
Wait, there's endorsement-esque pictures of you in Rudy's all over town. I feel used. I even requested the savage once.
No, no, no. You are not allowed to tease like that. If you're going to introduce the story, you have to tell the story. NO FAIR.
What @2 said. Dan, you of ALL Stranger staff should be accutely aware that Slog's reach goes well beyond the two block radius.
So she'll tell me some charmingly racist anecdote?

I'm willing to guess probably not, but this isn't exactly the best pitch...
I agree with Fnarf
@2, silly! His goal is to get her some paying customers, even if it's just us. If all he wanted was to feed us good stories he'd be on Slog waaaaay more often.

Make an appointment!
What Fnarf said.
I don't live anywhere near there, so I can't make an appointment.

This is unfair to those of us who do not have the option of making an appointment with her.

I cry foul!!!
How nice of you to take out this ad for Tammy.
Is this related to the Savage Love characterization of people who wax your crack as "elderly Polish ladies"?
@4: Some Koreans are elderly, some elderly Koreans speak very little English. Why would the anecdote have to be racist?

@10: No one waxes my crack. That was a caller who said that.
12 you get a free haircut for every time someone asks her about that story?
There are worse things one could be mistaken for. Elderly Korean ladies are very generous if you know how to talk to them.
I have a feeling Tammie is going to get mighty sick of telling that story. :) Good for you, Dan. As a former hairdresser, I fully support your use of word trickery to support Tammie.
@11 To be clear, pointing out that elderly Korean people exist obviously isn't racist. The umbrage I take is that stories of people being "mistaken for minority" tend towards being pretty patronizing in a discrimination-tourism way.

Again, though, I'm sure it's a funny, charming story. Not knowing any context and the cute "very little English" phrase will, however, cause me to consider the worst. Just a potentially sour way to introduce someone, I'm saying.
11- Elderly Korean women are disadvantaged immigrants who often cut hair to make a living because they often have no other options. In immigrant-friendly neighborhoods you'll find Korean women who speak very little English cutting hair. Some make a good living but lots of them have few clients or charge very low prices because lots of native born Americans want to get their hair cut by a nice young white lady or a gay man or an old school white barber with a barber pole.

You're essentially making fun of old Korean ladies who cut hair, and you are recommending people go to this nice young white lady instead of an old Korean lady.

Also, it's bad form when someone says something is racist or sexist or transphobic to be defensive. You should accept what they're saying. If they seem too unreasonable to accommodate, you can keep doing what you're doing. But if it's as simple as not using a certain slur that has many inoffensive synonyms, or to keep immigrants or brown people or trans* people in mind as potential readers, just change your behavior so you don't offend them. It's easy and makes you more liked.

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