
Hey Brendan. Let me also direct you to the eye-opening (and award-winning) 8-part series from the Times-Pic last year, Louisiana Incarcerated.
Americans hate history, which is why we are condemned to repeat the inhumanity of our errors. Most states have constitutional provisions which prohibit the hiring out of convict labor; in some states those provisions are under attack. Being ignorant of their own history, legislators examine the money-making possibilities. After the Civil War several Southern states chose to contract out convict labor with the contractor being responsible for the care of the convicts. Conditions were so bad that of about 5,000 men given sentences of ten years or more between 1880 and 1900, not a single one in Alabama survived to complete his sentence. The Alabama prison system was studied by several German penologists and became the model for labor camps like Dachau. It seems that we are on our way back there.
I added this to the reading list, but I was fascinated for a moment with all the adverts for porn. I guess there is no wifi in jail.
@3 me too!

"....huh, makes sense i guess"

I believe that down south, folks are not at all ignorant of their own history, in fact, they're well aware of slavery, enslavement, rebellions, put downs, violence, jim crow, the liberty place battle that overthrew the legit reconstruction era government thru force of arms, creating the same gumming that's in place today, the armed battles of huey long's men versus the municipal police in the thirties (thousands of armed men fighting it out at election time), the corruption of it all, the prison labor system (Angola prison...notice the name? used to be a plantation, not too hard to make a connection...) and the fact that today most government functions are run to enrich someone by explointing someone else.

None of that is "news" to anyone in Louisiana.

In contrast, up here, you get fired for marking down a TV at a school bake sale or stuff like that. A few expense reports with errors. DOwn there, they KNOW who's ripping off who, they know why, and most folks know exactly how much it is and who's getting a cut.
It's the Mangham style (hey sexy inmate)
@5 there's a fine line between exploiting prisoners and rehabilitation.

We want prisoners to learn a trade that will lead to employment on the outside. We want them to develop a work ethic. Above all, we want prisoners doing something productive with their time behind bars rather than simply rotting. Otherwise we end up dealing with recidivism problems.

Education is all fine and dandy, but there's only so much you can do with a GED and a felony on your record. A shot at a second chance requires real work experience.

That being said, if the labor of prisoners is being used by private corporations, then they ought to be paid the prevailing wages they'd make on the open market. From that, in addition to taxes, I think it would be fair to deduct an appropriate amount for room and board and restitution. Child support (if any) should also be paid. Of the rest, some should be set aside as savings for when the prisoner is released and a small amount can be spent while behind bars.

In other words, pay them what their work is worth and teach them how to make an honest living.

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