Blogs Oct 5, 2012 at 12:35 pm


I realize that there are morons inhabiting every nation on this planet... But all of this ridiculousness makes me want to move somewhere far, far away. I figure at the very least, if I move to a country and don't speak the language, that I won't be able to understand idiotic things that are spewed from the mouths of morons. The real question is *where* to move... I have some research to do.
Whoever did the graffiti is a pedophile paint huffer. I know this because if they disagree they are a liar and I know they're a liar because it's true and they can't deny it.
Without a picture, how can we tell that this is a misspelling of liar?

Is it not as reasonable to believe that the vandal was trying to say that Obama is simply more like a muslim, that is to say more muslimly than others? Is Obama not muslimlier than Mitt?
Why is spray painting other people's property sometimes called "vandalism" and other times called "tagging" or "art?"

How do you know Banksy didn't do this?
Left wingers, on the other hand, do not misspell words on their anti-politico graffiti, and even use words like COPROPHAGE and ICONOCLAST and BASHI-BOZOUKS in the text of their defacements.
Well he did lay that one Muslim --Osama Bin Laden-- down in the dirt pretty darn well...
@6: Water, not dirt, cubby.
Tsk! That wasn't even vandalism! They hung up a banner- they didn't actually spray paint the building itself. That isn't vandalizing, that's unauthorized banner-hanging. Or did they use tacks that damaged the facing somehow?
I'm a muslim liar too
Muslimli, Muslimlier, Muslimliest

Lying is bad. Being a Muslim is not.

Muslim Lier is not misspelt. Muslim in concealment

Li´er (lī´ẽr)
n. 1. One who lies down; one who rests or remains, as in concealment.
There were liers in an ambush against him.
- Josh. viii. 14.

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