
#1: You should speak at these people's funerals to let their families know their loved ones' sacrifices were worth it, because plentiful guns saved a few TV's. Well, assuming yelling "I called the cops" wouldn't have stopped the burglars, which it almost certainly would have.

100 dudes for 3 girls?

No wonder Seattle is horny.

But I don't care.

I just got a GroupOn for.....Dojo Zumba!

Any pharmacy that refuses to carry contraceptives should be the target of non-stop picketing.
@ 4, no doubt. If clinics of abortion providers are always picketed, then "conscientious" pharmacists should be, too.
I've said it before and I'm going to keep saying it. We will never get rid of guns in this country. We are too big and there are too many. To do so would require that we gut the 4th amendment, and regardless of how all y'all feel about the 2nd, I'd venture you're pretty fond of the 4th.
Magically get rid of all the guns already! We just need to invent a star trek transporter than will locate every gun on the planet and beam them into space. Or did Anna mean outlaw them so that only criminals have them? Ah I just love over simplifying issues, makes life so much easier...
@2, You're a fucking moron. You don't know what they were going to do or not. You can't argue if they're victims of circumstance or not. Hands down, if you break into somebody's home and you get shot in the head, that's on YOU, and YOU ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT. We could easily speculate that, had the residents not defended themselves, they would've been killed instead.

While we're at it: We need to get rid of all crime, already too. And meanness. Oh. And death.
Eh, whats a few shot 3rd-graders, as long as the TV is safe.
Damn shirts are sold out. You need to get more in stock. There's more of us feminist killjoys out here, ya know.

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