

My favorite "guns don't kill people" take:…

(and this isnt too bad either:…)
Signs and guns: kills people, not kill people.
I'm surprised I still haven't seen his 20/20 investigation posted or referenced. Under the sudden stress of an actual attack, gun holders flounder to actually even get their guns out. Their heroism is so imaginary, ugh…
Also, signs don't stop active shooters, responsible armed and trained people do.
Every time I see a "Guns Don't Kill People" sign I make a mental note of an easy supply point if I need to get me a free gun.

Now, the bolt gun used to put up signs, that's also keen. Nails are wicked things.
I'll just leave this here:
Any time a gun nut doesn't see a "guns welcome" sign it shatters their fragile self-esteem and they have to run to their therapist to talk about their feelings for an hour. Sensitive dears.
Where in The Bibble did Jeebus give us the right to carry guns? Which commandment is it, exactly?
@4 the "actual attack" they set up in that bit of video journalism would probably have "killed" even a highly trained individual (especially the dofus at 3:55 in your linked video)
Anything a Conservative decides he wants, he'll justify by saying it's "a God-given right". This is the utility of imaginary deities. They can be authority on whatever you happen to desire to be authoritative on at the moment. Swiss-Army Jesus.
The comment thread is an accurate example of the conservative pro-gun blogosphere right now: Detached from reality, highly political, and riddled with the belief that the only way to save yourself from a nut with a gun is to give guns to all the nuts.
Meanwhile, the comment thread here is an accurate example of the liberal anti-gun blogosphere right now: Detached from reality, highly political, and riddled with the belief that the only way to save yourself from a nut with a gun is to call them a gun nut.
I am outraged

I'm not ashamed to be liberal and anti-gun.
I hope Obamacare covers penis enlargement. We could put so much of this nonsense behind us. Then we'd only have to worry about the women who hate other women.
Does anybody remember glue guns? Those were nice things for making party favors. I used to use them all the time. I made such pretty things and managed not to kill anyone. As a child, I liked squirt guns for awhile but got bored with them. So now I don't have any guns. But I do have two hammers. I use my hammers for my art projects and I haven't killed anyone with my hammers.
My favorite color is translucent.

I'm not ashamed to be liberal and pro-gun.
This is one reform that could be carried out today. Currently in WA, if you carry a gun into an establishment that prohibits guns, the worst you can be charged with is trespass.

Ramp it up. Make the penalty very severe for carrying into a posted business, significant enough to add time to any robbery or other associated crime. This would be easy to enforce and convict.
I suspect if the guy in the "GUNS WELCOME HERE" video was black, the folks at The Blaze would be having a very different conversation.
@12: really? you think that's what liberals believe? as far as i can tell, liberal acquiescence to the 2nd-amendment absolutism of "gun nuts" has led to military-grade weapons in the hands of actual nuts. it's past time to stop mollycoddling you poor sensitive dears and your hero fantasies and get the guns away from the schizophrenics and suicidal. i know, that probably means less weaponry able to fight off your imaginary zombie apocalypse. boo fucking hoo.

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