
Mitt Romney is also responsible for the U.S. winning the Cold War AND WWII. And if it wasn't for Mitt, the Titanic would have sank after it hit that iceberg. Good thing that didn't happen, thanks to Mitt.

And Mitt gave us World Peace. Don't forget that. And he cured cancer.

What a great guy!
Didn't Romney want the auto companies to go bankrupt?
Didn't he oppose the bailouts?

The campaign ads practically write themselves at this point.
He's like a guy in the stands at the baseball game who yells "Hit a home run!" and then feels he deserves credit when the batter does.
So Romneyโ€™s got a bunch of great ideas that Obama is able to utilize and perfect?

Well, then it seems logical that Romney should have a job in the White House. Like an advisor or something. He can share his ideas in his wooden way and Obama can creatively improve and implement them and be the attractive front-man for the presidential press conference.
Wait, all of Obama's successes are inspired by Romney, but all of Obama's successes are lies meant to distract from a failed presidency, so that means all of Romney's ideas are meant to distract from Obama's failures. Right?
More correctly, he's like the guy at the baseball game who says "don't send him in, he can't hit anything".

Then, when the batter hits it out of the park ...

"I said that playing him then would win the game! I said it!"
There are SOOO many other ways to attack Obama's policies without having to lie. And those ways would actually be substative policy issues that would put Obama on the defensive. (And force Obama to defend his continuation of many of the Bush era policies)

Oddly, this would be the time for the GOP to reinvent itself and become less right wing or even (hold on to your panties) more LIBERAL than the Democrats but Romney isn't the person who will ever be able to sell that to his base.
@7 - Maybe you should start your own party.
@8, true there isn't a liberal party in the US anymore. The two major parties are variations on Reaganomics at this point.
Don't forget Obamneycare.
@7 Yeah, it would be great if the Pukes would complete their lap around the Dems to the point of being the less-assholish party again. I'm a terrible student of history, but that seemed to be the case from 1860 to the very early 20th C.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.
@10 - Romney did.


What is the sound of one fish flopping on the floor?
My god, this is so much crap!
"Well obviously I would have done everything right. That just goes without saying. What I'm saying is that I'd do it even righter than he's doing it, which is a low bar, since he's doing everything wrong."
It was Mitt Romney who first suggested to young salesman named William Mays, that if you make Oxy-Clean into a paste, you will make it ten times as powerful. Mays' subsequent success in the "As Seen on TV" cleaning products market is entirely attributed to following Mitt's sage advice.
@16 - Mitt Romney suggested to a young Al Gore that if you connect computers together, you might have something useful there.

He should ask his parent to save the auto industry.


Hold on.

His parent DID save the auto industry?!?!

You forgot that Mitt also saved us from that Martian invasion in the 1890's, gave Thomas Edison the idea for the incandescent light bulb, and performed (uncredited of course, he's SO modest!) on every Beatles album. Oh, and he also invented ice cream.
He's stuck in an alternate universe. One where only he wins. LOL!
Nixon started The EPA. Did he do it because he is a champion of environmental issues that should be exalted by the Green Party for his lifelong commitment to these issues, or was there no other choice, and because he happened to be the president in office at the time, he did it?

And now, please begin the fantasy about why this is different...because, ya know...for national defense purposes, we totally could have allowed the entirety of our Auto Manufacturing capabilities to disappear...
Hey, nice of you to show up here.
Too bad you're hiding from the other thread.…

Do you still have that mystical dictionary with the real definitions of words that supersedes all the other dictionaries out there?
@23, do you have anything on which to hang your hat beside that one thing, which you are obviously ignorant of?

Have you ever made an assertion, yourself, or do you just troll others who are trying to have intelligible discussions with others?

I quit that thread because speaking to you is a useless waste of mine, and everyone else's time.

Please refer to @22 above and refute it, make assertions not included, or fuck off, because you're so ridiculously retarded that bothering with you regarding the subtlety of those words you still don't understand is among the more boring things I've ever done in my life.

I'm not your research assistant. Find the information yourself, because it is quite easy for us non-Mongoloids to look up, when we choose to.
Shall I go over the history? Did you forget it?

You claimed that you did not "support" people that you had previously lauded.
Then you claimed that you "endorsed" Martin Luther King Jr's "life".
When questioned, you claimed that there was a difference between "support" and "endorse" that was spelled out in your dictionary.
I used the library's version and posted the definition of "endorse" from that dictionary. That dictionary used the word "support" in the definition of "endorse".
You claimed that YOUR dictionary may have been a different edition with a different definition.

So, you are in possession of a mystical volume that contains the true definitions of words that supersedes all the other dictionaries out there and that you will be using to define the words you use in your posts when others show that you are incorrect.

please refer to @22 above, refute it, add assertions not included, or fuck off (preferably the latter),

as I said, I am not your research assistant and will not be performing your web searches for you. If the parents who each contributed an X chromosome to you left you a trust fund, use it to pay someone to find this information yourself.

Again, stay on topic, or fuck off, troll.
"as I said, I am not your research assistant and will not be performing your web searches for you."

And no one has ever asked you to.
Or are you using a different definition that is only contained within that fabled codex that you possess? But that is different from all the other dictionaries out there?
I wish I could make bets on the winning horse after it's already run.

I have given you 3 easy to follow choices for attempting to engage me and stay on topic, please avail yourself of one of them by seeing @22 above and:

1. Refuting it
2. Adding an assertion not already included which sheds some new perspective on the topic.
3. Fucking off.

Again, my preference is #3, but any of them will work out while also ending your trolling tendencies (troll is also a french word, but we needn't get into that here, since you understand subtlety like the business end of a sledgehammer),
"I have given you 3 easy to follow choices for attempting to engage me and stay on topic, please avail yourself of one of them by seeing @22 above and:"

I can repeat it if you didn't get it any of the other times.…

The point is that you cannot even handle basic English.

You refuse to accept the dictionary definition of words and instead claim that you have a dictionary which defines those words differently than other dictionaries and even differently than other available editions of that dictionary.
@30 give up, he's like any other libertopian manchild. i don't think you're going to get through the extremely high levels of bullshit.

I see that you cannot stay on topic here, no matter how many times I give you the three, simple to follow options with which you can do so. Because of that, let's narrow it down to one option for you. As it is the easiest to follow, let's make that option, option #3 - Fuck off.

The last relevant entry before the unbalanced DNA receptacle trollmaster bitch monkey hopped in and tried to kill the conversation was @22.

Again, @22. Please ignore the cum-guzzling cock-slot as you follow along at home.
"The last relevant entry before the unbalanced DNA receptacle trollmaster bitch monkey hopped in and tried to kill the conversation was @22."

So you are now denying that you claimed to have a dictionary that held definitions that were different than the definitions held in other dictionaries?

Here's a link to that thread.…

Are you capable of understanding basic English?
Hey, where's Gay Dude for Romney? I fully expected him to spin this preposterous lie.

I'm not going to respond directly to the terrorist-apologizing, Ron Paulista, misogynistic trash, so I'll cheer you on and remind you that everyone here knows he's a motherfucking idiot.
Just because it's worth repeating, here is the advice from Romney that Obama "followed."
If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It wonโ€™t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself. With it, the automakers will stay the course โ€” the suicidal course of declining market shares, insurmountable labor and retiree burdens, technology atrophy, product inferiority and never-ending job losses. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.
Here's another link showing that Romney opposed Obama's plan (not recommended it).…

He told a local radio station this morning: "I think the way President Obama chose it was the wrong way. He wrote big checks and then he stepped into the bankruptcy process, put his fingers on the scale, and basically gave the shares to the UAW."

If you believe me to be a fucking idiot, then I have to say, I'm certainly doing something right. Sometimes it's difficult when you understand a concept so completely that someone has to latch on to something so wrong in their criticism of your opinion. In the end, I wasn't looking for some asshole troll to follow me up and down the joint. I was just looking for some lively conversation about what the heck is going on out there. If you wanna hate on that and stick to your assertion that Endorse and Support mean the same thing, go ahead. Anyone who has studied Latin and the romance languages knows that they are, in fact, not the same word, and those that haven't aren't really worth my time...or, at least those like you who would continue to use this 100% incorrect means to try and denigrate me, while putting forth no opinions of their own nor offering anything resembling insight to the conversation aren't worth it.

Please, though, continue to tell everyone why support and endorse mean the same thing...I mean, it's not like endorse, just in its common usage doesn't imply that it is something that comes after something else and support, from its literal usage, doesn't imply a more active patronage. It's almost like I've truly studied these words and understand where their meaning started and where it has landed and have chosen to continue on in the tradition of their original meanings, thus allowing you to continue to make your ridiculous troll argument simply to allow you to demonstrate what an asshole you are...naw...that couldn't be it, could it?
"If you believe me to be a fucking idiot, then I have to say, I'm certainly doing something right."

And by "doing something right" you mean claiming to have a dictionary that defines words differently than other dictionaries.

Here's the link for that in case anyone wants to read it.…

"Please, though, continue to tell everyone why support and endorse mean the same thing..."

From the dictionary that you claimed to use (but maybe not the exact edition you have which you claim is different):
en dorse (en do(the o has a hat)rs) v.
-dorsed, -dorsing. n.
1. to approve, support, sustain; (this part is in italics) to endorse a political candidate.

The rest of the definition is available at that link for anyone who wants to check it. Along with the location of the dictionary that it came from.

But dictionary definitions are just not good enough for you because YOUR dictionary uses a different definition than those other dictionaries and YOUR dictionary is the correct definition. All those other dictionaries are WRONG.

Which dictionary do you possess? Well, you won't be very specific about that, will you? Just that yours is right and all those others are wrong.

"It's almost like I've truly studied these words and understand where their meaning started and where it has landed and have chosen to continue on in the tradition of their original meanings, thus allowing you to continue to make your ridiculous troll argument simply to allow you to demonstrate what an asshole you are...naw...that couldn't be it, could it?"

I can quote the definition from a dictionary.
I can quote the definitions from multiple dictionaries.
You have the fabled codex of correct definitions that contradicts those other dictionaries.

You are claiming that those other DICTIONARIES do not correctly define the words you are using.
SLOGereigns (SLOG +sovereign), can you please give those two numbnuts their own thread to fight in so they stop ruining other comment threads?
Malcolmxy, all you had to do is admit you were wrong. I'm pretty sure you whole "troll" problem goes away if you do.

But no. Instead you claim that you have an EDITION of MW that differs from all others, etc., etc. And, look - now you are bringing up new excuses.

There's nothing wrong with being wrong if you admit your wrong. But quadrupling-down, with your increasingly preposterous denials, makes for fucking hilarious theater! And you wonder why he keeps goading you.

Sort of like when I called you out on your misstatements about Obamacare. What was your response? Basically, this:

Well, I'm an economics major, and only a few other people in the world understand this law.

Well, God bless you, Sir, for gracing us with your presence! (Wait - hold on. I'm a little dizzy from laughing. Whoof!)

You might want to reflect on the source of this highly entertaining character flaw. I saw a shrink for years. There's no shame in it.
Sorry Venomlash. Apparently I have a character flaw, too.
"I'm Brian! And so is my wife!"

I'm just as sick of it as you are. If you'll take notice, I've not followed anyone around, nor have I brought up anything from any prior articles.

I'm goofing around and trying to have a little fun and these two pricks can't let go of something that they neither understand, and about which they have offered no meaning opinions of their own.

I've tried to get them back on topic, but they are determined to troll. What am I supposed to do? They are obsessed over words, the meanings of which they do not comprehend.
@44: Dude, if they are just happy to troll you are only too happy to be trolled. Just exchange info privately so you guys can meet up, kiss, and touch weiners already.

Malcolm: Your ideas do not change reality, and you can not just decide what the meanings of words are. Words like "assassination" already have meanings.

Unbalanced: Hang it up already, your dictinary thing just looks silly now.
I kind of like it when mom and dad fight.
"I'm goofing around and trying to have a little fun and these two pricks can't let go of something that they neither understand, and about which they have offered no meaning opinions of their own."

You don't like when your trolling gets you tied in knots so much that you have to claim that all the dictionaries except the one you have are incorrect.

You can call it "goofing around" but you were trolling.
You were insulting other people.
You can dish it out, but you cannot face facts.

"They are obsessed over words, the meanings of which they do not comprehend."

And still you continue with that claim. And still you continue with the insults.
The people who wrote the dictionaries (other than the one you have) do not "comprehend" the "meanings" of words.

I am not experienced in wiener touching, but if you think it would be helpful, and if you can offer some instruction so that I'm not forced to fumble through it, what the hell?

the definitions you've been "searching" for, fucksticks. Original definitions matter, because we still use texts when these were the common definitions. Also, even though the explicit meaning may not be listed in a dictionary that you know how to find, they still exist in the subtle ways we choose to use one over the other based on the situation.

Now, pretty please, with a cherry on top, go fuck yourselves.
@48: You don't know how to touch things with your weiner? It isn't that hard to figure out.

Also, it may be helpful to know that telling people to go away and to fuck off sounds kind of silly when you keep coming back to them to keep arguing.
"Original definitions matter, because we still use texts when these were the common definitions."

That is why dictionaries have multiple definitions listed for the words that they define.
No one (except you) has claimed that "endorse" cannot also mean something else in a different context.
In fact, the definition I posted from the dictionary brand you claimed to have specifically listed different definitions and the contexts that they were applicable to.

Here's the link, I'll post some of the definitions again.…

1. to approve, support, sustain; (this part is in italics) to endorse a political candidate.

5. to write (something) on the back of a document, paper, etc.; (again with the italics) to endorse instructions; to endorse one's signature.

7. Heraldry, a narrow pale, about one quarter the usual width and usually repeated several times.

You are the one claiming that only the definitions held within your mystical tome (which no one else can verify) are the true definitions and that all the other dictionaries are wrong.

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