Blogs May 1, 2013 at 8:19 am


They're saying it's people who helped them after the bombing, not co-conspirators.Sorry, wingnuts, this isn't "global jihad". It's just another Infowar.
It's so sad. I hope they can clear things up so that people stop freaking out at Muslims. It's shameful the way people have reacted.
Does the female DNA from the bomb remains match any of the new suspects? I wonder if it was a girlfriend of the younger brother who was "tidying up" evidence afterwards.
Just who, exactly, is “freaking out at Muslims”? Did I miss the reports of them being hauled out into the streets and lynched on lamp posts? Are they being rounded up and sent to detention camps (a la FDR / ethnic Japanese)? Where is the reporting on radical Christianist terrorists detonating bombs on crowded street corners in Mecca? Is it just not being talked about???
@4, a little sensitive? Without ethnic cleansing, there is peace, love and understanding?
@1: It can be both a global extremist jihadism influence and and home grown self-radicalization. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.
@4, um there has been violence directed against Muslims, and perceived Muslims. Anne Colter wants people arrested for wearing the hijab and the rest of the Fox fellas want to ban Muslims from immigrating. We're still not sure what happened to Tripathi, plenty of idiots are convinced that there is a plot to impose Sharia, and of course our president is a secret Muslim.

I'll grant you we don't have internment camps a la WWII, but we do have a bunch of vocal, sometimes violent, xenophobic ignoramouses a la WWI anti-German nuttiness.

As @2 put it: "It's shameful"
Are they being rounded up and sent to detention camps
You're fucking kidding me, right?

You do realize that most of the people sent to Guantanamo were guilty of nothing more extreme than having a commercial enemy across the street?

I am certainly hearing a lot of shitheads here on Slog and elsewhere, like you, sneering at "the religion of peace". Which ignores the fact that the only people who ever tried to stifle Tsarnaev's radical-right views were his own congregation at his mosque. People like you actually agree with most of those views -- like his opposition to Martin Luther King, Jr.
And I think repressing women’s rights, enforcing religious doctrines as law, executing infidels and apostates and encouraging young men to blow up bombs on crowded street corners is shameful. I guess we have different standards.
@9, are you a Christian? I think holding up signs at soldiers' funerals that say "GOD BLESS IEDS" is shameful. You do that, right?
@ 9, funny. Given your bent I would think you totally support those things, including the last one (as long as the target is an abortion clinic). There's a reason why the phrase "American Taliban" is applies to conservatives these days.
If you’re going to quote me, please be accurate. I wrote: “rounded up and sent to detention camps (a la FDR / ethnic Japanese)”. Are you suggesting that there are significant similarities between FDR’s internment policy and Guantanamo?
I am Christian. I do not do that. I think doing that is in poor taste (which is worse, by far, than shameful).
@ 13, remember your misogynistic rants on Cienna Madrid's posts in the not too distant past? They were either in line with Jesus' teachings, or they were not. My question for you is, Which is it?
I've always been pro-choice. I think it's an immoral choice to make, but I don't believe the government has any right to limit our right to make immoral choices.

I feel the same way about drugs and prostitution.

Don't project your narrow assumptions onto me.
@ 15, good. Now, tell me exactly how hard you vociferously argue these points with your conservative friends. Oh, and answer @ 14 too, please.
Sorry. Just don’t like her personally. (She irritates me). And, I never claimed to be the perfect embodiment of Christ’s teachings.

Which philosophy do you claim to be the perfect embodiment of?

Adamantly. I’m also pro marriage equality (for the record). And I have always decried the influence of the religious right in conservative politics. I generally find myself directing them back to Goldwater and showing them where I think the Republican party lost its way after Regan.
@ 17, but you're supposed to strive for it, right?

I'm not criticizing you for your imperfections, just your hypocrisy.

At least you're trying to do some good on your side, so I'll give you props for that.
@15, then don't project Tsaraev's narrow assumptions on all Muslims.

Fact: the average US Muslim is a better citizen than the average Christian. In fact, the average Christian is more likely to be mixed up in a violent hate group than the average Muslim. Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly not only pro-America, they are painfully so -- no one wants the American Dream more than they do, not even Mexican immigrants.

@17, yeah, that Donald Regan, what a guy.

The Reagan Revolution WAS the Goldwater Revolution, and WAS the Christian Right. These things are not divisible. Read a history book. Goldwater wasn't a kook Christian but it was kook Christians who put him in the public eye.
No. I get it now. YGBKM is totally right. This Muslim menace must be stopped! We must learn from the Buddhists in Myanmar--they know how to slaughter Muslims the right way....

...wait. If Buddhists in Myanmar are killing people that must mean that the Dalai Lama and Richard Gere are homicidal maniacs. Now I don't know who to stereotype and hate.

Not sure where you are getting your “facts” from. Please site your sources.

Here are some facts from a recent pew poll of Muslim attitudes:

Over three quarters of respondents want Sharia law. Half support the most extreme stuff associated with Sharia (cutting off hands, death to the apostate).

Suicide bombing is popular among sizable minorities in Palestine (40 per cent), Afghanistan (39 per cent), Egypt (29 per cent) and Bangladesh (26 per cent).

Three quarters of all respondents said abortion was wrong and 80 per cent thought homosexuality was a sin. Majorities in every country said that wives should obey their husbands.

I’m not saying that most Muslims are terrorists. But I am saying that most terrorists are Muslim and that cannot be coincidental.
Also, I'm still waiting for you to expalin how FDR’s Japanese internment policy was the same as Guantanamo.
@21: "Not sure where you are getting your “facts” from. Please site [sic] your sources."

"Now here is a bunch of uncited crap"

Those numbers you quote are not from American Muslims, which was the topic at hand. Either make an attempt to keep up with the conversation, or stop moving the goalposts to make a stupid "point."
Custody is not necessarily arrest in the formal sense.

They can hold you without charging you for days, unless they're grand juries or judges, in which case they can hold you until the Guillotines come out.
@19 - Remember when Christians burned people at the stake, told battered women to stand by their men, and used the Bible to justify slavery? But that's all behind them now, so they get to sneer at Muslims. Nothing like trashing another religion while talking to a sky fairy and drinking the blood of a dead Jew.

Let's not forget that modern Christians are the driving force behind the repression of the LGBT community in this country and are still the major source of domestic terrorism in this country. They are also the driving force behind restrictions to abortion. The major difference between American Christians and Mulsims in the Middle East is income. You see many Muslims from Dubai blowing themselves up? Thank it's a coincidence?

By the way, suicide bombings were used by Jews against the Romans back in the day and by the Vietnamese against Americans and by many others. It's not a Muslim thing, it's what people do in an urban environment to combat a perceived foreign occupation. If a foreign army were to occupy the Southern United States, poor Christians would start strapping bombs to their chests. Get off your religious high horse.
"I’m not saying that most Muslims are terrorists. But I am saying that most terrorists are Muslim and that cannot be coincidental."

Uuhm, where do you get that from? I assume you mean globally?

Most terrorists in Spain are Basques- Christians. Most terrorists in the UK are based (still) in Northern Ireland- Catholics and Protestants. Most terrorists in Germany are far right or far left- mostly atheists. The Sarin attacks in Japan were done by ethnic Japanese- not sure about their religion, but they were not Muslim. Breivik in Norway: I think christened but atheist.

So I would appreciate a statistic on the number of terrorist attacks worldwide, definition of terrorist attack (sometimes it's a bit dicey), and a number of attackers and of victims. Thank you.
Crap, my @19 was supposed to be an @21.

@19 - I didn't even read your comment, so I'll let you decide if my response was appropriate. Probably wasn't.

@21 - see post 25. And don;t let my knucklehead move here detract from the stern talking-to I just gave you...
@Functional Atheist:
Globally, most terrorists are probably South American Maoists/ Leninists/whateverists ĂĄ la Shining Path or the FARC.
What about the Tamile Tigers?

I think the media focusses usually only on terrorist attacks where Westerners are affected. Do you even know any African terrorist groups? But they exist.
@ 21 re "I’m not saying that most Muslims are terrorists. But I am saying that most terrorists are Muslim and that cannot be coincidental."

Hi there. I'm from Oklahoma City. Remember the fertilizer bomb that was set off outside our Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building? Remember how it was placed right outside the building's nursery to kill as many very small children as possible?

Remember this?…

I do. My class felt it when the bomb went off and our teacher told us it was probably a sonic boom. Despite the very small size of my elementary school, two of my classmates became orphans that day and a third lost her grandmother. The men who committed that atrocity were "good Christians."

So how DARE you look down your nose and target a group of people based on the nut jobs who share their beliefs when the nut jobs that share yours committed the second most destructive act of terrorism in US history? If blood is on their hands by association, it's on yours too.
Pretty sure most terrorists are what we used to call patriots during the Revolution that founded America.
As per usual Coulter is 1000% right on this one. Islam is not compatible with this country. I'm suspect of all religions but Islam is a third world backed-up toilet full of nonsense. Ever notice that Israel is the only functioning democracy in the ME? The only native born Americans that would even go near that nonsense are goofy conspiracy negroes like Farrakhan and his ilk.
Sharia law, whenever I read that whine all hear are all the Christianist crying about school pray, the ten commandments being carved into big rock and dropped in the middle of court house, legislation banning all sex education except abstinence, stupid tripe about a supposed war on Christmas, the list goes on and on.

Radical Christianist, radical Islamist they are exactly the same people and equally as harmful to civil society.
@26, if you lived in Afghanistan you'd probably be in favor of Sharia too -- since the alternative is US-sponsored organized crime. Sharia in and of itself is nothing to be frightened of, and in many cases is more likely to give a real-world good result to, for instance, people of color, than US jurisprudence is.

As to your other lie: almost all terrorism in Europe is perpetrated by white Christians (at least nominally), mostly nationalist/separatist with a few orthodox right- or left-wingers thrown in. Anders Breivik is just the tip of the iceberg; there's also Brunon Kweicien in Poland, who would have exceeded him if he hadn't been stopped, and a zillion others: 99.6% of it is non-Muslim.

It's ticking up a little lately because of spillover the situation in Syria, where the "good guys" (according to some people) are Sunni Muslim, while the "bad guys" (the regime) are secular Baathists mostly supported by the Christian minority -- not a situation that lends itself to straightforward "Muslims are bad, Christians are good" Manichean thinking.……

In the US, according to the FBI, Islamic extremists commit 6% of all terror attacks. Obviously, the biggie was 9/11, but Oklahoma City, the Atlanta Olympics, the Sikh temple shootings, and so on show that homegrown kooks can do plenty of damage too.

In short, you're full of shit, and so are all of your racist dipshit associates like @33.

What sets the Tsaraev brothers apart is, as usual, the fact that they are, in the word of their uncle, "losers". The cute one was flunking out of school, while the older one was failing to adapt to a world where being a mediocre amateur boxer isn't enough to base a career on.

When Tamarlane stood up in his mosque and started ranting about Martin Luther King, Jr., he sounded almost exactly like "Thank You Susanswerphone", and he was told to shut up or get out by those good people. Ideologically, he is much more like one of yours than the average US Muslim.
Poor old pathetic Ffartf :( He's obviously still smarting from the humiliation that this was a predictable work of Islam instead of a chew-spitting hillbilly. In a desperate defense of this medieval shite called Islam he now wants us to believe that clitorectomies and Hijabs are as American as apple pie.
Also, here's what "freaking out about Muslims" means: a YGTBK-alike punched and broke the jaw of a Muslim Iraq War veteran today:…

There were 157 reported anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2011, the last year for which I can find statistics. That doesn't include, for instance, Sunando Sen, the Indian immigrant (not a Muslim, but "funny-looking") who was pushed off the platform and into the subway car that killed him last December 27 by a woman who said she hates Muslims, or the white Patriot™ who shot up a Chicago mosque last August, or hundreds of other attacks.

YGTBKM and Susanswerphone are promoting attacks like these and are partly responsible for them.
I'm still waiting for you to explain how FDR’s Japanese internment policy was the same as Guantanamo. You need to explain that statement before we move on to your other histrionics.
After you explain how FDR’s Japanese internment policy was the same as Guantanamo I look forward to you sharing your criteria for determining which group is made up of "better Americans". The evidence you have for that assertion. And why it is an acceptable aspect of your ethical universe to break down the population by creed (or color, or national origin) and proclaim some groups are superior "Americans" to others.
There were 157 reported anti-islamic hate crimes in 2011. That sime year there were 504 reported anti-white hate crimes. So I guess that people are "freaking out" about white people more than 3 times as much as they are "freaking out" about muslims.


One of yours! And a child molester to boot!

@ 40 - 78.1% of the US population is white according to the 2011 US Census. That's roughly 245,166,865 white people. By contrast, according to the PEW Research Center, there are only 2,750,000 Muslims in the United States. That means that in 2011, roughly 0.00020557427% of white people and roughly 0.0057090909% of Muslims were victims of hate crimes based on those traits. In other words, Muslims are 2,777% more likely to be the victim of a hate crime for being Muslim than white people are to be the victim of a hate crime for being white.

tl;dr - Muslims are 2,777% more likely to be victimized for their religion than white people are for their color.

Shame on you. Also, you suck at 6th grade math.
I think, according to your numbers, Muslims are not 2.7 %, but 27 times, more likely to be victimized. That's a lot more!
@ 44 - That's a comma, not a decimal point. Two thousand seven hundred and seventy seven.
@ 44 - Found an online calculator that will do the math.…

You'd want the bottom option (% change when ___ becomes ___) in this case. It even shows and explains its work! =D
@40 - That statistic is meaningless unless you report the relative proportions of the 2 groups. According to the census, non-hispanic whites make up 68% of the population. Muslims make up about 1.8% of the population. A ratio of 37.8. The ratio of white hate crime to muslim hate crime you report is 3.2. That means that being a muslim makes you more than 12 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than being white.

Yes, there are white muslims, so this is all a rough estimation, but the point still holds - reporting statistics without using your brain and thinking about them first doesn't help your point. It just makes you sound like you're cherry picking facts to suit your view of the world. Which is what I'm guessing you are doing.
@42 - missed your post - sorry. You should use the "non-hispanic white" numbers though. It makes a big difference.
@ 48 - It's all good.

And yeah, no kidding. 63% vs 78% is a huge difference! I didn't even consider using the numbers for only non-Hispanic whites. That's a good catch. =)

The number of Muslims we are assuming is quite different as well. Do you mind if I ask where you came across the 1.8% estimate? (I ask because that's the number offered in a 2011 census of the UK.) 1.8% would put the estimate from your source at around 5.8 million Muslims as opposed to the 2.75 million estimate I used from PEW but my PEW estimate was an old one. The most recent PEW number I've found so far was "less than 1%" in 2011.

Also, your Hispanic whites vs non-Hispanic whites distinction has left me wondering: do you suppose Hispanic whites were included in @40's number of victims of "anti-white" hate crimes...? He didn't cite his source and I haven't found anything to corroborate his numbers yet.
@33: There are many things to deride about Farrakhan- his race isn't one of them. But throwing around charming turns-of-phrases like "goofy conspiracy negroes" (why exactly? To be "edgy"? And why does edgy always mean dog-whistle-or, in this case, just plain- racism with asshole conservatives?) should be expected from someone who thinks Ann Fucking Coulter is "1000% right" all the time.
@49 - They are very different, and I have to admit that I got lazy there because the census didn't have it. I don;t remember where it came from, but I remember at the time thinking the source was reasonable and that the numbers made sense. I just did another quick search and I see the Pew Research numbers a lot, can't find the number I had, so I'm guessing I have an inflated estimate.

Now that you mention it, it's entirely possible that hispanic whites are treated as whites for the purposes of hate crimes. For some reason I had a really strong conviction that they weren't, but now that I think about it I'm not sure where that came from - Jebus?

As far as @40's numbers go - I can't find them, but I didn't look that hard. I was content to accept them at face value and then point out how ridiculous his interpretation of them was.
@ 51 - I loled at "Jebus." =D

I'll admit I haven't devoted too terribly much time to looking for @40's source, either. I didn't look at all until your post made me wonder if anti-Hispanic hate crimes were being counted as "anti-white" hate crimes. I'd wager that how they are counted varies. And I have a sneaking suspicion that in some cases anti-Hispanic crimes are counted as "anti-white" crimes in order to offer the largest possible number of "anti-white" crimes. But that could just be me being cynical.

Regardless! I think we know one thing for certain: @ 40's interpretation of his numbers deserves a video clip!
@52 - Nice clip usage :)

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