
I had no idea that The Stranger was the mouthpiece of the 1%.
>How can I have a conversation when you can't spell correctly, which I assume is a precursor to getting your current job.<

And he can't punctuate correctly -- this is a question, not a statement.
Oh, and a conversation involves two or more people; that should be "How can*we* have a conversation".

Pretentious git.
Oh- So now we know what Sgt. Doom's real name is!
I just dropped in, to see what condition your intellectual intelligence was in...

I guess the Mensa Newsletter has the exclusive on this. Tough shitsnacks for you Dominic!
He used the wrong too, here: "You don't understand or our principles and I'm not to sure that you have the intellect to do so"

Should be too, not to.

Oh, and the delicious irony of that twat holding his mighty intellect up so high, then making the oh-so-common 'to/too' mistake.
"You're too dumb to get my intelligent philosophy!"

Yes, the philosophy of Ayn Rand; a woman who stole her entire work from Nietzsche... And did it without realizing he was being facetious.
What we need for the city council: an irritable megalomaniac.
So a quick vist to the stand up site tells me all I need to know: "President Hussein Obama is a disgrace to this nation. He is an illegal president, the poster child for abortion, a frontrunner of the homosexual movement, a destroyer of the U.S. Constitution, and the great friend of Islamic terrorist governments.

On Saturday, January 19th, 2012, we burned an effigy of Obama as a public expression of our disgust for his immoral, destructive, and deceptive leadership. It is time for a new American revolution. Let us organize, unite, and hit the streets in order to bring this nation back to greatness. " Can you spell right wing nut job?
He's clearly just too smart for the rest of us to "get" him and his reasons. We should all just shut the fuck and vote because clearly he is our intellectual superior.
crawl back into your hole, Baloney-o
Sounds like he'd be really accessible to his constituency if elected....
>Go to their site
>Entire site is built on who, what, when, where, and why
>Why section is down
>When section calendar has no events in it
>Where section is under maintenance
>Who section includes YOU!
>Only two parts of the What section are up and neither detail what they are fighting for
I'm the type of guy who reads the footnotes for an asteriks, so I took a look at Mr.B's website.

Turns out the "Why" of their program is "under maintenance". That is so deep.
But where does he stand on the tunnel?
may we assume that given the redundant nature of the subject of these articles that we may assume that these articles will continue to be redundant on the nature of the subject of these articles assuming their redundant nature...wait i demand more time! to make my point on the redundant nature of the subject of these articles and the sad state of this challenge to O'Brien.
He should take on McGinn. Those two would fall in love.
The guy is obviously a super genius. Why are all of you peons questioning his obvious superiority? Can't we just appoint him to the City Council -- or better yet, the Presidency -- without subjecting him to disrespectful questioning by the unwashed masses?
We are all like insects before him.
Someone tell Sam how The Aristocrats is supposed to go.
Get this man onto public access tv.
You're in good company, Dom. He and his friend question the intelligence of every local elected official at nearly ever public meeting. They routinely question elected officials' mental fitness, demand psychological evaluations, and accuse them of being part of notorious crime families. Occasionally they have some good points (yes, it would be nice if the city council had a town hall), but those points are usually wrapped up in their nasty, rambling attacks.
"StandUP-America"? A standing america/americans sounds like a great idea. Because then we save money on chairs. Budget crisis solved.
missed an 'up' and 'vote for him'.

Whoops, I suppose I shouldn't be running for office.
In the Seattle electoral process, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the journalists who kinda-sort of-but-not-really cover the candidates, and the looney-tunes nut cases running for office. These are their stories. (DUN DUN!)
And then there's this page on their site (via the helpful sidebar) [Latin version of their manifesto ? - I'm definitely not a language scholar]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc tellus nulla, dapibus non suscipit ut, pretium eget nisl. Suspendisse euismod tincidunt metus vitae consectetur. Etiam volutpat luctus semper. Praesent vel mauris ligula. Maecenas aliquet sem id leo rutrum consequat. Maecenas pharetra tellus eu tellus consectetur vel pretium metus laoreet. Nam eget nunc vitae tellus ultricies varius vel vel felis.
OK, via Google translator [hey, old fart here, cut some slack]
This page is required to post a comment. Now there is no earth, is not susceptible to protein, the price of More. Read More More's life. The Beatles always mourning. Click here or here. S it's a lion, more development. EU's regional development and regional immigration bills or price fear. For the need of the Earth's various life now or even more.
Well, he's got my vote. I look forward to the intellectual masterstroke that propels him above Murray, McGinn, Burgess, Harrell, Steinbreuck, and probably Goodguy Spaceman (sp) when he inevitably joins this epic battle for Seattle. Y'all are about to get StoodUP.

Sam Bellomio: Seattle Mayor 2014-2018
Sam Bellomio: Washington Governor 2018-2022
Sam Bellomio: President 2022-2030

Play your cards right, Dom, and you'll be Press Secretary from 2022-2030. You just need to work that intellect up!
I love how you exploit his total lack of self-awareness to hang him with his own rope. Crazies are always so entertaining.
Jesus man. See a shrink. Get those serotonin levels up Sam.

Sam Bellomio will be lucky to get more than a dozen votes. But it will be hilarious to watch.
@27, That's Lorem Ipsum, or filler text probably inserted by the web designer. The text is meant to be replaced by actual words from the actual candidate, but maybe the designer quit in frustration before that could happen.

I like this from their "tactics" page
(note that it doesn't really SAY anything),


1) Go to every meeting that is possible to speak about one point… only one point. Something simple and obvious so everybody can understand. Show where the problem is and how we can correct it in a positive way together. When this step isn’t working, bring the same point again and again and again (you can find what we are working on in the ‘projects’ section).

2) Make appointment with a representative to talk about the issue to make it a personal responsibility… to make them accountable.
- After 30+ days of no answer or a “BAD” answer or no appointment given go to step number 3
- “BAD” answer= person/bureaucrat wont answer directly or exactly what you asked
- Our ideal situation that would satisfy the issue would be:

1. Ask question
2. Get response to EXACTLY how our issue will be achieved or denied
-We don’t want to hear “it’s not on the agenda”
-or “we’re going to talk about this in a few months”
-or “We’ll consider ‘this’ and get back to you”- just so they can completely blow us off.
3. We want dialogue!
4. A “REAL” answer to our question or proposition!

3) Go to Risk Management (required step before going to court) and every other department possible to make a complaint that you are being limited by your freedom of speech/ignored/NO-or-BAD answer to complaint/(situation dependent). LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED!

4) Lastly, if all else fails (and it most likely will), complain to the court. This can be done in regular court or, as we have found, can be done in small claims court. The reason to go to small claims court is because:
A) It’s cheap and have many locations.
B) You can go as many times as you like.
C) Quick. Hearing happens approximately in a month.
D) There is another chance for you to talk with the representative just before you see the judge called Mediation.

We are suing the bureaucrat personally (not the government) for ‘BAD SERVICE’. It is the elected officials responsibility to provide good serves to the people. And if not, we want our portion of our taxes back that went to their personal salary.


Each one of these steps are designed to demand action on our request. We want real answers that we can create real positive changes with. When nothing happens that satisfies your demand, repeat the every step from the beginning…. again, and again, and again..

Reminds me of candidate "Steve Austin" on 30 Rock.
Thanks for the explanation, Sandiai. Maybe the designer quit when they didn't get paid?
if a third candidate enters, there will be a primary.

time for someone credible to enter this race.

thanks, Sam!
Feel like if I hadn't been educated stupid I might understand his platform better.
Please get this guy to answer more questions. This stuff is solid gold.
A couple years ago I was walking my dog here in downtown Portland and a homeless guy approached me with a petition, as he was gathering signatures for a mayoral run. When I asked him his platform was or what issues he'd like to see addressed, he glanced down at my dog, then yelled, "I hate cats!"

Needless to say, I signed immediately. I'd love to see him debate this fellow in a battle of intellectual intelligence.
Not to feed the monster, but...

Dear Sam Bellomio (with an M not an N),

If you ever hope to get anywhere in politics, you have to start off by being approachable, likable, polished and professional. The above referenced response is contraindicative of your proposed goal of running successfully for a Seattle City Council seat. If your behavior continues in such a manner, you will alienate voters with your arrogance and ambiguous message. They will then go on to make fun of you behind your back and share that blurb you wrote on their Facebook walls and essentially undermine your political career because nobody likes an arrogant prig. Seriously, it will be high school all over again, and from your display of underdeveloped social skills, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that high school wasn't a great time for you? You may have a great message, but we don't know what it is because you can't articulate it in a clear and concise manner to the public. As a voter, I'll impart what I gather from your response to the journalist. I see a man who views the replacement of the M in his name with an N (thereby making reference to an oft maligned luncheon meat popularly derided by school children across America) as a personal attack, likely born of years of mockery by his peers. I see a man who cannot state what he believes or what he stands for in a simple email sent to correct a publication error. I see a man who's ego is so fragile, that he has to hide behind the shield of intellectual superiority in order to protect it. I see a man who perceives those who misunderstand him as his inferiors and therefore a man so self-righteous that he feels no need to edit a response meant to deride another man's grammar and spelling. I see a man who, if he were to become a council member, would tilt at conversational windmills that he perceived to be personal attacks, and spend more time padding and defending his ego than securing my interests as a voter. Congratulations, that right there was your 47% speech. The sad part is, you could be a really great person. You could do loads of community service, save lives of starving orphans or rehabilitate abused puppies, but I'll never know that likable side of you because after reading that, I have no interest in getting to know a man who holds those he believes to be his inferiors to a higher standard than himself.


A Seattle Voter
Anybody who engages this guy too closely, the whole situation is going to start looking like a short bus slapfight.
Well, they must have paid the designer something; the useless drop down menu with the placeholder gibberish has been removed today. Too bad they didn't just remove the rest of the useless pages. Always useful to refer folks to an informational site that lacks information.
This fellow needs treatment, not ridicule.

My first guess would be paranoid personality disorder, but I'm not a doctor.
I want to commend Sam for his political activism, but it doesn't seem like he's even trying to do anything. I don't see the real effort. Sloppy websites and rambling presentations do not constitute effort, only a waste of time and energy. He might as well stay home.
@42, Oh, there are others though.…

I love perusing crazy websites like this.
Sam's partner in crime, Avrum (aka Alex), has filed so many frivilous suits in small claims court against various politicians, that the court took the extraordinary measure of requiring him to get the approval of a judge before filing more small claims suits against politicians. His reaction: he filed a suit against the judge.
@41 -- thank you for "short bus slapfight." Brings to mind a Bachmann / Cain / Paul / Perry / Santorum televised debate.
One must love the company he keeps.
"What do you want to do tonight Brain?" "Same, thing we do every night Pinky, Try To Take Over The World" - Narf.
@45 and I thought I was the only one...
@45 Oh, and I missed their "Allies": W.A.G., Org 1, and Org 2. Those are some pretty fierce allies!…

(Org 1 & 2 remind me of Dr Seuss, which seems appropriate here)

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