
I'm still waiting for Alex Jones to prove that he's not behind the Boston Bombings. Or 9/11, for that matter! Isn't it suspicious how much money he's made flogging conspiracy theories about those attacks?
Well, Jones has one thing right: His name keeps coming up in connection with deeply unhinged people committing violent acts. Richard Poplawski and Jared Loughner were reportedly big fans.
who isn't 'crazy' to one degree or another? i think
the term gets tossed about a little too loosely. i
listen to jones on occasion. not because i believe
every word he says, but because i find him to be
quite sharp, and darkly comic. of course he isn't
everyone's cup of tea. but you probably shouldn't
be tuning in if you can't form your own opinions,
and think critically. but don't forget, he is a radio personality, not an oracle of absolute truth. $0.02
"In Jones's version of reality, our country is so beloved by the world that nobody is ever willing to attack America or Americans. Every attack comes from the United States government and is perpetrated on itself."

That's no less deluded and extreme than the version of reality in which everything stated by government authorities and repeated by corporate media is the one and only truth and anyone who questions it is a crazy conspiracy theorist.
@5 - And we're supposed to believe you? A troll that is too paranoid to even register? Meh. You are the mindless tool.
The bombings were clearly a double-reverse false flag perpetrated by Jones to frame the Government for framing the Tsarnaevs.

To witch Jones will most certainly counter that this is actually a triple-reverse false flag to frame him.

But THAT would just be crazy.
I've read/listened to A.Jones, and formed my own critical opinion: He's allowed to persist because he's 'leading the opposition'. *He* is a 'false flag'.
So when Americans are attacked overseas, that's just the US government killing its own citizens? Why exactly would the government do that?

Beyond Delusional. He and Glenn Beck should get together.
If Alex Jones is right about the government, then terrorism is justified as a war against the fascist conspiracy.

If you preach a war of liberation, people will kill the oppressors.

It reminds me of Rwanda, when tribal leaders were saying on radio that the other ethnicity were cockroaches they needed to step on. After the genocide, they claimed their innocence. "I was talking about cockroaches!"

Here's the conspiracy the late night conspirators don't want to talk about.

What was the one "financial instrument" that they've been telling us to put "some but not all" of our retirement savings into? Here's a hint, Goldfinger liked it..a lot.

And what happened to this same safe investment in the last few months after these buffoons convinced lots of truckers and night watch security guards to buy up certificates?'s called shifting the blame. When you're caught with your BVDs down, and the guilt in on you, and there's every evidence and history of your ceiminality, then it's best to start creating bogeymen and pointing the finger.
Although Alex Jones is a crackpot, we don't know about much so I don't see any reason to take anything at face value:…
Lindsey Graham has conclusive proof that the Tsarnaev brothers led the attack on the Benghazi consulate, and it's the FBI's fault for not keeping an eye on them.
Also Ian Stawicki was a fan of The Stranger.
Did I tell anyone to believe me? No, you asshat. That's the problem with twits like you. You're hardwired to "believe" instead of doing your own research, then you attack anyone who dares doubt the official truth just like a good worker drone.
I know those conspiracy shows are full of cooks but they are sure entertaining. I listen to Coast to Coast AM most nights going to sleep and may tune into Info Wars now from time to time.
@16 "Educate yourself" just means you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Piers Morgan is a better American than this creep.
Pay no attention to the things the Internet cranks attempt to bring to your attention, much less all their crazy-talkin' conjecture about what various verifiable facts might indicate. Who said it is far more significant than what was said. Bad people rarely conspire to do bad things. Everything is a coincidence. FBI never goads anyone into attempting to commit acts of terrorism. Nothing to see here. Move along.
If it's not Alex Jones, it's David K. Shipler at the New York Times. "Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.". What a crock of shit.
The idea that one of these people FBI discovers, then ushers along their paths to terrorist activity would make his own crude weapon instead of exploring the possibility of purchasing it through is new buddy who offered, then actually use the weapon before his handlers can call it all off is absurd. It could never happen, and if you so much as explore the possibility based on what little information has been released, you deserve public ridicule.

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