

Should a publication that makes its money from ads promoting the rape of children for money, be posting articles designed to appeal to children?

Isn't that luring?
Brilliant!! I need to focus on myself MORE. I need to be sure that I am The Center Of The Universe and the main character of every story ever!! I need to know that everyone always thinks of Me first.

I want a library FULL of these books!!!
Sounds like something republicans would do with Ayn Rand novels

Stately, plump --MC came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.
Sounds like fun pranks. And @Merry EXACTLY.
It's only a matter of time before the art world follows. I'll take one museum quality print of Mona Lilliable, please.
@1 you are the stupidest person in the world, you know that? Will is a bigger asshole and bigger liar, but you are the biggest derp. It's been pointed out to you a dozen times that The Stranger doesn't use, doesn't accept ads without ID, and is not named in any suit or boycott, but you still keep thrusting your donkey face into every thread braying that it is.
Professionally produced fan-fiction... starring ME!
Precisely which character would someone want to be in Dracula? And how would reading it be anything other than horrendously distracting?

I have a not common but not strange last name, and it always throws me a little and breaks the flow of things when a character in a book has that name.

Your "Chad of Green Gables" is well taken, though. I might actually reread Pride and Prejudice once again to see if young Elijah Bennett can win the heart of the icy Fitzwilliam Darcy, and if Lady Catherine's objection to a same-sex match for her nephew adds a modern twist.

Certainly, having Elijah inappropriately hit on by his cousin the minister would add a topical flavor to things.

I rather liked the version with the zombies.

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