Blogs Oct 30, 2012 at 9:26 am


I always assumed Asian children did so well in school because their brains hadn't been addled by religious myths and superstitions, which makes them rational thinkers.
Why not both?
It is a tool for those who want to raise their social/economic position.
It is also a lifelong hobby for those who can afford the time and expenses.
Once you've achieved a higher social/economic position then you can spend some of the extra income and time in pursuing education as a leisure activity.
So in Zimbabwe the well-off children who didn't need to study hard looked down on those in poverty, not because of their social status, but because they didn't go out to play during recess? Believable.

Do you think the Asians in your previous post are trying to dig themselves out of poverty?
Good Morning Charles,
I like what you said. I definitely fall into the category of education as leisure. I read voraciously today as a result. And, you have a point about lowering class distinctions for students/youngster to have better access to general or even particular education.

Still parents need to held accountable for their children's education and to inspire them. In principle, after all they, parents are the first educators of humans.
Well, if I'm sick I think I might avoid the doctor who thinks doctoring is an amusing way of noodling away his time and go for the one who spent his years in school kicking the asses of all the other med students.

But if you're the one who's sick, then, sure that Hegelian thing sounds really cool. Your "schola" doctor will no doubt prescribe tai chi and infusions of mugwort for your broken arm because beautiful tradition you guys.
@6 When I'm sick the last thing I want is to share my troubles with some high achiever who is probably sneering at my low-end clothes or unkempt skin or something. I seriously stay away from doctors for that reason.
These observations can form the basis for an excellent argument in favor of free, meritocratic education but you'd have to be some kind of socialist for that.

Take it one step further and use the pedagogy Francisco Ferrer's "Esquela Moderna" and you'd be living in some crazy anarchist dream.
That was interesting, thank you Charles.

You do realize that you dying under their care is the opposite of "high achievement", right?

Whatever. It's actually true that incompetent doctors with a nice personality get sued less than arrogant, but competent, doctors. People would rather feel affirmed than get better. Good luck with that.
@11 Getting paid = high achievement. But OK, let's pretend they actually care about saving my life. When I'm dying I'll make sure to seek out an arrogant, materialistic prick who despises the meat-bags who have the nerve to bring their health problems to him. For everything up until then I'll take the B-student who might have read a novel or listened to a song at some point on his way to becoming an MD.
Thank you again Charles for your insights into the mind of different cultures, for me in this case Zimbabwe. To see from the eyes of a different culture enables one to turn and look at ones own and see how it boxes in ones thinking with assumptions about what is important. I greatly appreciate these vacations that you provide that help me think outside those boxes.

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