a epidemic and if we are going to have a national healthcare system it makes sence to force people with bad habits to get in line.
I just tried to find out what he does at Microsoft but there is no Andrew Meyer, Andy Meyer, or Drew Meyer to be found in the system...maybe he lies too?
bullying a bully. Is it ok, slog?
@9: you know he's just a contract employee trying to impress a date. Hope she didn't ask to see his blue badge.
People who don't tip (when they can) or generally mistreat service workers are scum.
I never tip and I am against tipping in principle, I hate that we live in such primitive country where tipping exists, unlike in Europe for example.
@13 - To not tip is one thing, but this guy went out of his way to be an asshole.
I would never eat at a place that put up photos of this guy. Sure the guy is a major jerk, but passing around this guys name and face, well I would never eat at a place that took my receipt and passed it around for show and tell. Granted, Dan didnt post the guys full information, but all the bartenders sure know it and are sharing it, which doesnt really seem right.

Its not like SLOG doesnt appreciate hurtful snarky douchebag comments, Goldy does this all the time.
As a member of the service industry, I would suggest you tip exactly what the service deserves. Waiters and waitresses at most decent restaurants make substantially more money than any other staff members in their establishments. Tips MAY be shared with bussers, hosts, or bartenders, but are usually not shared with kitchen or dishwashing staff. This creates a two-tier system, in which servers are the top of the restaurant heap. So feel free to tip badly if the service warrants, but be willing to tip VERY well for good service. You just might see standards of good service improve.
This is dangerous, Dan. You are trying to shame this guy when you know you don't have the whole story. What if someone else wrote on the receipt after this guy signed it? Like one of his friends playing a prank, or a bitchy coworker of Victoria?
Way to look like a total douche, Andrew.
Thanks for posting this Dan!
Likewise, way to fly off the handle, Victoria. It's not like WA state pays those who earn tips livable wages or anything.
Hopefully he feels ashamed and regretful, but now this inside squabble lives in perpetuity on the Internet perpetuated by The Stranger and that is well, kind of weird – a bitter aftertaste of social media.

BTW – A friend tells me that there no such name in the Microsoft address book.
@15 Meh, private businesses can refuse service to whomever they want, and it's their prerogative if they think this guy is worth 86'ing. You don't think the clothing retail on Broadway share information about who's a professional shoplifter?
Don't worry, Meyer... It gets better!

(Dick move, Savage. You admittedly don't even know what the full story might be. And you're using your megaphone for this?)
@ 16
what an idiotic primitive attitude, that's why I never tip and will never tip for anything.

It's an idiotic primitive system, go to Europe and find out why.
@13, if you aren't tipping in most of Europe, you are stiffing the staff. In most places you should be rounding up a couple of Euros, <10%, unless service charges are explicitly included on the bill.
No one's mentioned the most heinous crime of all: using "loose" for "lose". This buttmunch needs to suffer.
People still haven't grasped the difference between "lose" and "loose?"
Isn't she concerned about her employer getting upset with her for posting this and the customer's name? You may not be doing her any great favors with this.
so you all think she doesnt need to loose weight really?
I shouldn't have to tell someone who works at freaking Microsoft about social media.

Ha! Microsoft is exactly the sort of company that needs to be told about social media, and the Internet, and smartphones, and tablets, etc. If it ain't Microsoft Office, then Microsoft don't know about it.
I owned a restaurant. I grew up in the hospitality business, and one thing that I know is….tips are EARNED. Wages (as pitiful as they are) are guaranteed. Tips are NOT. The point of this story is not that the guy didn’t tip, but that he went out of his way to be a cunt.
And one other thing. Bartenders are not fucking rock stars. They are SERVERS. It’s not fucking rocket science. They have no business giving attitude like they’re any better than anyone else in the place. They are obligated to SERVE drinks. That is their JOB. They get tips for SERVICE. If a bartender is making me wait for a drink while they work the bar trying to pick up the female or male customers, glare at the servers waiting to get drinks for their customers while the bartender bullshits with his/her friends…then FUCK EM; they don’t deserve a tip.
i wonder if his wife knows he's cheating on her?
@24 Not tipping people who make their living from tips is not the way to protest "the system", it just makes you an asshole.
He's getting Danked, apparently.
I owned a restaurant. I grew up in the hospitality business, and one thing that I know is….tips are EARNED. A good server gets at least 20% from me. An asshole server who cops an attitude gets zilch.Wages (as pitiful as they are) are guaranteed. Tips are NOT. The point of this story is not that the guy didn’t tip, but that he went out of his way to be a cunt.
And one other thing. Bartenders are not fucking rock stars. They are SERVERS. It’s not fucking rocket science. They have no business giving attitude like they’re any better than anyone else in the place. They are obligated to SERVE drinks. That is their JOB. They get tips for SERVICE. If a bartender is making me wait for a drink while they work the bar trying to pick up the female or male customers, glare at the servers waiting to get drinks for their customers while the bartender bullshits with his/her friends…then FUCK EM; they don’t deserve a tip.
@28: My thoughts exactly. I only visit Cha Cha a couple times a year, but this isn't exactly great advertising to get me to run in there anytime soon.
OH MY GOD. You're really going to try to debate some troll whose rationale for not tipping is "it's better and more civilized in Europe"? dude's obviously 18 years old!
@Kinison: "I would never eat at a place that took my receipt and passed it around for show and tell." That's a good rule. And you know what else is a good rule? Act like a civilized human being. 'Cause if you follow that rule, you won't have to worry about any servers passing around your receipt or posting your picture at the door. Or any other number of unsavory things (these people prepare your food and drinks, remember).

To all the folks who say this is going too far, this is bullying the bully—bullshit. We need more shame in this society, not less. Next time you see some asshole not pick up after his dog, call him on it. Ditto for that teenage girl who leaves her backpack on the seat on a standing-room-only bus. The only reason assholes do shit like this is because they know this is Seattle and none of you are ever going to say anything about it. Every single one of you will *think* it, but not a single one will *say* it. Change that. When people do stuff that is not kosher in our neighborhood, our city, our society, we have to let them know it. A small minority will keep on being assholes, but most will stop. Shame can be a very powerful motivator, and usually it doesn't take posting someone's name & photo all over the internet, it just takes saying to their face: Hey, that's not cool. Maybe if one of this guy's friends had the balls or brains to say that to him on Friday night, all this crap wouldn't be necessary.
@28: Actually, the Cha Cha posted this on their Facebook this weekend. They're all for calling this ass out. As they put it, "To be perfectly clear. You are an ass hole. Stay out. We wrote it on the door but clearly you missed that" (referring to the "no racists, bigots, homophobes, assholes, etc" sign at the entry to the Cha Cha).
@24/33-- Not to mention that because that IS the system, the rest of us are all subsidizing the non-tipping assholes who are getting food and drinks at a lower price because the proprietors are paying minimum wage (at least we have THAT in this state) to their employees.

Also @24, I actually spent a good portion of my childhood (most summers) and a lot of time as an adult in Europe, since I have close family there. Every country is different (I love when Americans lump Europe together as if it's one homogeneous culture), but in general, there isn't "no tipping." It's generally less than here and not seemingly obligatory like it is here, but there is definitely tipping. See @25 for a basic guideline. Although, again, it can vary country to country.
@22 "Meh, private businesses can refuse service to whomever they want,"

I agree, I just think its bad idea for a company to publically shame someone by posting or sharing their personal information with other businesses. Eventually people will post bad reviews on Yelp along the lines of "This company will out you to the local press if you dont tip".
Are we supposed to believe that this guy decided to stiff her without any reason? It is possible she was a complete and total bitch to this guy.
As much of an asshole this guy is for writing that...

What he wrote has undeniable truth.
@shanana: exactly. This is not "going too far", this is standing up to a bully. Plain and simple. This guy went so far as to single out his server, write her a day-ruining message on the bill that had nothing to do with whatever bad service he may or may not have gotten, not even have the balls to say it to her face, and then... sign it. With his name. Any employer that wouldn't stick up for their employee in this situation is lame and that's the kind of place I wouldn't want to patronize. For every person who is saying "Well this is just unprofessional and I won't be spending my hard earned America dollars there. Ha-RUMPH!" there are 20 others who think this is awesome and applaud both the server and the establishment for not putting up with one of the most blatant (and stupid. good work, Mr. Hancock!) examples of base rudeness I have seen in a long while. Stand up to bullies, call out your asshole friends for doing asshole stuff, explain to people who don't understand why you are doing so. That's the only way any real change is going to happen.
Just servers? No, peeps who bring me alcohol are demigods. I treat them with respect, kindness & a generous tip, & without fail that care is returned tenfold. Taking care of a barkeep is a wise investment.

Really, when I was in Europe you tipped for the bathroom. It's not that it doesn't exist. it's just that its structured differently.

This doesnt mention that he also stole $1.25 in quarters from her tip jar.
@4 Even if I was, I wouldn't be caught dead working for MS or Apple. ;)
Pass his pic around to all the local baristas as well, and this dude will be getting decaf for a long, long time.
A customer has every right to give the tip they feel the server deserves. (and I have no idea about the service that was offered that evening) BUT that being said all bets are off when a customer leaves a comment like that. I think that a little public shaming is good for society. People need to know when they cross a line. He could have just left zero tip and walked away but no, he had to be a total juice-box. When you are a juice-box, you have to expect society to offer their opinion.
@ 38 is spot on. Sometimes, society needs to enforce the rules, and public shaming is a great way to do it.
@36. You won't be missed.
I'm going to go ahead and feed the troll (Mattyx) but only because I'm concerned that he might infect others with his idiotic viewpoint: Servers in this country earn minimum wage (often much less) Serving is one of the hardest jobs there is. The only reason we have a restaurant industry is because of tips. No one I know would deal with it and all the hateful people like that for minimum wage. If you cant afford to tip you cant afford to go out.
P.S. Victoria you are hot and amazing xoxo!!!
PEOPLE - There is no dude by that name working at Microsoft as an employee, contractor, or vendor.
This dude isn't even a contractor at Microsoft, unless they've spelled his last name wrong... contractors and vendors are in the GAL along with all the blue badges. Who knows what he actually does, but I think what we do know is that he's an asshole who is completely full of shit.

So maybe we should arrange him a date with KittenKoder. I mean, he likes Kent! And he is also a giant douchebag with bizarre hatred of those who help him out! It's kismet.
@47 Good looking out. He's also a thief.

@Everyone-else-whining-about-what-a-horrible-injustice-this-is-to-Andrew (or whatever): You are missing the point. This isn't some guy that didn't tip. (Also: people that refuse to tip those whose's income is reliant on tips; you're assholes. Don't even try to deny it. If you disagree, stick to McDonald's.) This is about an asshole that went out of his way to be ruder...after not tipping, and stealing from a tip jar. If y'all don't behave like rude, spoiled brats when you go out, then you shouldn't be getting your collective panties in a bunch, K?
People are spelling the last name wrong left and right, even in that interview, which is odd because his last name is printed right there on the receipt. The response to this rules, but make sure you read things properly before loading up the catapult with turds.
I bet the korean subways were cleaner after the dog poop girl fiasco, and I bet the douchiness level of bar and restaurant customers on Capitol Hill will go down several nothces for at least a few months.

Yes, it sucks if you're the douche picked out of a host of douches to serve as the reviled poster child, but hey - don't like it? Don't be a douche. This is social shaming in the age of the internet.
I agree with Mr Fnarf, and blame Iris Murdoch.
@38 Not necessarily. That's like saying "if you're good to your spouse, he/she won't cheat on you." Sometimes they do anyway. "If you're nice to service personnel, they won't harass you." Sometimes they do anyway. Like people in the service sector don't have their own opinions or aren't sometimes jerks? If this sort of thing is ever okay with management, then who's to say what the "righteous" reasons are?

HOWEVER. Talk about burying the lede... the guy STOLE THE TIP JAR?? THAT is inexcusable. The rest of it? Even Victoria said it was a pretty bush league "insult," while presenting her prejudice about the date's bag.

Sounds a little bit like the kind of place that would ignore someone who didn't look cool enough to be drinking there.
He can't spell. I hate that "loose"=="lose" thing. WTF. Anyway, I don't like Dan's cybershaming only because I find it hypocritical and perpetuates the cycle of bullying that people all decry when "innocent" folks are targeted. Andy's a dick, doesn't mean we need to dwell on it.
@kinison: Then you won't be eating anywhere.

The service industry, especially in Seattle, relies on solidarity. If he's an asshole to one bartender, he's liable to be an asshole to others. And severs. And door guys.

I was at two different places last night where I heard staff making plans to kick the guy out were he to walk in.

It's not show-and-tell, it's a warning.
Oh this story is growing, hah.…
And "lose" only has one o.
This is internet hysteria spilling over into someone's real life, and I think it's completely inappropriate. If my credit card slip information was being passed around for people to dig up/post information about me, let alone threaten the things they have, I'd be calling my lawyer.
No doubt, this guy is a serious jerk.

However, I strongly urge you to proceed with caution. You do not want to end up involved in a lawsuit...Even if he cannot make any sold legal complaints against you, he could still cost you tens of thousands of dollars fighting a lawsuit, and this guy sounds like just the kind of guy that would get a kick out of suing the shit out of a bartender until she is totally dead broke...

Just consider it. I'd at least talk to a lawyer about what you are doing, as I believe you've already given this douche grounds for a lawsuit, I would really be careful here. And don't think for a minute that the "law" is going to somehow make sense and do justice. It is not, it will not, and you will be, fucked if you don't handle this properly.
@64, yep, it's growing all right!…
@ #1 -- I love your comment. Especially since the story is about a poor server who got called fat and your last post before this (according to your profile) was "@13: shut up, fat ass."
66 & 67 seem to be missing the fact that there was no slander, no false accusation and no personal information posted online. Just a story, a name, a public facebook page and a message signed by the person who wrote it. No credit card info or other personal details were put forth. Both slander and defamation rely on the public claims being false. Seeing as how the gentleman signed his name on the note, there is little room for denying it or arguing that it wasn't him. Any judge would take one look at that, hike up their robes, wipe their ass with the complaint, wad it up, put it in the freezer, take it out five hours later, toss it in the air and hopefully break the tooth of whatever lawyer was dumb enough to bring it into their courtroom.

Beyond all that, it would be hilarious to counter sue for the $1.25 in tips the guy stole from the tip jar.
I can't believe this. You are fomenting a lot of anger toward this guy which could end up in violence. All over a couple of dollars and a hurtful comment that could've been ignored. I agree, the comment was unnecessary and mean-spirited, and his miserly no-tip is extremely ungenerous, BUT I don't see how you can't have a bit of a thicker skin than that working in the service industry, and then to track a guy down on facebook and ignite a fire of public antipathy towards one little douche in Kent who had a mean-spirited night. Don't we have bigger problems to solve than one little teenager's night out? This feels extremely immature, and hypocritical if this guy ends up getting the shit beat out of him. Dan, you're using your "bully" pulpit here and for someone who's against bullying, I gotta say, I'm shaking my head a little bit here wondering why.
@70 - And even if he did litigate her into the poorhouse, that would just piss off the internet even more.
@#1 - are you mad about her not being tipped or her being called fat?
@13 Listen, my dear, I hope for your sake that you don't order mixed drinks, because we bartenders will sucker-pour your cocktail, give you week-old wine, and find the dirtiest glass we can to put your beer in. Also: servers tip out percentages to support staff at the end of the night. Every time you go out to eat and don't tip, it's costing your server money to wait on you. I hope someone shits in your food.
As someone who has worked in the service industry, this is fucking ricidulous. The guy is clearly an asshole. However, this kind of shit happens all the time in bars. It is part of the work. If it were me, and the guy were still there when I noticed the note, I would have called him out. However, if he left I would have passed the receipt around to a few co-workers, riffed on what an asshole he was, and then moved on with my life. Nothing good can come from this whole calling the dude out thing and, if we truly would like to be nice to each other, you cant be mean back to the people who arent nice. Despite how much this guy deserves all of this, the bigger, better, more repsonsible thing is to move on. I would argue this whole shebang is now much more mean spirited and vindictive than the inital note. And I used to get heckled for being fat in high school. Every day. He will cash in on his negative karama eventually with a shitty life in the long run. He will get his.
He is getting his. Right now. Karma works faster on the internet!
He will cash in on his negative karama eventually with a shitty life in the long run. He will get his.

That's a nice little fantasy to tell yourself, but it's not true. Many people live excellent lives while filling the world with their bile.

And if you can't give assholes like this their comeuppance even when they're *begging* for it, who will?
I've been working in the service industry for ten years and had a few incidents like this happen to me. When I don't get tipped, it's very much a get-pissed-for-a-moment-then-let-it-go type of situation. It has to be. You can't carry this stuff around, and in my experience it all evens out in the end - like the time a multi-millionaire tipped me $1000 for no good reason. I'm a sensitive person without a thick skin, and people can definitely be absolute dicks to those that wait on them, just like this guy was. But I have never really seen the point of revenge or retaliation.
This is totally sick in the head, this need to publicize every personal dispute. If she's angry as his message she should tell him to his face. Making her revenge public is a sign of mental illness. It's completely inappropriate and crosses a line. The guy isn't a public official, he's not elected to office. He's a guy who stiffed a bartender and wrote a mean note TO HER. This isn't your business Dan.
This guy was an ass, and making a big deal about it will make other assholes think twice.

I just really hope they found the right guy, and aren't attaching some poor schmuck.
This is great--all those Slog posts about gay kids getting cyber-bullied were really getting me down. Now Our Tribe can use those tactics on someone who deserves it!
Well, if I was the management at that joint, I'd wonder about an employee who attacks a customer on the Internet. I'd find some way to get rid of her.
Easy enough for Dan Savage to come to her "rescue."
He's never run a business in his life.
But if I'm managing a bar, the customer is always right.
@77 You really think this guy is going to have an Oprah moment over this? No. He is probably going to be even more of an asshole. If you think he is going to thoughtfully consider his actions (or more likely, the actions of the girl he was with that he is paying for) and then move on with his life in a better, more considerate way YOU are living a fantasy. You may be creating a momentary hell for him, but he will change his facebook and he and all his frat friends will sit around drinking Shiner Bock, talking shit just like they always did. He is a frat guy from Texas. You are only feeding his assholishness.
@80 Assholes dont think twice. Ever! That is why they are assholes!

It really doesn't matter if slander, libel, or the like can be established. I don't think this would get tossed out of court without significant legal wrangling. In order to establish his case (the douche bag), there are so many methods that could take months, or even years to exhaust before you get to a point where a judge would toss out the case. And that is even if a judge would be willing to toss the case out. I see cases with less merit than this every day, and they cost tons of money to defend, and it just doesn't matter if you cannot establish slander or libel, as the court will allow you time to make your case...

Just envision all the depositions this dudes lawyer could call, and bringing in all sorts of personal information and such... It would be a fucking nightmare, and you are better off avoiding the whole thing.

I work as a paralegal, but I avoid litigation as much as possible. It just really is no fun, and the costs bear on the extreme.

Again, doesn't matter if you can establish a case right away...As to get to the point where you could get a summary judgment, could literally cost you $20,000.

No kidding, it is not terribly fun. I personally run stuff like this past my lawyer first...
@78 - If you know Victoria, you know that "over-sensitive" is one thing she is not. The internet has taken this story to new levels, but it started as a warning to the local service industry. As Matt @63 points out, they do talk to each other and pass on information. Other bar/restaurants in the area don't want this scumbag coming in, shitting on the staff and stealing tip jars.
@85, while it wouldn't recompense for the hassle, can't the defendants in such a case recover court costs and legal fees?
It isn't about the not tipping, it is the base insult that has people angered.
Since no one else has said it:

"Don't tase me, bro!"
What a douche bag!

And I looked at the bartender's FB page - she likes Ron Swanson, that's enough to tell me she's an awesome person.


As a paralegal, I am legally barred from giving legal advice, and your question is close enough that I can only tell you what I have observed:

Most of the cases I have seen in which one party is defending against baseless allegations and that defendant or respondent wins the case, such as the judge tossing the case out of court, or even winning a jury trial, I have observed the judge ordering the petitioner or plaintiff to pay "reasonable attorney's fees".

However, most of the cases I have seen, to boil down to a number, lets say they asked for $12,467.80 in attorney's fees because that is the exact amount your attorney charged you. Well, most of the cases I have seen, the judge only ordered the losing party to pay a portion of the attorney's fees, which frequently is much less than half, which could leave a person with a $6,000 bill even after the judge ordered the losing party to pay reasonable attorney's fees. I also see many cases where the judge orders the losing party to pay fees, but in spite of the judgement, the losing party never pays those fees...and that leaves people with the responsibility to pay their lawyers entire bill in spite of award of fees. And what is left? Just a little note on a court docket and a judgment number...It is not always easy to get your fees, and sometimes people never pay, even after attempting to garnish their wages or financial accounts.

It sucks. Litigation sucks. There is no other way to put it. I don't think people should shy away from standing up for themselves, I just think that they should be cautious when doing so. LAWSUITS SUCK SUCK SUCK.

But hey, they keep me employed...
Why is Dan Savage even coming to Victoria's defense? I thought he thought fat people were gross? Didn't write more than one article defending that position. When you write it in an article it's fine, but if you write it on a receipt it's grounds for public shaming? I would say BOTH are worth a good public shaming.
#88 Which it shouldn't be: If anything, it should be about STEALING THE TIPS. That's it.

If he had written, "PS: Your haircut is ugly," do you think there would have been as much uproar?
"Is it also true that he emptied a tip change jar into his pocket as well?

Yes! In front of my manager! He put the whole jar on his hand and shook the money into his pocket!"

Your manager allowed a patron to steal from your tip jar and did nothing and you are bent out of shape about a snide comment on a receipt?

I'm sorry. I just think this is all petty and vindictive. Snide remarks and skipped tips aren't worth this. If this were me, I'd be extra kind the next time just to make him feel like a jerk.

Exactly. Happens all the time and you just gotta roll with it. It's not worth making a mountain out of a molehill. She probably walked with $200 or more that night and wouldn't have even noticed the difference once she counted everything out. As for the comment, what a cocksucker. Karma I think cuts both ways and I think the prudent way to go about this guy was just to leave it alone and not turn it into this mini-mega scandal. I'd be mortified to be the bartender that started all this myself. Seethe a little when shit like this happens, get it outta your system, walk away and move on.
I thought this was funny when it first popped up on facebook, but now it just seems ridiculously vindictive and petty.

"Public Shaming," really? Take it down a notch, people.
@93. Fuck what you think it should be about.
@98 Okay, fuck what you think it should be about, too. Can we carry on the conversation now?

Why did the manager not call the cops for the THEFT which occurred of the tip jar?!?!?!

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