
Hey, part of preparing kids for First Communion is to make clear to them what their relationship to the Church is going to be. This guy was just a little more frank about it.
Dan was wrong. not about the bible stuff but about calling the kids 'pansy-assed'. Reflex is sometimes not the way to go, although it would have popped into my mind too. but hell, my mind thinks things all the time that the mouth is not allowed to say out loud.
So if he wasn't "responsible for the images," exactly whose "memory stick" did he put in the computer, and how did he get his hands on it in the first place?
@3, to underscore how he did not put the porn on the memory stick he immediately destroyed it, and the laptop he then reported stolen could have had no porn on it at all. Seems legit!
@3 I like his claim that he destroyed it at home.
@ 5: That made me laugh as well.
So I guess the story is that someone broke into the church/his office, stuck a rogue memory stick on his laptop, which he did not notice, which then opened the files when he gave his presentation?

And then of course the memory stick was destroyed and the computer "stolen."

I seem to remember something in the bible about bearing false witness, but it must have not been a very important part, because now I can not remember where it was in there...
It's simply horrifying how those naughty, naughty images just spontaneously appeared on the memory stick all by itself. I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
At least it was adult porn.

Importing porn into a PowerPoint slideshow is extra depressing, somehow.
Dan was talking to an audience of people that were not expressing any opinion of his sexuality. That's where I draw the line... Anyone says anything prejudicial against a person's race or sexuality, and I will verbally slam them, but if they are simply minding their own business, to insult their beliefs is rude, arrogant, and thoughtless. But besides calling the religion of silently listening students "bullshit", I agreed with everything else. I am not religious. I do not subscribe to any god. I do not submit to any higher authority. It is I, and I only, that am in charge of my beleifs. One of my beliefs is a strong resonating sense that I should respect the beliefs of others, so long as they are not attacking anyone else. Simply practicing religion is not an attack on liberal values. It is an incredibly small percentage of religions persons that feel the need to practice bigotry. I'd hazard a guess that 99% of religious people do not endorse bigotry or judge others to the extent of causing anti-gay bullying. The bigots are just the loud ones. But I caution you, that this road of demonizing people's religions puts you (the royal you) on the path of the bigot. If continued, one day, you will be just as bigoted and intolerant as the bigots you so wish to defeat. This much, is clear.

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