
A cardinal a week! How many cardinals are there before we run out?
The Onion fucking killed it. I laughed coffee out my nose. And the whole Catholic Church should just resign and turn the Vatican into a casino and bath house.
What the fuck is wrong with these damn game wardens?
If you get a horse steak, does it need to be tenderized or would that just be beating... oh, nevermind.
The Onion's point went over everyone's head. But then, what's new?
The IKEA meatballs sold in the US stores are made by a company in Wisconsin (according to the label on the bag), so no horse for us, hopefully.
Hey sirkowski, why don't you explain what "the point" of calling a 9 year old girl a cunt would be? The CEO of the Onion has issued an apology, (which may be the first time ever), and those involved are being disciplined. And rightly fucking so.

The "point" is that it's outrageous to call a 9-year-old a "cunt". The problem is there are enough misogynistic psychos in this country who DO think it's appropriate to call a 9-year-old a cunt, so therefore the crappy joke fell flat on its face.
@5 FTW!
@10 is correct.

The Onion went way over the line.

I hope they all commit suicide. In public.
@9: Good lord, you got your panties in a knot Gordium would be proud of. The "point" (aside from general iconoclasm) is that the Onion was mocking our culture's venal obsession with and schadenfreude toward celebrity, by directing it at something we see as totally unacceptable. In the past they have also mocked substanceless lite journalism by writing "cute animal" stories about a zookeeper being raped to death by bears... Personally I might have gone with "bitch" instead of "cunt" - safer word with the same effect.
10, I'm glad someone stepped up to the plate: I always feel stupid trying to explain satire to adults.

The joke was directed at Hollywood, the fashion industry, and the audience itself, people who elevate children to stardom and then trash them at the same time. Satire is used to point out the horrible practices we do w/o noticing it. It's been my experience that those who get most offended by satire are those most likely to perpetrate the disgusting behavior the joke is satirizing.
Perhaps they meant "cunt" in the British sense of the word.
@14 I thought it was funny because there are so many trolls calling people so many gross things for every occasion. Event trolling. Like during the election when trolls were caught being racist. And the absurdity of calling a cute kid such a thing. Shock value. But you make an even better point. Still, I think it's hilarious.

You think Lissa tends to call children "cunts"?

To be clear, I wasn't defending the Onion. I understand what that individual was *trying* to do, but I also think it failed. Badly enough that I hope that idiot got fired.
The "Eli's got the info right here" link points right back here at the Slog front page.
@14: I understand satire. What I love about it is its use to speak truth to power. To punch up, not down. That the Onion employee who made that tweet may have thought that was what they were doing,( taking a swing at celebrity culture) is entirely plausible.
They failed.
Because calling a 9 year old girl a cunt? Punching down. Bad satire.
But hey! Why don't you explain to her why it was ok to call her that.
If they made a movie of TMNT that was more like the comic book, I might be interested. Sadly, Michael Bay is bereft of any artistic capability, so it won't be anywhere near that good. If it's possible to make something worse than that abortion from 2007, Michael Bay will find a way.
Lissa, not everything needs to be lowered to your boring bourgeois sensibilities.

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