
And where bare asses are set, shit stains are always a possibility.

My experience is largely confined to women, so I have to ask the question this letter brought to mind the first time it was printed: Is there something about men's asses that I don't know?

Never known a woman to have skidmarks. Never had skidmarks myself. I have never in my life thought that plunking my or my partner's naked ass on furniture carried the risk of getting shit all over the upholstery. Unless we're doing some sort of anal play where things are going in and out of buttholes, the potential for shit doesn't factor into naked time unless somebody's on the toilet.

Do I live in some magical land of air-tight anuses and obsessive wipers?
@1 I had the same thoughts.
@1 Women do tend to be a bit more hygienic with their underneath bits and there are some structural differences to consider when it comes to oral and sitting. Plus men probably tend more to eat things that tend to lead to the dreaded leaky farts.

That being said I have certainly seen shit stains on many lady undergarments, especially those that wind up in the crack. And its not like lady bits don't occasionally produce things that stain.

This poor guy probably has it worse than most, but so long as he's willing to put down a towel or give himself a pre-sex ass washing it shouldn't be a deal breaker. It's not like there are going to be less of these kinds of things as they get older. Part of sex is dealing with the fact that human bodies are pretty damn gross at times.

A chat with the doctor couldn't hurt as he may have something going wrong down there.
It is SERIOUSLY NOT THAT DIFFICULT to never leave skidmarks, you guys.

Especially on the fucking couch.

Now let us never speak of this again.
I have found that a simple dab of ordinary shampoo makes a shit stain disappear. Really. And come on, if you've never had a shit stain accident, count yourself lucky because one's a- comin.
Someday you may have elderly relatives in your home or car on a fairly regular basis, @1 & 2. Forewarned is forearmed.

Oh, let's start another long chain of motel/hotel horror stories, about how the chairs/sofas all-too-often have stains in the middle of the cushions that are far longer than they are wide, and have a weird left/right symmetry! And how the comforters always seem to have such migraine-inducing colors and designs that you couldn't possibly notice a stain *if* one was present! (Spoiler alert: I always use lots more towels than I actually need for drying off or lounging by the pool.)

Best non-motel story: a fit young lady in fluorescent green shorts and iPod running down the busiest street in the toniest neighborhood of San Diego. With a spreading vertical brown stain on her backside.
Learn to wipe your asses, and how to do it well. Unless I am seriously ill, I have never had a problem with skid marks. I just don't get it!
Is it really so difficult to clean your butt? Especially if you know you're going to get naked with someone?
TIL Dan Savage has beige poo
PS: it's a lot more difficult to wipe totally clean with a hairy buttcrack, which is probably more common on guys than gals.
this gal sounds a bit anal retentive....oh, i Crack myself up. so why the shit storm? the best sex is often messy, sweaty, loud, and smelly. has she never had sex on her period? theres a bit of mess coming in her future hopefully with other situations and bodily secretions ...sweat, cum, lube, wax, etc...just dont have sex on the finest linens, and keep banging and blowing away. be polite and discreet and somewhat lighthearted in addressing this issue.

or better yet, freak the fuck out and berate him for this occurence. rub his nose in it and say 'bad puppy'.

I've never understood this, either.
PS: it's a lot more difficult to wipe totally clean with a hairy buttcrack, which is probably more common on guys than gals.

And that is why you should never rely on wiping alone, but always use water to clean your ass.
@13 While ideal, a through shower is not possible every time a guy drops a deuce. Moist ass wipes, etc can't really substitute.
This is just plain bad hygiene, Dan's alternate universe aside. I've never understood men's reluctance to clean their asses- I guess they think it makes 'em gay or something. And so, many rely on their underwear to do the trick. This is made worse by parental units not teaching their sons to clean themselves, again for some crazy notion that mentioning such things might make their little boys gay?!?
I agree with @7 above- women don't seem to have nearly the trouble with this that guys do, but there is more sociatal pressure on young women to keep those parts clean. Plus- no one thinks that running a wash cloth over those parts is going to turn a young girl lesbian.
Thanks Dan. I didn't particularly like this letter the first time. I really didn't need the rerun. Why is it that the grossest ones are the ones I can never purge from my memory?
@16 Humans are gross. Get over it. Besides, didn't you ever have to spend part of your life cleaning baby poo? I sure have. It changes your perspective on a lot of things. Especially breathing.
@14, I think he/she's referring to the popularity of bidets in many countries outside the U.S.
@17. Yes. 3 kids. Didn't like it then, don't like it now. Of course I deal with it as needed, but adults should have the ability to clean their own asses. Somehow, I've managed to get through over 50 years of life without having to clean ass stains off the couch. Maybe I'm just lucky that way.
Why I wear only black underwear. It is not a hygiene issue, but one of unpredictable bowels.
Straight guys are fucking sick. Seriously breeder-boys: clean your fucking asses! For the record if I smell a guy who is funky in that way "down there" they get kicked out of the house immediately.
@18 I should have said shower, tub or bidet. In real life one cannot always avail themselves of those cleansing opportunities every time nature calls for a BM. I know I would not use a bidet at the office - they can't even keep the fridge clean at work. I'm not convinced the Japanese washlets would be through enough for the spontaneous BJ on a light couch, unless they have some sort of shit-seeking sensor.
Seems like any ass stains around my place -- and they are few and far between -- follow mind blowing (gay) sex. We don't seem to care much after; clean up. That's all. And the cum mess is usually more of an issue anyway. Cum always ends up everywhere.....
Do you all think that straight men with poor hygiene are really not cleaning their asses because they think that to do so will make them somehow gay? How does that work?

Can't they just be lazy?
I've always assumed skid-marks are due to bad wiping strategy. As stated above, guys are going to have more bum hair and have to be more careful. Wiping while standing up is a bad option; sitting down and leaning over pulls your cheeks apart and gives you better access. (Also, consider shaving your bum! It feels fantastic and makes running feel soooo much comfier IMHO.)
If wipes don't do the job, and you don't have a bidet, you can always keep a decorative-looking jug or teapot in the bathroom. Not obvious, and easily accessible for thorough cleansing over the toilet as needed. A guy I once met had a kind of handle-less teapot that was kept in his bathroom for precisely that purpose. Apparently, it is traditional implement in his culture, and no bathroom is considered hygienic without one because washing after defaecation is just considered necessary.
Yes, let's all construct what could be a symptom of a medical condition (mild Crohn's disease, IBS, etc.) as a personal failing (failure to wipe properly) based on pure speculation. Good job on universalizing your own experiences, Sloggers! While we're at it, I'm sure sexist and racist discrimination is just a myth in the minds of people with persecution complexes; they'd do fine if they weren't so entitled and lazy. Vote Romney 2012!
Maybe he just wanted to tell you that you gave a shitty blowjob.

A conscientious person with IBS either wouldn't receive a blowjob naked on upholstered furniture or would, at minimum, double-check to make sure there were no accidents after the fact. The dude is gross, regardless of any diseases he may be suffering from.
It is entirely possible to wipe until the paper comes away quite clean, then for some reason (I don't know, sweating?) still need to go back for additional cleanup later. If she had to smell it to make sure, it pretty clearly was a pretty light streak.

Wet cleanup does a way better job than dry paper. Use baby wipes. If they dry out because someone left the package open, wet one in the sink before use. (Or use a washcloth, if you are feeling ecological.)

Oh, and what Dan said. Fucking relax already, and put down a damn towel next time. In case you hadn't noticed, sex is messy. If it hadn't been shit, it might just as easily have been come that dripped or got smeared somewhere it shouldn't. Next time it might be you with your ass on the couch, smearing vaginal juice, or lube, or blood, or yes, sweat mixed with a slight residue of shit.
Reusable Bedpads - 34x36 in, absorbs 1800cc

Cheap, washable, folds flat. Take them on vacation, use them during messy sex, or when you're on hard to clean furniture. Great for period sex. We own three of them :-)
And these:
Cottonelle Flushable Moist Wipes, 20 each

These are the individual ones to take with you ( they'll fit in most wallets).
@14, see @26. A simple bottle also works nicely, that's what I use.
My routine:

1. wipe with toilet paper until clean according to "Western standards".
2. sit on toilet, ass pointing backwards (think weightlifter stance), pour water in asscrack, while rubbing ass with other hand.
3. Pat ass dry with toilet paper.
4. Wash hands.

Perhaps this gives you the impression that I would get shit all over my hands -- I don't. Remember, my ass is already "officially clean" before I start the water treatment at the point where other people pull up their pants.
What @27 said. If the guy is young enough he may not be aware yet that it's possibly some type of medical condition -- only something to be terribly embarrassed about.

Yes, I've had to deal with that scenario before. If y'all have never, ever dealt with shit stains, just count yourselves lucky and be prepared for some time in the future. For yourself, a partner, or other loved one.

And ease up on the righteousness, yo.
@30: While sex is messy, I personally don't feel that vaginal juice, come, sweat, or even blood are "gross". I'm willing to lick up vaginal juice, swallow come, lick someone sweaty, and I do like the taste of blood (though I probably wouldn't lick period blood- too clumpy). But piss and shit? They're gross. Maybe some people think that all bodily excretions are equal, but I certainly don't.
If the concept of skidmarks is less common in women's underwear, well, one reason could be that it's not merely an issue of obsessive or dainty hygiene. Considering the fact that women's plumbing is so closely situated, it's VERY easy to come down with a UTI simply from not wiping properly (especially if you're experiencing GI tract problems and aren't at home to do a more thorough job). Believe me, you only need to endure one such infection to be far more thorough the next - and EVERY - time.

In any case, the man with the problem was an ASS as he wasn't willing to take any proactive measures to deal with it. Hiding underwear and pretending everything's okay is an immature response.
@35: Yes, yes, fine, but....smeared on the couch?

The point wasn't which ones are gross and which ones are delicious, the point was that sex, when used as directed, smears things all over the place. If she/they had had the sense to put down a towel in the first place, she probably wouldn't be nearly as bent out of shape about the whole thing. Cleaning it up off the upholstery has got to have a much higher "Oh, god damn it, gross!" factor than just tossing a dirty towel -- one that you fully expected to get soiled -- in the laundry.
It's all about body hair. Guys commonly find as they get older that hair thins on the scalp but sprouts in less desirable spots (earlobes, nostrils, eyebrows, etc.) Well, it can also bloom (or thicken) in places you can't see when you look in the mirror -- back, butt, toes, etc. If you find yourself needing to trim ear and nostril bristles, you might also do with a little judicious bum-shaving. After a little practice with a disposable razor, keeping things smooth back there can become part of your daily routine, greatly reducing the chance of skiddy residue.

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