
Interesting that the Texas Legislature Online site still shows the pre-midnight time stamp even this late:…
At this point, one would expect the major news organizations to have shortcut keys for "This story has been updated to reflect our total idiocy."
Rick Perry just called for another special session.
All for naught.
If Texas wants the Republicans out of women's vaginas, they need to start voting Democrats into office.
@3 "Rick Perry just called for another special session. All for naught."


This was a win.

Even if they pass it in the next special session, it was a win.

At best, this should be a pyrrhic victory for them.

I love listening to journalists & other print media types (*cough* Gary Trudeau *cough*) bemoaning the end of their dominance, blaming anything that comes to mind. And yet here they are, shooting themselves in the foot, proving to the rest of us that they're redundant & unnecessary.

Wendy Davis


I was already pissed at the AP for their story yesterday that began with her pink tennis shoes and later described Senator Davis as "A petite woman who stays in shape by jogging and cycling . . ." If she were a man, they wouldn't have bothered to include the color of his shoes or his body type Fuck the AP.


Did they say "yum" ?

re the AP: the fuckers.
Dewey defeated Truman, right?

I mean, that notorious flub couldn't possibly have been about jumping to premature conclusions. It's just that the truth that existed when Truman was inaugurated "wasn't what it was" that night when the publishers of the Tribune went to bed.

It's not that they got it wrong. It's that actual reality retroactively changed!

Seriously, AP, yours is neither a valid explanation nor an excuse. There is much to suggest that if the media hadn't prematurely called Florida for Bush in 2000, setting up a dichotomy of "presumptive winner" and "challenger of that record", the recount could have played out in a more impartial way, eventually finding Gore the legitimate victor. Misleading, gun-jumping pronouncements have consequences.
If the AP was paying attention to its own Twitter feed, they would have known right away they were wrong. Hundreds - if not thousands - responded to their incorrect tweet with updated info and links. They opted to rely on their "inside" GOP source instead. Just one more step towards obsolete-ness on their part.
A note that the story has been fundamentally changed is customary, to say the least. Even correcting the spelling of a person's name merits a note that the story has been updated.

"This story originally reported that the bill had passed. This was based on inaccurate information, and we apologize for the error."

Boom. Done. I can't do everyone's job for them, AP.
These days every second counts - literally! Everything travels the world in tiniest fragments of time, like impulses traveling neurons of some global brain. Reaction time not so much.
The AP is just an excuse for papers to get rid of their own reporting staff and just go with AP articles. If you've taken a gander at the Seattle Tymes you'd see that most of their articles aren't local anymore they're written up by the AP. That's the same AP that believes homophobia doesn't exist any longer. This (the Tymes) is the same outfit that now has a pay wall on their site to make you pay for AP articles.

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