
It's so sad to see religious loudmouths break with Dan Savage over this one thing. Where did the love go?
People in the Bible Belt are always worked up about something. In my day it was the Safeway logo (a pre- Christian fertility symbol) and the Proctor & Gamble logo (Demonic!)

I had to laugh when reading the Seattle Times article. It said that at a conference of more than 3,000 students "about two dozen students and advisers" walked out. So, less than one percent of the audience walked out in a huff.

This is news? More people probably left because of bladder control issues than were offended.
@3 Well, to be fair, it's not like there's much else to do on a Saturday night.

Driving through the Corn Belt reminds me how good I had it growing up in the Rust Belt. At least we had derelict buildings to throw rocks at for our entertainment.
What's the deal with MTV and online watching? New shows are available for how long, and then get blacked out for how long? After the that blackout, do they then just remain available, or get blacked out again for another period?

As you might guess, I don't watch much MTV, or have interest in it for more than Savage U. (Please accept my apologies for the annoying/stupid/lazy question.)
Everything Dan said was accurate, intelligent and reasonable—no offense should have been taken. I just hope he is done apologizing for this!
Finishes heme, we had the best of both worlds in the Omaha: Bible belt types AND downtown Omaha, which pretty much emptied out between 1967 and 1972. Theatres, hotels, department stores, office buildings, warehouses, all for the taking. It's amazing what racism can do.
They're just buttsore because Dan's more popular than Jesus. Yeah, I went there.
5 dear, I was directing my comment @8 to you. The silly auto-correct destroyed your handle and I was too blind to see ( literally. I just had a cataract removed, and am blind as a bat right now)
Sex doesn't have me. :)
If you have a mental illness or developmental disability like Asperger's Syndrome, then it's possible to never have sex. People with autism can't understand non-verbal communication such as body-language. Almost no one has sex unless they have been communicating on a non-verbal level. There are no "hand-outs" in the world of sex. You have to work for sex, and the work is non-verbal body language and subtleties. This video is lies for the mainstream of normal people. That is why it is on MTV: mainstream!
@8 No worries Catarina. I actually liked the new version of the tag. :)

And having been to Saddlecreek, I know exactly what you mean. I do like Omaha, though. Reminds me of Pittsburgh, in a good way.
Jesus, now my sloppy typing got me too, Catalina. And I don't even have a good reason for it. :/
The laughs are totally fucking wrong.

Should they be allowing the 46 year old Savage to entwining young people's minds about sex like this?

@17 You’re the guy who wrote that a woman who was attracted to you would not need foreplay, she’d be hot and wet just looking at you, right?

You should worry less about what these adults are learning from Savage and pay better attention yourself to gain some useful information in human sexuality.
@17 They need something to shake them from their stupor.
Dan: Keep up the good work. An eloquent & concise person has to stand up & speak the truth. You are the best man for the job. I thank you.
Since the bible-belt has the highest teen pregnancy rates in the USA, it seems kind of belatedly stupid telling this stuff to college age people.

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