
"The abortion issue — relentlessly used by Democrats against the GOP’s Dino Rossi in 2004, 2008 and 2010 — has resonated mainly with feminist writers at The Stranger and Publicola."

So "the abortion issue" isn't an issue for people in general.
Only for "feminist writers".

"He has explained that, if asked, he and his wife would personally counsel against a woman getting an abortion, but that the decision on whether to terminate a pregnancy is ultimately a matter of choice."

Of course it is.
The question is whether it will be a LEGAL choice.
And, if legal, what restrictions will be placed upon that choice.
I never cease to be amazed at how the GOP can always successfully (to non-thinkers) cast themselves as victims while they relentlessly attempt to victimize anyone who is not like them.

Almost as bad as Christians claiming they are persecuted in America when they make up the majority of the country, and the vast majority of the legislature.
I demand a slog post by Cienna with the full firepower of her paint peeling mouth. It should have a minimum 9:1 ratio of sailor to non-sailor or I call shenanigans.
Then, out of reflex, he called for Obom to release her birth certificate.

Why don't you like the baby in the mommy's tummy?

Please stop, there is no scandal, there is no GetAJobGate, you are once again making an ass out of yourself over something trivial.
Joel Connelly has even less credibility than Joey Ratz, the nazi pope.
Connelly's catholicism is a convenient crutch when he just doesn't want to think anymore. For Joel, it's best to let a 'celibate' mobster tell you what to think.
Anything that ends with "-gate" can't and shouldn't be taken seriously. (It's about as pointless as calling someone "Hitler") Goldy, that piss and shit you took this morning was your credibility that you ended up flushing down the toilet.
Yeah, Goldy, grow up. How dare anyone ask a politician about their positions? Clearly, anyone interested in policy must be unemployed, and deserves whatever invective we can come up with for them.
Old fat dudes live in fear of being "bushwhacked" by "feminist writers", so sure, Connelly will side with any other man who faces the same terrifying scenario.
@6,8: I got the impression Goldy was typing "GetAJobGate" with tongue planted firmly in cheek. I can not answer for sure of course. I do agree that the -gate suffix is overused and a bit silly at this point though.

Also, I live on the east coast and so know/care only a bit about Seattle's local politics, but it seems that if McKenna is the AG and looking to rise up in the ranks, his refusal to answer a fair, basic question, in addition to his improper and childish attack on one of his possible constituents is a small but important mark on his character.
I've heard a rumor that McKenna is the illegitimate spawn of Joel Connelly and Dixie Lee Ray.
I just can't bring myself to trust that a politician who responds to questions with sneering and derision *really* has my best interests in mind when he takes office. So I guess it's a good thing McKenna never will. What an attitude.
The Times can't stand the competition. The Stranger is starting to thump them and they can't put you out of business like they did the P.I. Now they realise print media was on the way out and it's starting to bite.

Not only "resonated mainly among feminist writers," as opposed to a huge percentage of American women and men in general, according to Connelly, but feminist writers at the Stranger and Publicola. I guess none of his PI colleagues care about abortion rights. I'm surprised he doesn't call them radical feminist writers.
A Seattle Times writer shills for Republican Party. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
"To use the word "accost" so as to cast Obom as engaging in an act of aggression or even violence is just plain offensive."

"accost" also has the interesting secondary meaning of "solicit for sex". Is Joel not so subtly trying to emulate Rush Limbaugh?
She certainly accosted him with her poor appearance. How was he to know he was dealing with an alleged woman (and thus deserving of special treatment) with the way the alleged "she" was carrying "her"-self?
Apparently the young woman confronted McKenna, and a struggle ensued. Lucky for Rob, she was only packin' a recorder.
@20, Had she been black, male, and wearing a hoodie, she could have been legally shot in self defense. I mean, who could know that audio recorder wasn't a gun?
God. Rob McKenna is such a lying venal little toady. And on top of it all he just has one of those punchable stupid smug faces.

Sigh. But he's gonna be Governor. Sadly it's a foregone conclusion. Unless he's caught fucking a dead goat or something. We better install surveillance cameras out in Enumclaw just in case.
@22, unfortunately you're going to be right. Lying venality beats clueless incompetence every time.
@23 Not true. Remember Bush?
Joel is just trying to cover for his bud.

Caught in a lie. With video.
She certainly accosted him with her poor appearance. How was he to know he was dealing with an alleged woman (and thus deserving of special treatment) with the way the alleged "she" was carrying "her"-self?
As if the gender, age, fashion sense, employment status, or sexual preference of the constituent/voter/questioner makes an iota of difference regarding the issue at hand.

Or are you suggesting that he would have answered the question had it been asked by, say, me (a 60-plus, bearded, gainfully employed, casually-dressed male)? If so, you must mean to say that Mr. McKenna is a sexist and/or ageist and/or homophobe and/or fashion critic.

And that you state your opinion in the above manner strongly suggests that you are a sexist and/or ageist and/or homophobe and/or fashion critic.

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