
See goldensteinenberg, centrism works. No need for your nanny state new New Deal.

...and every Thursday Goldpussy starts his(?) day shrieking like a harpy. Oh, wait - that's everyday.
"Ha, facts! You can keep your stinking facts. We have Fox, Norquist and Limbaugh to ridicule your facts, to scare people and to tell them what to think." -- Republicans
europe can still drag us back in the ditch. they're pulling harder, too.
@1 & 2: Awwwww this just boils you bacon doesn't it?
@5: Don't blame them. They just hate America.
I'm surprised Bailo hasn't chimed in with his weekly "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS WHO HAVE DROPPED OUT OF THE JOB MARKET!?!" comment.

Or was that him @1?
Anti-Obama oil speculators can keep driving up the price of gasoline to force us back into recession.
"I'm surprised Bailo hasn't chimed in with his weekly "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS WHO HAVE DROPPED OUT OF THE JOB MARKET!?!" comment."

He's right
Turned around for whom, exactly? House values and household incomes are still dropping, and the labor participation rate of the total population is headed towards historic lows. Of course, the Richie$t Richie$ have more money now than ever before in human history, but the ranks of those in poverty and delaying starvation through food stamps have exploded.

Basing a re-election strategy on an economy in which 80% of Americans are still enjoying a Depression is a very dangerous game.

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