
How dare we tire this poor man's eyes with issues affecting half the population. The unfairness of it all!

How gay do I have to be to start identifying myself like that? Are they like military ranks? Do I earn more ~'s and maybe a few *'s as I level up in gayness?

If I have to be a hardcore misogynist, though, ~fuck that~
~as a straight man~ I personally give very many fucks. Dipshit.
None of the Stranger ladies hold a candle to Charles Mudede in the Who Gives a Fuck Department.
On behalf of ALL gay men, you should know we have removed this dude's gay card and we deeply apologize for the misunderstanding. He should have never qualified for our club full of love, unicorns and rainbows to begin with.

With regrets,

you go get'em girls!
You should post some pictures of used menstrual products just to annoy this guy.
Yeah, ladies, GO BACK TO AFRICA.
If making people uncomfortable is the hallmark of success, then I'd say that the men you sluts are raging against won the game a long time ago.
Huh. I had six-five figured for a guy who resented women because he wasn't getting any.

Turns out he just resents them for no reason at all.
Thank you for these posts! It's made me read The Stranger more.
Even dicks can suck dicks.
Thanks, @8, that gave us all a good cackle.
It's like six-five's dashes are prancercising! I love it.
All together now: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ouch, other than the annoying use of the word "slut" @9 just won.
@9- It's not the quantity of people you discomfort, but the quality.
Yeah, let's stop addressing gender problems in society, because gay people faired so much better when misogyny was even more deeply ingrained. five-six could enjoy some jail time or chemical castration.
Or whatever that handle was...
So, who wants to write for our new "pussy and rape and getting hit on by strangers and how hard it is to be a woman" paper? It's called Lady Rag and it comes out every single fucking day.
I was about to say that clearly #5 wins, but then i read #8.

@10, I'm right there with you.
@5: Do you think that at your next meeting you might also have a word with Rob in Baltimore? ;)
Misogynistic faggots need a pithy slogan, but "go back to Venus" just doesn't have the same ring as "go back to Africa." Maybe a putdown constructed around Pandora's box, with box being used as slang for vagina, with the implication thrown in that vaginae are gross. "Go back into your yucky box, bitchez"! Nah, doesn't work.
I have a hard time understanding misogynistic gay guys. My gay roommate is an excellent feminist and we discuss many common threads between misogyny and homophobia.
@21 That's odd, I could have sworn Lady Rag was only published for a few days straight, each month.
These two comments aren't even in the same league. six five's comment should be demoted to a brown star.
@29 - Ha! But don't forget, we're "a group of 5 or 6 women..."
As a gay man, I have really little patience for:

1) gay men who do not appreciate women, and
2) straight women who are homophobic

Surely these groups are two of the most natural allies in the world...
Go back to Africa, pussy you faggot!
Well you certainly tried six five, you certainly did.
The tone is obviously extremely sarcastic and of parody, beginning with whisps. No trying involved
Sweetie, that wasn't even a sentence. Drowning your sorrows are you? Go to bed and nurse your wounds. Hopefully this little Internet spanking you've received will help you to become a better person.
so being tired of hearing something is somehow the same as being offended by it?
"trololo" the 2013 way of saying "Shit I got caught being a dumb-as-fuck douche I gotta save face here".

lol i am a gay man lol women annoy me lol im so random lol here is a picture of my butt

( (O) )
@40: You made spit my coffee. What a cute butt!
@23 - We all win when comments like those are posted. Let us sing.
Wasn't it a "woman's place is in the kitchen" and her place was to stay or get "back' in there.
Um, 25, I'm the guy who's FOR freedom of expression. I'm not for limiting anyone's speech, not female Sloggers, or offensive comedians.
And so is every one here, as I covered in the other thread. You are tilting at windmills.
45, You just don't want comedians to tell rape jokes.
@46: I'll bite. I don't know about other women, but Lindy is not arguing that rape shouldn't be a topic for jokes, and I agree with her. She is merely asking comedians to really think about who is laughing at their rape jokes and why they are laughing, and if they're not comfortable with the answers, they should probably stop telling those jokes.

There have been a lot of excuses lately trying to justify all these rape jokes. One is that the rape jokes are meta, and making fun of rapists, not victims. In the case of some rape jokes, that is true, and most women aren't going after those. But in a lot of cases, the comedian says that, but that is really not the way the audience takes it; if they want it to be taken that way, they have to craft the joke better so it can't be misinterpreted so easily. The second excuse I keep hearing is that no topic should be taboo because we need comedy for catharsis and the facing of fears about something. The problem is, for whom exactly are these rape jokes providing catharsis? If it's retraumatizing the victims of rape, it's sure as hell not providing them with a cathartic experience.

Comedians don't want to give up these jokes because they are getting laughs with them. But I think they should think a little more about who's laughing. Do they want it to be the misogynist assholes in their audiences, or would they rather have women? I'm pretty sure that's all Lindy or any of the reasonable feminists want (there are people who say that rape should never, ever be joked about, but I disagree with them).
47, So rape jokes are okay if they make the right people laugh?
47, And do misogynist assholes wear signs so a comedians can determine if the right people are laughing?

@47: Thank you. That pretty much sums up what every one, including me has said to Rob in the other thread. But all Rob will hear is WIMMINZ WANTS TO CENSOR COMEDY11!!!1
@48: Are hacky, tired jokes only bad if the right people say, "that sucked"?

And furthermore, who *exactly* has stopped you from telling any of the super-hilarious rape jokes that you itch to tell? Can you name a single incident in, say, the last year, where a comedian telling a joke about rape has seen their career destroyed?
50, You said,
The point isn't that rape jokes are off limits, it is the subject of the punch line (if you will) of the rape joke that is at issue. Make fun of rapists? Cool. Make fun of victims of rape? Not cool.

Telling people how they can make a joke is still attempting to limit speech Saying they can tell a joke only if the right people laugh is still attempting to limit speech. Saying you can tell a rape joke only if you make fun of the rapist is still attempting to limit speech. Protesting a comedian for something he said (I.E. The petition to get Tosh fired from Comedy Central) is well within your rights. You have free speech too, but make no mistake, it is still trying to limit speech.
51, I've said in the other thread that the protests against Tosh haven't gone anywhere. The incident in question happened a year ago. He's still telling rape jokes, and doing better than ever. So now what should protesters do about comedians who tell rape jokes?
Every single person involved in this kerfuffe (Lindy, sloggers etc) has explicitly stated that they are not calling for censorship.
Explicitly. In so many word. Over and over.

The fact that you confuse people's explanations of why they find certain rape jokes problematic for WIMMINZ WANTS TO CENSOR COMEDY leads us to wonder if there may be something else going on with you.

Hey remember days and days ago when I mentioned that time Seattleblues backed himself into that hilarious corner because he just could not bear to admit that he and Dan were both against pedophilia?

Yeah. That.
54, You're the one making it about women, not me.

People are well within their rights to protest anything they want. Christians (especially the Catholic League) had a right to protest Kathy Griffin for saying, "Suck it Jesus!". They were deeply offended by that. It didn't stop her from repeating it, and making their protests part of the act. Perhaps, she should ask them for guidelines on how not to offend Christians? Maybe she's making the wrong people laugh? Who is it okay to offend?

So if comedians keep telling rape jokes that don't pass the Lisa's approved guideline of only making fun of the rapist, then what? What do you think should happen to Daniel Tosh if he keeps telling rape jokes?
@53 So you're just vociferously protesting something that hasn't happened because you think fictional censorship is worse than real rape?
56, A rape joke is words. It's not a real rape.
Also, Lindy links to the petition to get Tosh fired, then says,
A person being removed from a position of power at a private company (Comedy Central is not the U.S. government, FYI) after the public speaks up is not an affront to freedom—it is integral to freedom. If you make things that people do not like, people might stop buying your product. That's the deal.

So she does think he should be fired if he doesn't comply with her standards.
Derailing doesn't work on me. You said you're against censorship. Name an instance where someone who made a rape joke suffered the effects of censorship. Any instance. You want to go on and on about "you want to censor rape jokes" but you have ZERO EXAMPLES of anyone censoring a single goddamn rape joke. Ever.
First you say it's ok to protest, jokes ( the Catholic Legue ) and say it's not? Because it's Lindy doing it?

Whatever Baltimoreblues, whatever.
@55 Then what? then what? then what? People keep telling crappy rape jokes, people who find them unpleasant keep bitching. Settle in and get comfortable. Your 'then what' is a red herring, meant to imply, I assume, that this is being escalated to some point where you can claim rape-jokers are being victimised.

But I'm perfectly happy to just keep on saying 'not cool' and explaining why not for as long as it takes. Sometimes guys eventually turn around and get it, like Louis C.K. did when he reported coming to understand that the threat of rape narrows women's lives.

I know you're not ready to listen, but it's like this: actual instances of rape are often accompanied by a contemptuous, derisive 'humour' that is about telling the victim her suffering is intended and enjoyed by the rapist. Sometimes this bubbles up in a public space of mutual social reinforcement (see Steubenville). For this and other reasons, women who have been raped very often do not report their rapes because they have little assurance that the general public will take this suffering seriously or give due consideration to its circumstances and effects. The rapist who laughs (and his friends) may know this, and enjoy it. The fact that contemptuous, derisive humour about rape happens in public space reinforces the victim's understanding of a lack of support. This has real-world consequences in terms of rape reporting.

Because it's hard and risky to be public about an experience of rape, the lucky can be oblivious about how often it happens. Comedians may not realise that at any given gig there are very likely to be people in the room who have been raped, and that a rape joke is not abstract for those people - it's likely to be shoving their trauma in their face and reinforcing social threat. It should not have to be up to the individual who has been raped to let the comedian know that then and there. If awareness is raised more generally, these situations can be handled more humanely. This discussion is part of that work.
Just to sum up for the hardheaded South Park Republican contingent:

Tosh's heinous rape joke= Free speech
People saying it was an unbelievable dick move= Free speech
Glenn Beck's Obama comment= Free speech
Rush Limbaugh's "slut" comment= Free speech
Outrage over Beck and Limbaugh's respective comments= Free speech
Advertisers/employers withdrawing support/employment from Beck and Limbaugh= Free market

Not censorship, and not that complicated.

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