
@99, indeed.

In general: Mr Savage now has a chance of doing something useful with this debate. I am a bit nervous about his tendency to come out too strongly, given his boyish style (cf. what he calls 'bullshitgate', and the things he often says in his podcast). Let's hope everything will go well.
@101, why not? Where does god say it was not his plan? And why did s/he create gay people with desire for love and commitment if such desires were never meant to be fulfilled?
@76 -- I'd be surprised if Dan felt confident that he could change this guy's mind. But either Brian's going to have to keep up the hateful rhetoric and look like a bigger asshole than he already is, or back down a bit and attempt to be more civil than he might want his cultists to believe he is.
It's spelled kitsch, Dan. Otherwise, kudos & mazel tov.
Dan, you need to get Brian Brown to admit that non-religious straight couples are legally permitted to marry in our country. If he acknowledges that, then what basis does he have in using his chosen religious beliefs to deny same-sex couples the same exact right to a non-religious civil marriage at city hall. If marriage is solely a religious institution then why isn't Brian trying to ban marriages of non-religious straight couples?

This, and why do we allow straight couples who cannot or will not procreate to marry?
@99: They always sound like they think our lives our a game.
How often do they actually use the *word* "game"?
Dan, it's already over. You win. Stand by for a cancellation.
Well played, Dan. I'm really looking forward to this.

One request - I'm sure you'll release an edited version of the debate. Brown will almost certainly release a version edited in his favour. Can you also release the full, unedited footage, so that any claims regarding selective editing can be easily rebutted?
I presumed you mean Bryan Brown, the character actor. With his wife, British actress Rachael Ward.

Oh, next time.
I love this, it's like The Birdcage. Do you have a sassy Cuban houseboy? Can you get one in time for the dinner? Does Brown have any eligible daughters about DJ's age?
I would serve only forbidden food from Leviticus.
Actually, not bringing his wife AND bringing his own videographer isn't exactly meeting Dan at any time at his own terms... if his wife is over 6 months pregnant I would understand her reluctance to travel; otherwise, get a babysitter...(assuming here they don't live in the Seattle area). Nice of Dan to accommodate Brian even though Brian is already reneging on the original deal.
So what's the deal? It's August now...

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