
Stupid decision. How about we limit the number of commercials in front of movies to 2 instead?
How about removing whatever it is on Blu-Ray that prevents one from skipping the trailers?
I want a return to the days of the teaser trailer which got you to see the movie without encapsulating the entire plot along with spoiling all the best jokes and lines. On youtube you can find old trailers that go for 3 minutes without actually telling you what happens in the flick.
@1, agreed.

I went really early to make sure I'd get a good seat for Star Trek a couple weeks ago. The fucking theater blasted non-stop commercial crap for more than a half hour before the scheduled start time/trailers. And it's so damned loud it makes in nearly impossible to have any sort of conversation with my friends. They are fucking up one of the few good reasons to see a movie in a theater rather than at home: the social element of going out to see a movie with friends. Why bother to go see it with friends if the theater makes it all but impossible to actually socialize.

As for trailers, I actually kinda like them. I don't particularly give a shit about the length. But I like seeing a handful of trailers before the movie starts.
Yes, please. If you can't explain it in two minutes, you're just incompetent, or the movie is impenetrable.

Not that it matters to me. They've pretty much poisoned the well, with the half-hour of torture in the form of ads and trailers (more ads) before the film, so I only go to a theater about once a year.
Yes, I agree. All movies should be limited to two minutes. I can't stay awake any longer than that anyway. Especially when they turn the damned lights off.
I don't mind trailers unless they are too long or too loud. Even the sucky ones. Even the ones that when watching, you can hear the whistle of dropping weaponry.

What I do mind - and mind like a brain tumor - are commercials. Don't want to see product commercials in a movie house that I've paid admission to. I think there's a generational gap there. Younger people don't seem to mind them as much, but I'm from the generation in which you paid an admission, saw a cartoon, maybe a short subject, previews of coming attractions, and sometimes a double bill. Fanta and real estate commercials are no substitute for Bugs Bunny! I just find it an imposition.
@2 - Oh for fuck's sake YES. If studios want to force that on rentals, fine. I might argue that even having them on there, playing by default, is messed up. But no skipping trailers on a DVD you purchased is a crime against all things decent.

In theaters I kinda like trailers. Most of the time they're for movies that could have told their entire story in 2 minutes anyhow. Rarely am I left wanting to see the movie, usually it's "cool, don't gotta see that now."
I'd like to see them shortened to 30 seconds. It's gotten to the point where I usually don't see movies that I have seen the trailers for because I feel like I've seen the entire movie.

A good example is Man of Steel. I've been planning to see this movie forever, but the trailer I saw before Star Trek had way too much story information in it. It drops from a must see to the meh list.

On the flip side I think I enjoyed Oblivion way more than some others because I had zero knowledge of what the plot was or even who was in it. It was by the guy who did the recent Tron and had Tom Cruise in it. It was Sci-Fi and promised eye candy. That's really all I need to know.
I like the trailers, but they do show way too much plot. Give us a tease, not a 2 minute version of the movie.
The pre-movie commercials transform the film-going experience to something as mundane as sitting in front of a really big TV, except without my remote control mute buttton.
It's not the sound of popcorn so much as the smell of warm butter (or whatever it is they put on top) that I really don't like when I am watching a movie. In fact, it's not specifically popcorn but the smell of any food that I find incongruous in a theater. Why don't people eat at home and go to the theater to watch a movie! A little self control of oral behaviors is nice. If smoking isn't allowed, why is popcorning allowed? huh? huh? rant, rant, rant!
The trailers are great if you're running a little late to get to the theater.
The Enders Game trailer gives away the ending! Such a disappointment when I saw that.
I'm in the camp that trailers are fine (when they're not deafeningly loud, which seems to happen a lot at IMAX shows)... Often you can tell immediately if it's a film you want to see, or not. But the stupid commercials before a movie you've PAID to see really suck!! I vote for trailers (2 mins or longer), and no commercials.
>How about removing whatever it is on Blu-Ray that prevents one from skipping the trailers?

Come check out the dark side. Criminals like myself haven't had to put up with this for years. Doesn't it suck that you paid money for a lower quality product? Damn.
I agree with Paul that the automatic trailer-making program must be destroyed.

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