
Texas: armpit of the universe.
"OB-GYNs? We got lotsa OB-GYNOTs is all. Plus chiropodists. Plenty of chiropodists."
I'll be anticipating a surge in both STIs and unplanned pregnancies in Texas in the next 5 years.
To say nothing of STI ignorance in general.
As a Hickey I find this doctor's behavior to be outrageous and ignorant.
she shouldn't be doing that - hickeys are purposeless. except matt hickeys. they have purpose.
In Texas intelligence is considered elitist.
Seriously?! I hope like hell this was not a doctor at the student clinic. Even Texans must have some sense of decency.
I am so glad we left that state. I wish they would secede already.
@7, no, they really don't.
OK, Texas, you've been threatening to secede from the US for years. Please do so at your earliest convenience.

“I had a hickey and the doctor was just like, you shouldn’t be doing that," Mason said. "I’m like, 'it’s a hickey, it’s nothing major.' But I got a big lecture, [he said] my boyfriend was abusive and all of these things

What about the knee-jerk Agendist anti-male reaction of treating a hickey as a new form of rape-y behavior?

Or is that the part of Texas that y'all like to hear about...
I read somewhere once that as part of its charter (or whatever it's called) for joining the States was that the Republic of Texas could leave it any time it wants to without interference.
@11 Haven't you fucked off yet?
@13: Can I steal that as a generic placeholder response to SRotU?
@Bailo, isn't there a youtube video about Galtian supermen you should be commenting on right now, or did your mom restrict your internet usage again?
Yeah, there's no war on women. Right.
Let's see if the women of TX do the right thing the next time they get to kick the anti-choice/forced birthers out of office.
Stranger Writers... paid to socially engineer Seattle youth using disinformation and information skew. Anything to get the youth to go queer and disown their families. This paves the way for COMMUNISM, where youth need State and not family.


What I want to know is how feminists regard the Source Family's leader, Father Yod, and how can a simple SROTU get such a sweet deal as he??

So glad I donate to Lilith Fund and PP gulf coast and other organizations that help Texans who need their services. Much more effective than just bitching about the state.
@8, 10 - Yeah, about that secession idea. Sounds simple enough, but remember: Texas has quite a lot of live nuclear missile silos strewn across its landscape. If they secede, they will secede crazy and armed with nukes.

Should we keep them as "our bastards"?, or cut them loose and wait to see if they nuke anyone? Hopefully not the Puget Sound region/Cascadia...
@22 They'd go for Mexico first. Just on (whatever passes for ) principal.

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