Blogs Jan 17, 2014 at 4:15 pm


I hate glassholes less than I hate the people who make Infinity Augmented Reality. Does that count?
the future was made for stalking!
Holy shit, having the "Egg" and "Lettuce" labels over the food he was eating was just awesome. They should've shown him taking a dump, then looking into the toilet for the "turd" label.
This is the first actual demo I have seen of how invasive and DISTRACTING these glasses are. They should be banned for use while driving.

And as #1 said so well: UGH!
Hahahahaha - "Can I offer you a glass of sauvignon blanc, woman whom I just met and invited back to my apartment and who incredibly enough accepted my invitation?" "My favorite [tone: impressed] - I hope it has roofies in it!"
These glasses are eerily similar to glasses featured prominently in the techno-thriller book 'Daemon' by Daniel Suarez. A great read and either Mr. Suarez is amazingly prescient or this is an example of reality copying art. I highly recommend the book (and the sequel 'Freedom') to (A) anyone intrigued/horrified by these glasses, or (B) are fans of edgy sci-fi.
Fucking hell. Every bartender in the world -- hell, every female -- is going to need a special device just to block this fucking shit.


Google Glass is not going to fail because of inherent problems but because the people who are most strongly attracted to it are the exact kind of people that everyone else wants to fuck off and die. The evangelists are their own worst enemies.
Oh jesus fuck, how terrible we are becoming.
Does he pay for his fancy apartment with the money he makes by cheating at pool? Cool! He's like a douchetastic Fast Eddie.
And he's shitty at parking (1:08)!

I love how they fuzz out the porsche license plate. Cheap bastards.
Was that an intro scene to an episode of SVU or what?

Also, the driving bit was terrifying just to watch, I can't imagine what it would be like actually driving with all that going on.
@4 I took that to mean that the glasses were identifying and recording what food he ate, which sounds amazing. Being able to automatically and effortlessly analyze your diet for nutrition would be incredible.

@5 You do know that that's not what the actual Google Glasses do, right? This is fantasy: speculation on what might one day be possible. The Google Glasses are way less obtrusive, just a small screen in the corner of your vision. Less distracting, but also less useful.
I am an old geezer. I want the car and the skinny body. I'll leave the rest
I'm creeped out by that guy now! I hope he doesn't visit my dreams tonight.
The ability to simultaneously cyber stalk someone while interacting with them in real life.

Sure, this will all go so well.
I got bored after 60 seconds. Anything more interesting ever happen there?
He totally murdered that girl.
@8: Exactly. The only people I see crowing about it are the Nick Starr NPD crowd.
All I could think of was; wow, what an over privileged, creepy douchebag with no personality. I think someone needs to fire the marketing team pronto.
And why don't chicks get to have super future glasses?
"Glassholes!" Great word! Thanks, I can tell that'll come in handy soon enough.

And, @8 totally FTW.
I agree, I second @8 FTW.
@22, because all the models in vogue are chicks without glasses. In this futuristic world where that hot bartender you met earlier that night and "guessed" her zodiac sign was so smitten she comes over to your apartment on her own, all the women are models.
Agree with @21, who did this marketing company convince that this was a good ad???
Aww, is it too much effort for us to take our iphones out of our pockets for most of this stuff now?
The guy is deleting negative comments from the Youtube video too. I called it "the rapist's best friend"; I guess he didn't like that much.
"Ratings have been disabled for this video."


- Why doesn't this guy have a google smart car? I was surprised that he had to do the driving himself.

- Those billiard shots were a bit unspectacular. I was expecting them to have some trick shot where the guy pulls off a crazy shot thanks to the glasses.
That is some amazing acting, right there.
The first breakthrough app that will make the glasses fly off the shelves will be one that undresses people. They should have shown the bartender naked with a huge slonge through the glasses and then the douche bag still invites her over so she can give him a good ass pounding,
7, it appeared 15 years earlier in Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash. Hiro Protagonist has one of those things & is able to scam a top-of-the-line motorbike for basically free.

It's the precursor to the "Badass" sequence, on the best thing Stephenson's ever written.
It looks like the team that used to make AXE commercials has moved upmarket.
Dan rocks for awesome, eclectic clips. This is hilarious.

We can imagine the Savage Love Glass app parody: Glass will superimpose:

"touch nipples"
"move hand to thigh"
"tongue clitoris for 3 to 5 min."
"orgasm! post to Facebook?"
.... cut to 1 year later ....
Married, both wearing glasses. We cut to her Glass view of him -- superimposed image on him says "divorce attorney settlement estimate $15 million, call now?"

The commercial is so badly made that I struggle to believe it was made in good faith. It's as if someone deliberately tried to do everything to piss of the most people.

But I'm shocked at the negative sentiment to the *product* (and by proxy to Google Glass, to which it is superficially similar). Seriously, guys?
Does anyone remember how everyone used to HATE people with mobile phones when they first came out? When they were a status symbol? It's funny how I heard the same laments about how mobile phones enable stalking etc. Actually, makes perfect sense because these glasses do much less than your phone does right now -- the only difference is that you don't have to take it out of the pocket.
@36 To be honest I hate cell phones. I have a dumb phone, but only because of necessity. So maybe I am a little tech bias when it comes to certain things.

That aside, if you can't see how fucking creepy those glasses are than I'm not going to bother explaining.
@35 Maybe somewhere in-between posting orgasm comments on facebook his super glasses should have consulted with a paralegal and drawn up a prenuptial agreement. Or at least went to
@10, one of the biggest problems with this technology is chronic thumb breakage...but to be fair it is deserved.

Reaction to "Are you a Gemini?" actually working on a bartender who looks like that:

Reaction to the physics of the pool shot, when the glasses don't control the force of your shot or know anything about the table, cue, etc:
Pool sharks are going to make a fortune fleecing guys who buy these.
And I guess bartenders are going to make a fortune in tips, saying "Gollies, how did you know that? You must be sooooo super smart!"
Should this technology ever mature, there would be tremendous implications on health. I see seizures, depression, and more. Thankfully, I'll long dead and buried by then.
Yeah, Fnarf @8 basically said everything.

As an aside- I can't believe an actual, real woman would go to some customer's house right after a bartending shift. If it were me, I'd be tired, my feet would be hurting, and I would need an evening in my PJ's just to recharge from all that effort of interacting with customers all day.

I HATE it when guys try to get me to come over the same day they met me. It just comes across as so entitled- like, OBVIOUSLY I don't have any other plans for the evening, in his mind. Even if I initially wanted a guy to ask me out, asking me to hang out that same day is basically a guarantee that I'll never see him again. Because I actually, you know, like to make plans in advance.

But I'm a self-declared introvert. Do other, more conventionally "normal" ladies actually do that? (Not a rhetorical question, I'm actually curious)
It appears that the target audience for technology like this is composed of social and emotional illiterates. Nothing the glasses do is particularly compelling to me. I can visualize what my outfit will look like as I choose my clothes. I know how to choose food that makes up a nutritious diet. I can make small talk with a stranger and know how to enjoy the games I play without always winning. Glasses need to do more than a common phone to win me over.
I'm reminded of the initial promise of personal computers, as envisioned by the people inventing them. For example, your fridge would be a computer! It would order more food whenever it noticed food getting low. It would be a lady thing. No one uses that, but as a means to exchange and look up recipes computers are very useful. The geeks inventing stuff (and I say this as a geek) tend to be terrible at envisioning how regular people could use their invention. The whole "It becomes easy to pick up girls, because you can look up their zodiac sign!" and "You will be a pool shark!" read as the fantasy of the socially awkward, when actually this will allow cool people to be even cooler somehow, and dorks even dorkier.
So when his voice-analyser thing tells him she's creeped out and pissed off, he'll be okay with that, yes?
The Seattle "new urbanists" probably creamed their shorts over this one. Though he should have been living in an aPodment...
They never show the guy's face... it's Mudede. right?
This commercial also acts as through douche is the only person with those glasses, and no one else has ever even heard of them. It's the ultimate douche fantasy, the idea that he's got some advantage that no one else has. The reality is that everyone will have similar technology available, so douche wound't be fooling anybody. That bartender would just collect his tips and file his face away in her AR system as yet another creeper.

Personally, I can't wait for augmented reality. As someone who is terrible about matching faces to names, I'd love to have something that can remind me someone's name when I see them. But the rest of the bio/dossier stuff is just creepy.

Also, I want the feature that paints crosshairs around people's heads and writes "target acquired" at the bottom of my field of vision. That would make meetings much more tolerable.

I wonder if that Cabernet Blanc had a faint note of roofie.
Any doubt as to whether this guy is an insufferable douche evaporated the moment he stepped into that Ferrari. The ADR for his voice was so flat and fake that it made me think he was a psychopath, too.
@48: Exactly! Everyone will have one. Or at least know exactly what it does.

Tony Stark's/Ironman's suit is cool because he has the only one. Because he's a billionaire. And fictional.

iPhones do amazing things that were impossible for anyone only a few years ago. But we can only afford them because tens of millions are manufactured. These future goodies would give you the douche's super powers in the present but time travel is impossible. We know time travel will remain impossible because no iPhone, tricorder or .458 round has ever been found in coprolite (fossilized dino poo).
@8: "Google Glass is not going to fail because of inherent problems but because the people who are most strongly attracted to it are the exact kind of people that everyone else wants to fuck off and die. The evangelists are their own worst enemies."

Yep. I love tech and socialization, but Glassholes tend to be NPD or the sort that think it's some sort of "peacocking" and get VERY ANNOYED when you don't care as much as they want you to.
I'll just wait until the glasses comes in contacts and have night vision and then I can sneak into the bartenders bed room when she's asleep at night and try on her bras and panties HA!

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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