
Ayn Rand's teabagnum opus! That's fantastic, Paul!
The free market took an Atlas-sized shit all over these first two movies about how great the free market is. Now they're making a third one despite those failures. Oh the delicious irony.
A more accurate representation of Galt's Gulch would be row after row of full-length mirrors, so the self-styled makers could spend all day jerking off in front of them.
Everyone shrugged.
And if we're lucky: another all-new cast!
Well, at least there's no Scientology movie coming out this year.
Atlas Shrugged 3: The Shruggening
@6: You sure the new Tom Cruise movie isn't Scientology-y?
"Teabagnum opus!"
No, it's gotta be Atlas Shrugged: Electric Boogaloo.

Sure to bring in the ironic hipster crowd. It's their only hope.
The "Free Market" ™ Shrugged
It really is too bad that there are not more quality conservative film-makers out there to give Atlas Shrugged a better showing (a la Peter Jackson or Spielberg). Most of the Atrsy-fartsy types are on the left. Even I'll admit, that movie was disappointingly BAD.

Atlas Shrugged is a good story about how Liberals and their good intentions ruin the world; But the movie was a bad depiction of that otherwise good story (similar to Starship Troopers).
No, Gene dear, it was a horrible, stupid book. Overly long, poorly written, and just plain cornball. And lest you accuse me of being an across-the-board anti-Randian, let me say that I thought "The Fountainhead" would have been a fine romance novel if poor Ayn had had a better editor.

The only hope for this book would be if they cut out all the speeches made it into a musical.

Mfw Ayn Rand stole her entire philosophy from Nietzsche's categorization of master morality
Mfw you could only steal this without realizing Nietzsche was being facetious when calling it "good"
Mfw conservatives have no knowledge of actual literature or philosophy
Mfw I have no face
Don't quite understand how it won't be in two parts, the monologue itself takes 90 minutes.

Berlin Alexanderplatz it aint.
Starship Troopers is a great movie once you realize that the humans are the bad guys.
"... and no director or major cast member is yet attached."

Was that the case with the first two parts? Did they have entirely different casts? That would make it kind of awesomely surreal.

And let me add my kudos for coming up with "teabagnum opus."
@12 sounds like my aging dad. Does Gene spend hours trying to convert old Merle Haggard tapes into CDs? I'm going to imagine Gene with thick glasses, and old Braves shirt, a big belly and tiny ass. It'll make him easier to ignore.
This has got to be a front for the most bizarre Columbian drug cartel money-laundering scheme to come along since Studio 54; seriously, there's just no other reasonable explanation for why this is happening.
@21 - It's probably a front for a hostage rescue mission. Like Argo.

Scratch that. I doubt they would have picked anything so unlikely as conservatives engaging in the creation of cinema. Even a resident troll like GeneStoner, aka the-artist-probably-formerly-known-as-Seattleblues-and/or-Loveschild tacitly acknowledged how unlikely that is.
Make that @20.
Now, now - facts matter. The far-too-long monologue is "only" 25 pages, not 70.
@12, there's a reason for that. To make quality art, one must have an ability to think & perceive in new ways. To show humanity something they haven't seen or thought of before, it must first occur inside the artist's head. Conservative philosophy denigrates imaginative thinking, only allowing for (slight) variations on tradition.

Also, the very act of artistic creation lends one to the feeling that humans are connected. To communicate something deeply felt by others, one must accept that there is a connection to begin with. Conservative philosophy, (especially it's psychotic Randian-Libertarian cousin), rejects that notion. The only connections recognized are religious, Christian ones: (You're connected to each other through Christ. If you reject Christ, then you're no longer fully human.)

Of course, there are a few artists who you could describe as being conservative. There also existed Charles Manson, Rasputin, Aleister Crowley. All that shows is how amazingly diverse the human experience can be. Human aberrations abound.

Essentially, w/o liberal thought, there'd be no artists.
23, You're reading the abridged version, then. Lucky you.
Yep, that was some creative shit right there Nobo @24.

Operative word being "shit" of course...

Hey lamehound @21, are you saying I have a kindred soul here on this shit-show called the Slog? Cool !
I always wanted a kindred.

@12: yes, it certainly is "too bad" that there aren't more conservative filmmakers. i wonder why that is?

maybe it's because conservatism strives to stifle creative thought and expression.
@12: "But the movie was a bad depiction of that otherwise good story (similar to Starship Troopers)."

See, there's the reason why conservatives make bad films. They don't understand subtext, they don't understand humor, they don't understand writing.

The movie was not intended to be the pro-military sleazefest you wanted to jerk off over. It was satire. And pretty well done at that (poor vagina-alien, eeeeeek.)
@27: I see they've found the target market for Ron Paul fans, goldbugs, bitcoin speculators, and any dipshit fan of Atlas Shrugged!
Peter Jackson made Tolkein stories into movies that are looong and artificial.. worst of all they are fantasy movies with few redeeming features and/ or lessons to offer.
In contrast, Rand Philosophy has much knowledge to offer....not least ...that Reason is the antithesis of the single worst nemesis of our Age .. the illicit drug-taking stupidity.
Ayn Rand valued the human mind... its easy to see that the people being critical of her here, in fact ,do not.

The heart of a movie conversion into a film is in the script writing. Some leeway in interpretation is necessary , which would antagonise the purists who essentially demand a talking book .
Atlas Shrugged is a huge masterwork of great importance and is exciting and a value to read.
It will require a Script Writer of talent equal to Rand to make it into a movie that will be great and a value to mankind as Atlas Shrugged the book ,has already been.
Hey Paul
How does it feel to throw out all reason and logic?
I'm sure you're ticked pink...or is that red...that the film didn't do well in theaters.
Oh well...the public's loss.
You flaming liberal socialist.
Gee Paul
Did you really fear that there might be a part 3, or are you just saying that to get attention for your liberal/socialist friend?
You make me sick.
Get a real job you lazy jerk.
The inability to see the similarity between the book Atlas Shrugged and the road this country is on is baffling and disheartening. Every time I start to feel there is hope, I come and read the moronic sheep like these guys and am back to hopelessness. Comments like "conservatism strives to stifle creative thought and expression" and "Ayn Rand stole her entire philosophy from Nietzsche's categorization of master morality" and "Conservative philosophy denigrates imaginative thinking, only allowing for (slight) variations on tradition."

Three different posters, same point... Same ill logic. The scary part is that you all actually believe the BS you spout on here.

Someone explain to me how a conservative philosophy strives to stifle creative thought and expression?? This is a ridiculous statement not based on any facts. If music is art (which it is) then just about every country artist alive stands in contradiction of that idiotic statement. Art is a way of sharing ones perspective through an artistic medium. One's political beliefs are shaped by their perception, not the other way around.

"Ayn Rand stole her entire philosophy", and just when I thought it could get a "more dumber" statement. Get this straight retard... One cannot steal a philosophy. It is not possible. Philosophy by this definition is the "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group". You cannot steal one's beliefs... However you can believe one's beliefs and then those beliefs become yours. This is not theft by any stretch of the imagination, but rather shows an ability to ponder another person's perspective. Liberals cannot ponder perspectives that don't fit their world view. This is not because of a moral code, but rather an egocentric position of entitlement that seeks only to be understood without going through the work of understanding.

"Conservative philosophy denigrates imaginative thinking, only allowing for (slight) variations on tradition." I don't know why I do this to myself. If ignorance is bliss you must be in heaven. Do you all actually put some thought in the statements you make? Or do you think, "Hey let's throw this out there and we'll see if it makes sense"? To say that conservative philosophy is detrimental to any type of thought, shows that you have never tried to wear a conservative perspective. The interesting thing is, that a lot of conservatives USED to be liberals, but that is another point that you all refuse to see. But let's sum this all up.
Conservative philosophy is based on a set of principles, not laws. One of the main tenets of conservatism is smaller government. Liberalism touts freedom and equality, but seeks bigger government to achieve these ends. Democrats fought the republicans on the emancipation of slaves. Liberals seek to tax the rich more to take care of the poor... But can't see the more handouts they give, the more they are going to need to give. They do not embrace the "teach a man to fish..." philosophy, because they want to control the amount of fish the man gets and secure his loyalty. I wish we could get out of this us vs them mentality, but that is the philosophy of the President and you can see the culture shift. Good luck libs, because the book "Atlas Shrugged" is far more prophetic than any of you know.
It is the Altas Shrugged hating commentary that is found on this blog that is a road map to what is wrong with this country. It is my observation that if you're too stupid to understand the lesson and the point of a book like Atlas Shrugged than you're probably too stupid to understand that you are part of the problem!
GeneStoner: What you fail to understand is that Atlas Shrugged is a liberal fantasy. Not a conservative fantasy. You have your ideologies flip-flopped.
These comments are amazing to me.

I have not read Atlas Shrugged nor seen the movies (yet). I have seen many quotes from the book over the years and many of them have resonated with me.

I am neither liberal nor conservative. My political stance is polite disinterest because neither of the sides behave,IMO,with integrity and because neither of them think for themselves or with authenticity. They both have positions I support and positions I oppose.

That being said, one of my daughters' friends credits Atlas Shrugged with the reason she became an atheist. That does not sound like a conservative agenda to me.

The reason politicians (and the posters here) see things so differently is because each of us is only capable of interpreting reality through the filters our brain uses to make sense of the world. Each perspective is communicating how they see things and in almost every case I am sure they are reporting accurately their interpretation.

Progress will never be made arguing about perspectives. Only when we dig deeper and ask "What filters is my brain using to see this situation in this way?" will we ever gain true insight. Since most of the filters our minds use are established by Age 6 I always think it is a good idea to examine the filters we use to be sure they serve our highest good. But each individual gets to choose for themselves if they want to bother. Our brains prove our established beliefs to us using the filters. If our lives are great as they are I would not worry about it. If they could be better in any area it might serve you to go to this root cause of human thriving and see if an adjustment would be beneficial.

As far as creativity, science is seeing more and more evidence that the inspired thoughts are accessible to us when we are in good feeling states. I think both sides of the political fence have the capacity to feel emotionally good although I doubt if any of the actual politicians manage authentic happiness very often.

My best wishes to all of you.
Teabag?, jerk off? For a group of ideologues who proclaim themselves to be the champions of "free speech", "diversity of ideas" and defenders of a voice to minorities, you all sure do a lot of name calling and discrimination. From atheist activism, "the new bigotry" in America, to calling someone a racist who simply disagrees with a black President on policy (by the way I disagree with Joe Biden too), to the laughable "war on women" if you think increasing health care premiums to give free birth control pills makes about as much sense as my condoms not being provided to me for free by the government constitutes a "war on men", You all are so out of ideas that actually produce results that you now resort to far worse tactics that those you accuse of racism, sexism and homophobia, almost universally without evidence or a factual basis. Congratulations, you have become what you accused the straw man of in all your rhetoric.

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