
Is it true that Mourdock is the only Senate candidate to benefit from a Romney ad? Is that because the race is really tight for Mourdock or is it because Romney and everyone who plans to vote for him are itching to turn the US into a corporate-controlled theocracy?
the people of indiana will not care - the majority agree with him and think he's standing on christian principles. Mourdock is a shoo-in. he'll sit in the senate as long as he wants, just like Rand Paul in KY.

of course, if their daughter got raped, they'd have no trouble with THAT abortion. just not a stranger's rape pregnancy.

this country is fucked.
And the DNC finally gets it right in an ad.…
There's your next president, folks. Get used to it.

Romney's got less spine than a jellyfish. Mourdock's a holier-than-thou creep.

They deserve each other.
Yo Mr. Mourdock, I'm happy for you, and imma let you finish, but Justin Bieber had the best "rape is a gift from god" quote of all time. Of all time.
I've known a lot of nice people. Only a very small few with integrity. A woman from Ethiopia stands out. She's a born-again Christian, and wouldn't give the Stranger a second glance.
So if God intended a rapist to rape a woman, why didn't God intent the woman to get an abortion?
What I want to know is: If ONLY God can create life, what does he need US for?
So Mittens will stand by a guy who thinks rape babies are a gift, but also (maybe?) wants to end ENDA? That practically qualifies him for the US Gymnastics team (logic edition).

Also: thank goodness another middle-aged man thinks that women should have to carry a pregnancy caused by rape to term. Nope, no war on women here!
God probably intended people to get deadly brain fungus too, so there's no sense treating that, is there?
@7 Apparently you don't have as much integrity as your Ethiopian friend. Sad.

Don't give up, 5280! This is exactly the kind of crap the Romney campaign doesn't need, less than two weeks out from Election Day and with early voting picking up. And with all those women undecided voters. And with more liberal voters smelling blood on the water. Obama is rising again on Gallup and his approval rating has gotten healthy. These last two weeks were supposed to be all about Obama. Now it looks like Romney will have to come down from the clouds and speak to the press a little bit. Damn.
no i don't have as much integrity as that woman (i have very little integrity as a matter of fact), though i believe with the American ways encouraged by the Stranger and other media, the Ethiopian woman is corruptible!! We can do it!! And screw you if you're going to cheer on 5280, he doesn't need shit from you. We'd both literally throw you under under a bus if we had the opportunity. Apologies to 5280 if I'm out of line.
I am not agreeing with Mourdock.

But really, if a person's argument is life begins at conception, then there is no un-hypocritical way they can argue "except in the case of rape". Either that ball of cells is a person, or not...does rape make a difference (for those holding opinions on life at conception).

@13 5280 is an independent leaning for Obama, last I heard. I don't know what's this "shit" you're talking about.

I'm sorry The Stranger is such a guilty pleasure for you. It doesn't need to be.
@14 A man's cousin was unequivocally a living, independent human being. The court found he could not be legally compelled to provide life-saving tissue to his living, independent human being cousin. His right to bodily autonomy could not be infringed by a court decision. By denying his cousin life-saving bone marrow, he condemned his cousin to death. The cousin died as a direct result of that man's choice.

Why should a fetus created via rape have rights no legally recognized person has?
@14 'But really, if a person's argument is life begins at conception, then there is no un-hypocritical way they can argue "except in the case of rape". Either that ball of cells is a person, or not...does rape make a difference (for those holding opinions on life at conception).'

In God, all things are possible: The sins of the father (the rapist) are visited down upon the children. (See Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 5:9 , etc.)

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