
But the first Newt Gingrich isn't dead yet!
Ah yes... the "religious freedom" to deny people the freedom to affordable health care.

Fuck religion.
I hope they pin their hopes on Ryan. They're just dumb enough to.
So then...

You're predicting a post-election-defeat Tea Party revolt against the leadership in the House, overthrowing Boehner and putting Ryan into the Speaker's seat?

Bold! (But possible... )
What are the poll numbers for Ryan's re-election bid for the House? It would be frickin' hilarious if he lost that race too.
The last time it happened was 1932, so not exactly a common outcome. The stench of death on a losing candidate (even the VP) is pretty strong.
Maybe it's just me....
By definition, any religious group that adds to the bible is a cult (Revelations 22:18) Mormonism has their own extra text. Even if they have 14 million followers, don't they still fit the definition of a christian cult?
Of course the Bible is also subjective to evolution; the Old then New Testament, the Catholic vs. the Protestant Bible, books excluded by papal ruling.
How can someone sit on his pedi stool shouting another person threatens their Christian values, when they don't heed those same values themselves (If Paul Ryan was a true Christian, then he wouldn't run with a Mormon)? Oh wait...he is a "Modern Day" Christian.
Hillary will destroy him in 2016. If he doesn't die of a massive heart attack, I'm sure the reps will run el gordo Christie.
I am SO sick of the right-wing accusations that liberals in general, and Obama in particular, work against "Judeo-Christian values". The last time I checked, those included kindness to your neighbors, taking care of the elderly and the ill, feeding and clothing the poor. They did not include maximizing your own finances while doing everything possible to weasel out of paying taxes, for example, or denying women the physical and intellectual and emotional freedom to choose how they treated their own bodies. And although many people have said it before, I will say again that Jesus, theoretically the ultimate Judeo-Christian authority, never uttered a word against homosexuals in any context. Politicians like Ryan are whitewashed hypocrites and they need to be called out, repeatedly, on the way they twist Judeo-Christian teachings.
@9: You just have to know where to look:

And lo, Jesus went into the temple and saw the money lenders there. He organized a leveraged buy out of Fat Tariq's Cash-2-Go, fired Tariq and his brother and liquidated their ass (the donkey, being old was not worth the upkeep). He then sold their stall for a 400% mark-up and told the Romans that, as he had invested the money in this new "Christian" religion, he didn't have to pay taxes.
@10 FTW
This usage of the term "Judeo-Christian values" always cracks me up. Only when they're running for office do people make such a big show of pretending that Catholics, Jews, Southern Baptists, and Mormons all share the same beliefs.
Is there a Judeo-Christian value that is not also an Islamic value, or a Hindu value, or a Buddhist value?

Meaningless claptrap for the gullible and myopic.
There is no more fundamental Judeo-Christian value than prying into the private affairs of others, and expressing disapproval at what you find there.
I don't quite get the term "Judeo-Christian" since Christians have spent the last two-thousand years murdering and torturing Jews. In fact, the Nazis were all raised in good Christian homes. Which explains a great deal.
@10 My bad. I keep forgetting that what is written is nothing like what they actually believe.
@15: thank you for the first reasonable post about this Judeo-Christian crap ever. Judeos really don't want to be clumped with Christians.
@14: There's a whole bunch of OT verses about whose nakedness you're not supposed to uncover.
If only it were true. If only. Sigh.
@2 "Ah yes... the "religious freedom" to deny people the freedom of religion."


The people who whine the most about religious freedom in America are the people who understand what it means the least. They're the people who most want to impose their own beliefs on others. They're the ones who have the least respect for other creeds and traditions. They're the ones who have the least tolerance for people who see religion as unnecessary to a moral, meaningful and productive life. They're the ones who most want to break down the very wall between church and state that gives them their own freedom.

more specifically, he said "judeo-christian, western civilization values," which is obviously racist as fuck.

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