Blogs May 6, 2013 at 7:30 am


Obviously she is a vixen and a temptress to lure a Godly man down that path. But when you think about, this is a nation founded on Christian values, and the Bible really has no problem with a man lying with a 15 year old girl, so this is actually an example of Christians being persecuted.

Or something like that.
@1: Not really. Remember "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" and since he violated the law of age of consent there is no persecution.
Unless, of course, he didn't do it. In which case we've got an innocent man's name and face on the front page, trashing his reputation before he's gone to trial.

I'm not saying anything about the merits of the case here, simply that inferring guilt before any trial has been held (which, let's be honest, is what posting somebody to 'youth pastor watch' does) is enough to ruin someone's reputation with their community and in many ways their life.
Phoebe dear, the New Testament only counts when it counts. Here it doesn't count.

I'm a noted theologian. Don't question me.
And isn't the give to Caesar line about taxes? I don't think it applies even if it doesn't count here.
@4: Correction. You are a noted theologian "or something like that."
"... unusual sexual fixations, or 'paraphilias,' will likely get their own category as odd, but not necessarily signs of mental illness. If, however, a person is distressed by a fetish—or if that fetish harms others—he or she will likely be eligible for a diagnosis of a 'paraphilic disorder.'"

That sounds exactly right. What's the problem? Foot fetishists and kinksters are classified as harmless but worth of scientific inquiry and the dude who wants to eat someone can qualify for insurance coverage.
EDIT: Sorry. Wrong article. I was talking about this one.
@2 the problem is what realms are considered belonging to Caesar vs God. In that passage, Jesus was talking about taxation, so you'd think using taxes to fund contraception would be clearly a secular issue. But you'll find tons of Christians who shamelessly expand the category of "what is God's" to suit their own purposes.

I wish more people listened to Jesus's command to separate church and state.

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