
if you want to read what O says about weed, it's at the end of section IV. he basically says nothing.
@1 He says it is not that dangerous (which undermines the rationale for it being schedule 1) and he acknowledges that it's mostly poor people being punished despite widespread breaking of the law. For a sitting president to say all that is pretty profound.
@2 is correct.
On a lighter note, surely it's no coincidence that on Feb. 2nd it will be fans from the States of Washington and Colorado who convene to share a super ... bowl.
Perhaps some of those purported Seahawks fans should hop on the YesYoureARacist twitter feed linked above and see the abuse Richard Sherman is taking. Disgusting. Some accounts have already disappeared after being daylighted.
A Twitter feed dedicated to calling out racism? On this day, I'm overwhelmed by the courage and valiance of that act. Thinking of of the tremendous risk that person is taking -- to go online and point out instances of racist tweets? Are you kidding me? #heroism

Do you know of a twitter account where we shame sexist, misogynistic bullshit seen on the web?

Tomorrow there is a very important special election in VA that will determine who controls the State Senate. The Democrat is a female prosecuting attorney who has been highlighting in her ads how the state GOP wants to ban all abortions (we're a state with mandatory trans-vaginal ultrasounds).

Local tea party activists have gone apeshit and some of the stuff they've been saying about her is disgusting (calling her a c**t, etc). Some of them use their real names.

It's grotesque.…
Well said, Mr King. It is unfortunate and telling that MLK's speeches are so relevant 50 years later.
@6 - try @yesyouresexist
@2: i guess. he's still walking the safe side of the fence. he leads from behind, and i don't really expect anything different from a democratic president.
@10 That's kind of Obama's style. (Obama often reminds me of Pope Francis in the sense that I like what he says but would prefer specific actions. I agree with your point there.)

You know, he should pull a DOMA-move and tell the DEA to stop opposing petitions to reschedule cannabis under the CSA... Can he legally do that?
10: I'd say most of his good policies have been leading from behind. If we had a Republican president right now, the feds would be blocking Washington and Colorado's weed laws. If a Republican was in office now, the justice department would probably be still defending the now defunct DOMA. Sometimes the best thing a president can do is to stop defending or enforcing a dumb law. Marijuana rights activists should be glad they have a president right now who has an enlightened view of weed and drug policy, and isn't sticking it to us for breaking federal law. This experiment wouldn't be happening if someone like Obama wasn't in office. But fuck, he's not legalizing all drugs through executive order, so fuck him I guess.

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