
Linky no worky.
"All through his threat he used Obama's name."

Needs clarification. Is this person concerned that the POTUS is being sullied by association with this kinda lame gag, or does s/he think it makes the threat credible?

Although either interpretation is both sad and somewhat hilarious.
Japanese get out, Koreans move around!
working link:…

p.s., just watched the Jamie Foxx monolog. awesome!
Soooo many of the people complaining about "obscenities" say that they had to use their DVR to watch it over and over to verify what was said/done.

The poor grammar and misspellings must be a side effect of all the hand-wringing.
Ooooohhhhhh you missed page 26.
@1: Sorry! Fixed.
@4: Thanks!
"Our kids and grandkids are getting the wrong
message. That wierd sex and criminal behavior are good for this country."

Grammar matters, folks. Apparently this irate viewer thinks "that wierd[sic] sex" and "criminal behavior" are good for the country. Not sure what kind of weird sex they are referring to, but I bet it's kinky.
Jamie Foxx monologue at:

You're much more charitable than I. I suspect the outrage and poor grammar are side effects of their brains leaking out of their ears.
Justin Timberwolf! (p. 29)
Samuel L. Jackson did say fuck, it kind of shocked me that they didn't even bleep him here on the west coast. Not complaining though, because who cares? It was after midnight and all good children should be in bed at that hour.
Patiently waiting for the SNL skit about people who complain to the FCC about SNL.

Also, the complaints make it seem like SNL might actually be funny again.
Looks like I'll have to start watching SNL again!

P. 68 is a good rant full of his/her own swears. P. 26 is sad-funny.

Am I going to get anything done today?
@1 - Works for me, just requires patience. It's a large document.
@3 - If some enterprising soul put that to a dance beat it would be the new Gangnam Style.

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