Blogs Mar 2, 2012 at 10:06 am


Not sure what beef straws are, but Iā€™m too worried to bing it at work. Either option my brain can come up with seems a little NSFW-ish.
Looks like a Slim Jim with a hole drilled in the middle. Also looks like I could get my little brother to buy and try them since they're being sold in Des Moines, IA, where he lives. I could try to get a field report if desired.
@1 Correct. Binging.
{insert beef straw joke here}

{insert "insert beef straw joke here" joke here}
Is it as off-putting as the bone luge?…
@5, that's...ridiculous. I swear to god, the whole world is turning into "Portlandia". How can you parody something that's already a parody?
@6 -- Well, although rumor has it that the practice originated in Portland I'm pretty sure it must have originally made an appearance in some Valhalla-bound viking drinking ballad or other. Srsly.
@6: How can you parody something that's already a parody?

I don't know, but I damn well intend to find out.

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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