
Wait. $200 million "banked" from tolls in the SR-99 tunnel that even their own studies say won't be half that?

This thing is made of fairy dust and wishes ...
The Senate budget fails to fund smaller class sizes or educator cost-of-living adjustments, both of which are promised by existing state law. It balance the budget on the backs of teachers and their students.
Read more here:…
Mr. Wood: Have you looked at the cuts for really poor people and the disabled? "On the backs of teachers" my foot.
Republicans are bad, their budget plan is bad and even though Goldy hasnt read it, look at what these other people think of their budget plan. Wow. Theres that excellence in journalism the stranger keeps talking about, you are sure to win The Grabby now Goldy!
The whining reaction looks like Chapter 2,143 in the never-ending book, WA State Democrats: Raising Taxes Is Our Reason to Live

You're a bit confoozled on your awards program, @4.
This budget was written by 16 senators. It will need 25 votes to pass. So far it only represents the will of 16 out of 49 senators, less than 33% by my calculations. No one, at this point at least, will be held accountable for this proposal until it passes the Senate, if it can even to that. This is a budget that increases money to education by cutting teacher pay. It boosts money to higher ed while cutting total revenue to colleges and universities. It's like paying for roof repair by selling the shingles.

@5 What about the GOP book: Screw poor and middle class people?
#8, what about the sequel, I'm a Self-Righteous Seattle Bitch Who Wants to Rob You Blind?
This is a budget that increases money to education by cutting teacher pay.

Yep, and it's about time!
"The budget is a moral document"

Next on medicaid expansion: GOP is trying to privatize it, squeeze it into the exchange. Can you imagine a person making less than 138% poverty line paying 30% of medical bills? Dare they end up in the hospital. This will do close to nothing to help people afford going to the doctor when needed preventing their conditions from escalating to preventable emergency room crisis, and growing number of medical bankruptsies.
At least they haven't gone as far as Tennessee - making poor kids who don't get good grades starve.…

Tying test scores to food - when tons of true research shows that kids with poor nutrition don't do well in school, and that test scores are tied to SES. This is just a total FUCK YOU to the poor.
@9 - I dunno about blind, but I'm going deaf from all your screechy herpderp.
Most state teachers haven't had a cost of living adjustment since 2007, and many of them have also gotten stuck with a 3% pay cut in the same period.

But that information doesn't register with conservatives. Teachers are lumped with other fictional class enemies like young bucks and welfare moms, forever living large with T-bones and Cadillacs on the taxpayer dime.
@10 you can always tell someone is poor and ill informed when they think teachers are paid too much. Please Mr G, share some facts as how teachers' salaries are the problem.
Who is Mr G?
It gets better, not only do the continue the hog fuel exemption, they propose a separate bill to EXPAND the tax break! In their budget, they also propose a tax break for the purchase of clay targets for non-profit gun clubs and a tax break for international investment firms that purchase trade data...

I'm hoping they will give me a rebate on purchase of diesel fuel for the 1-ton pickup with the cow catcher on the front that I use to run down bicyclists. Fuck 'em.

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