
This guy is lucky he just lost his right to vote. If the "God fearing Christians" had their way anyone who committed any crime would be simply executed. It's the way the baby Jesus would want it.
I appreciate the homage to Esquire's late, lamented "Dubious Achievement Awards" annual feature.……
Dear SLOG,

Please note that the SECB has once again given one of your Enemies of SLOG, Dave Reichert, a free pass.

This is a continuing indignity up with which you should not put.
Do you not reside in Washington state? The law was changed in 2009 to make it easier to re-enfranchise formerly convicted felons. Essentially, once you're released from prison, you can vote again.
You really believe based on reading the Stranger that they should enorse Gary Johnson?

A. Have you ever read Savage's views on Nader?

B. Gary Johnson also wants to get rid of financial regulation as well as the federal reserve. Why would the Stranger endorse that? That's just silly.

Plus your article goes from being angry at them for not being edgy in choosing a presidential endorsement, and then criticizing them for being edgy by choosing a 'socialist'.

And I'm pretty sure I've seen arguments for allowing convicted felons to vote time and time again in the Stranger.

Lastly, you said (and I'm paraphrasing) that Rob McKenna is somewhat realistic. I find that entirely hilarious. It's a shame you can't vote being there is no good reason for that, but your critique of the Stranger's endorsements is just inane.
Oh and I get that your whole point was they choose a not edgy presidential candidate and then an edgier local candidate but how does that not make sense to you?

We live in a much more progressive area, thus, we can elect more progressive candidates.

They don't follow some "Stranger guidelines of fucktardness" they use logic and rational.
Could be worse.

He could be jailed indefinitely for resisting a Grand Jury and insisting that he has rights.

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