
And now your attraction to Marxism is fully explained.
Trollin' hard.
hard troll?
International Women's Day
Once you put aside the gulag and the secret police and the mass starvation and the political censorship, communism was great apparently, because... Sexy communist sex was sooo good!
In the 80's I had a sociology professor that had come over from Eastern Europe and often talked about how much more open and promiscuous the twenty-somethings of his homeland had been than the "liberated" Westerners he now taught.

However, he chalked it up, in part, to the fact that there was little else the State had been able to provide the people in the form of entertainment and so sex was the only real amusement readily had --at little or no cost-- by the populace at large. Other than alcoholism, that is.

(I remember him also claiming that doggy-style was the predominant position of choice in bothe the USSR & his homeland the Czech Republic. But I don't recall if he ever offered any socioeconomic explanations for that one.)
Except for homosexuals, since homosexuality is a capitalist decadent behavior.
Don't forget the Trabant and terrible architecture!
Hopefully you've all seen this before:…
Sexually repressed people make better consumers. If you think about it, a more sexually open society fits better with communist ideals.
"one feels that given the time and an increase in the scientific understanding of human sexuality, the state would have eventually changed its position on this normal and healthy form of love"
On the issue of sex, everyone changes position eventually.

@9: What the actual fuck did I just watch?
Yea, I bet those North Koreans are just having a great orgy. That is, when they can find enough grass and bark to eat.
@12 "That is, when they can find enough grass and bark to eat."

Clearly, nutrition can not be created ex nihilo, but oral does promote a sort of conservation.
The commies also did some cool things in space. This doesn't suddenly redeem the most evil ideology and regimes humanity has ever produced.
Women Had Better Sex Under Communism

Interesting, although I suspect you'd get a different answer if this film was about Soviet Russia.
Let me summarize how Charles argues about communism, urbanism, or bikes:

1. State the conclusion ("bikes/urbanism/communism is awesome").
2. Find a random document somewhere on the internet that mentions the conclusion--it doesn't have to have anything to do with it at all, it just has to mention it (communist East German women had better sex, study finds less accidental deaths in urban areas, etc.).
3. Spend 5 minutes writing how the conclusion is right and this document justifies it in the loosest possible manner. Don't even consider discussing opposing points.
4. Repeat every day.
If East Germans had more free, more frequent, and more satisfying sex lives, it wasn't because of the Communists, but rather because of the people's efforts to overcome the repression the Communist System heaped upon them. When the same organization is responsible for both your political and sexual mores, and the organization loses all credibility in the political arena, then why would you follow their sexual rules?…
Charles, this documentary is much more interesting than your headline would suggest.

Whereas the west retreated from the chaos of WWII into conservative cultural institutions, the East German state, unhampered by religion, imposed a practical approach to sexuality on its population as part of its effort to engineer a society that would someday conquer the west. As a result, their sex education was (with some notable exceptions) amazingly progressive for its time, and ahead of where much of the US is today.

As for totalitarianism/communism, it does deserve some credit for this in that it:
a) Pushed religion completely out of the picture, something that liberal democracy can't do
b) Co-opted sex education from parents, who tend to approach this subject with anxiety, embarrassment, and ignorance

However, it seems to me that communism could have just as easily replaced religion with something equally sexually repressive. The fact that the East German state didn't says something about Germans, who have historically enjoyed relatively liberal societies since before they were conquered by the Romans (the Nazis being a short-lived anomaly).

Side note - perhaps your posts would be more interesting if you approached these subjects in a manner that didn't boil down to "see, this proves that I'm Right!"
Western Germany is still the most nudist-happy place I know of. Those Germans, man, so confidently naked, it's inspiring.
18) i agree with you. your points make this clear--there is so much to think about.

i need to say more about this doc. it really is fascinating and my post does it no justice. i will come back to it tomorrow.
I recommend the Serbian film Mysteries of the Organism.
@18, seandr, thank you for some really good thinking. Most Americans are uncomprehending and simple-minded when it comes to any other society. Germany now is much closer to the East German society portrayed in the movie than it is to the U.S. Few Americans can grasp how our shallow materialism passes for capitalism, and how capitalism has passed into Mitt Romney's car elevator.
This film is a real piece of Marxist-New Left sexual propaganda.

Women had better sex under Communism...who says that? Communists?

In this trash propaganda film itself, it says that the women in the 1960s sexually liberated West were not so happy as communist women, who had sexual liberation.

By simple logic, it contradicts the main premise: sexual liberation leads to happiness in women, which should be both for post-1960s women and communist women. This film doesn't explain this inconsistency.

The approach is completely all wrong and false. Sex is reduced to some sort of human animal function, with only a very fleeting tie to human emotions which is falsely called love.

The real purpose and function of sex is reproduction (hey, reproductive rights?), not a form of human pleasure toy that is totally disconnected to human reality.

Women and men who reduce themselves to sex without love, are destroying their dignity built in as human beings, and are being used as material things, which leads to sexual orgies which are psychologically self destructive, prostitution and a view of human relations which is completely cold and based on the worth of an orgasm.

There is no love in this film.
There is no connection between sex and the search of the human soul for God, Family, Work with the attendant peace, harmony, truth and prosperity.
Instead of Family and Children, this films applauds Divorce and irresponsible sex (not connected to commitment in marriage and children) which leads to Abortion.

Welcome to Sex Communism, East or Western version: Sex = pornography, contraception, divorce, abortion, inhuman relations between human beings.
What happens to the children from these sexual relations? Ohhh best that they were contracepted out of existence, if not, aborted, if not, then single motherhood or an orphanage or if they REALLY have to get married, get a divorce on the first marital fight?

Why no mention that by 1990, this so-called great communistic sexual society was rejected by easterners themselves and wanted to return to the West, where God and Family, a religion-based view of humans as souls of God and sexuality as producing children of God, is viewed.

Only disordered neo-troskitye, new left, and Sex communists would love this film.

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