
People don't so this on their. It's the RNC, Tea Party or Crossroads. Someone has conveyed the message that this is the right thing to do. Needs Congressional hearings and to eliminate partisan election officials.
You stay classy, assholes.
Republicans: "We all need to pass laws to stop us before we break the law again!"
Republicans think we need Voter ID laws because they think everyone cheats as much as they do.

Nailed it.

Did anyone prove she was a member of the Republican party?

Maybe the Demorats are looking for an excuse when Romney (legitimately) takes Oregon.
[sarcasm]Voter ID laws would definitely have prevented this election fraud.[/sarcasm]
@6 wut?

This kinda shit makes my blood boil. Disenfranchisement? Fuck them. Fuck that woman.
@6 Ah, more useless non-sequitors & OT posts from the blathering keyboard of Bailo. It makes no difference what she was registered as. She broke the law.
"The only good republican is a dead republican."

I'm trying to find the source to this quote.

Supreme homostupid of the universe can you help me?!
Or how about you house faggot with the dead of AIDs boyfriend?
You two seem to know more than anyone else. Please help me to find who first said this quote?
Republicans demonstrating yet once again that electoral fraud is the problem, not the nearly non-existent voter fraud they claim is rampant to justify their voter suppression tactics.
I'd bet she was acting on her own. It was one person, a temporary worker, and the incident was reported the same day it happened -- according to an early report I read. Don't see that same information on this link. My observation of Reps is they have a tendency to really believe that "ends justify the means." A lone election worker could feel she was doing the right thing, even though it was clearly wrong. And. Arrest her and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law. Damn.
@12 oh, please. She was on a conference call with Anne Romney, Karl Rove, and at least one of the Kochi giving her specific directions.
Good thing it's a felony, so this shitstain won't ever vote again.
Why aren't their two (or three) people handling each ballot?
One from each party.
Watching each other.
@15 that'd be awkward. People love the idea of voting being secret and/or private. That's why independents are a popular thing to claim. No one knows you vote Republican. Saving face, y'know?
@16: No, you still wouldn't have to know who voted to record the vote. one way: a team recording who voted, another team transporting boxes of ballots filled out in secret, another team recording ballots. This isn't rocket science. Cross checks to minimize fraud.
This just proves yet again that Republicans are stupid. (Karl Rove and company aren't stupid, but they're not Republicans; they're oligarchs.)
@15 Exactly.

How the hell was that woman in Clackamas County allowed enough privacy with ballots to even begin to tamper with them? People need to be fired, voted out, jailed, barred from service and I am not opposed to shooting them for good measure. This is completely unacceptable.

As for the case in the update, while the article alleges everything, it seems that it is only known that Roxanne Rubin was arrested because when she went to vote on Eastern Avenue, a database check showed someone had voted under that name hours earlier at Anthem Community Center. Rubin claims she had not voted and should get at least the presumption of innocence until convicted. The article notes the same task force is investigating one more case of this this election, which given the rarity of in person voter fraud, might actually indicate Rubin is the victim here. That said, I think it's likely she'll be convicted.
Yup. With all the hollering by Tea Party Republicans about voter fraud, looks like the only ACTUAL voter fraud, campaign violation, election fraud, and ballot tampering is done by GOP. Color me NOT SURPISED. Didn't all those "dead voters" (ie grandmas and grandpas voting on behalf of their deceased spouses) vote for Dino Rossi in 2004 too? And yet, the only hooting and hollering we get about dead voters is from the Grand Ole Vote Suppression Party. I personally don't give a shit - I mean, come on, it's your grandma and grandpa we're talking about here! But if the Republicans were to apply their own logic of "cracking down non-existent voter fraud" - they really should start with their own base. If there is any lazy piece of shit out there that hasn't yet voted, GO FUCKING VOTE! Vote for Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, Kathleen Drew, and every other Democrat on the ballot, and stop this fascist madness. Rob McKenna = Reagan Dunn = James Watkins = Kim Wyman = Tea Party = Freedom Foundation = "Mainstream Republicans" = voter suppression = Koch Brothers and Kemper Freeman style corruption = end of Washington state as we know it.…
On the citizenship exam, they like to refer to the right to vote as "the most important right granted by the Constitution". If that's true, I'd really like to see voter fraud and election tampering treated as seriously as treason. I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if that's what we do to traitors, then so be it.
Unfortunately, what this does is now give the Republicans the "proof" they need -- never mind that it was them doing it -- to push these laws through. Everyone was saying "this isn't really a problem", but now it is.

I really can't stand these people...
Next time you hear about a Republican screaming about some act of injustice a Democrat has committed, just remember that only a thief accuses an innocent person of stealing, only a liar accuses a truthful person of lying and only criminal thinks an innocent person commits crimes.

It's called PROJECTION and the Republican's have cornered the market on it this political season.
@23, It's not voter fraud since she is an election worker tampering with the vote. None of the unnecessary voter fraud measures put forward by the GOP would address this particular case.
You are all intellectually lazy as shit. It doesn't take a wizard king or a Bodhisattva to realize a bunch of hillbillies are off somewhere generalizing straight out of their asses about democrats as well. Read a fucking book imo.
@26, Voting for the party of voter suppression shows one has the ethics of a turnip so there isn't much generalizing left to do.
Repubs are nothing if not hypocrites. Nothing they do surprises me.
@6 What planet do you live on that you think Romney will "legitimately take" (is that a variant of "legitimate rape"?) Oregon?
@3, it's the same reason they propose so many anti-gay laws.

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