
Is he dead?

Or just "dead to you"?
He also writes for the shittiest right-wing website on the planet, I highly recommend it, but not right after eating.
Eh. He's just jealous.

Insane Paranoid Dems oust serviceman for grousing on Facebook!!

Gary Stein, Marine Who Criticized Obama On Facebook, Will Receive Other-Than-Honorable Discharge

The San Diego-area Marine has served nearly 10 years in the Marine Corps. He has said he was exercising his free-speech rights.

The discharge will mean he loses all benefits.…

The butthurt is strong with this one.
Hahahaha, mixing up the Times and you. Hahaha.
Nice advertisement!
@5 beat me to it.

Is it too soon to suggest a Brent Bozell-themed extra credit prop for this year's Hump! Festival?
Ah, now that's the legendarily dense Bailo that I know and remember. You apparently couldn't be bothered to read all the way down to the end of the article you're linking to:

The judge pointed out Stein's March 1 comments on a Facebook page used by Marine Corps meteorologists in which the sergeant stated, "Screw Obama and I will not follow all orders from him."

No shit, sherlock, the armed forces get quickly testy when a soldier make a public statement that he's not going to follow lawful orders from someone in his chain of command.

Calling this "not news" would be an insult to legitimately interesting trivialities.
Yes. The Stranger has the right to list "Winner of the Pulitzer Prize" and in fact pass out condoms at this year's Hump with that printed on it. It's better than our fellow weekly zine the "Seattle Weekly" having "Winner of most disturbed prostitution case of the decade"
The military strictly prohibits its soldiers from criticizing the commander-in-chief publicly.
That's a lot of criticism from someone who can't even put a space between 'less' and 'like' in his third sentence, Mr. Bozell.
Envy is a sin, Brent.

And you're welcome to submit something to HUMP! if you're that concerned about it.
I know nothing about HUMP! (I read Slog faithfully, but not for the sex bits), but is there a Masturbation category? A practiced Wanker - indeed, even a Tosser - like Bozell would seem a strong contender. Heck, just cancel the contest this year and give him the prize.
@14 or just name the award after him.
At least he had the decency to call the crime horrific, I suppose.
I do wish he had written "radical sex columnist Dan Savage, who created a website that defines santorum as 'the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.'"

Or I think that's what it says. I better go take a look at that site.
Concern troll is concerned.
Do you share concern troll's concern?
_ Yes
_ No
Ahhh yes, like a true conservative he is judging the merit of the award by the associations of the writer and not the content of the writing. It doesn't matter that it was the best written feature article of the year, he works with Dan Savage, so it just can't be good.

This is the same reason that conservatives keep pushing programs that don't produce the intended results. Trickle down economics has to work, even though it never has, because of my belief system. Results never matter, if they did than Jesus would tell me so.

What a fuckin asshat douchenozzle.
Wait, Mr. Steen passed away? That's sad news, on a personal and on a professional level. Godspeed, Mr. Steen, you will be missed. I've asked the County Exec up here to lower the State and County flags to half mast.

Also regrettable upon hearing this news is the sad realization that, without his firm hand on your editorial tiller, the quality of writing at your paper, never stellar to begin with (Mr. Sanders's unfortunately-awarded Pulitzer notwithstanding) will decline even further.

Sad days indeed. God Bless you, Mr. Steen.
He does pose an interesting question: What other Pulitzer prize laureates host an annual amateur sex video festival? Pervy inquiring minds want to know.
@21: Doesn't Jay Sherman have one?
Wow... jealous much, Mr Bozell ?
I especially love the subtle belittling of the relationship between Ms Hopper and Ms Butz by referring to them as "two lesbians". They were not "two lesbians", they were a loving, committed couple who were also lesbians. Just another example of the casual dismissal and denigration of LGBT people by right wing bigots. Am I off base here, or did anyone else read this the same way I did?
@24. Me too. Why not "two women, partners," or even "two women?"

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