
surely Washington has room for more good queer folk.....
At times in southern history freeing slaves, desegregation and interracial marriage seemed like impossible dreams too. More often than not they had to be dragged kicking and scratching into modern times, but it will happen.
This is fantastic, but they might want to learn to spell Tennessee correctly...
Good for them. What a huge uphill battle they've got.

BTW, looks like they filmed that on a high school football field. (Big "AHS" in the background of some shots.) I hope they don't get in trouble for doing that.
Nice message, dumb video.
I love hearing from you, Dan, but don't you have a book to finish...?
When our president was born, his parent's marriage was illegal in most Southern States. One generation can make a huge change.
When our current president was born, his parent's marriage was illegal in most Southern States. One generation can make huge changes.
bigamy is still illegal in many places....
The battles that are the most worth fighting are never the easy ones. Good luck to everyone.
Can I say I'm frightened for these brave souls? I believe the battle's worth fighting, and want to support them in much the same way as the Northerners supported the Southern advocates of civil rights in the 60s. Whether that's money or time, I'm in.
I like the video. Of course, I'm biased because I'm a former band geek. But I like the simplicity of it, and I could feel a lot of sincerity from the people in the vid. The two White gay guys adopting the Black children is a powerful unspoken message too.

I can't wait to see them push ahead in January.

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